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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Ive been having issues as well but it has been happening with any viewer I tried not just FS. I get random DC while in my sim or right after I TP or try to TP to a different place. I have RTX 2080 Super. I just updated my Geforce drivers to the Oct 12 update. I'm wondering if that is causing some sort of conflict.
  2. Been having issues myself all morning. Before I would just get disconnected when TPing. Then I would randomly get logged out while standing still in my home sim. Now I can't even log back on.
  3. I always question certain pricing methods. Especially at events where it's easy to comparison shop. I'll look at a fatpack of say 25 color options and a sign that says "50% off". Then when I see the price it's 3k. And I think so they are saying this is a 6k valued outfit? And I'll look at another vendor selling a similar quality outfit for 850-1200 or others for even lesser and I am sure you can guess where my money went. I'm not a sales expert by any means but as a customer I feel the arrow should be pointing me toward buying the fatpack. Like I want to buy the fatpack. I often feel like the fatpack prices points me toward buying a single color. When I see an outfit, I might only like 3 colors. Regardless of the amount of color options in the fatpack if it's not the price of 3+ maybe 2 extra colors then I'm likely going to pass. I can't think if of single outfit I have that I've worn 25-50 times let alone 25-50 color variations of. So 50% off isn't much of a deal at all to me. I don't think it would be for anyone. One particular instance I recall is when I saw an outfit I liked. I liked it a lot in fact. It was from a vendor I am I very familiar with from other events but the price was just a bit of a reach. There was also a nice hat that matched the outfit that was sold separate in which they wanted what I felt was also a high price for a hat fatpack. I remember thinking if they included the hat as a bonus with the outfit fatpack I probably would have felt more compelled to reach for the price they wanted. Instead, I walked away altogether. I just feel there should be something that entices me to buy the fatpack. 50% off of 25-50 colors most of which I will never use is not going to cut it. And from events I regularly attend I notice a lot of the newer vendors to said events tend to charge higher prices than the regulars do and I question this also. I assume the regulars who have "been there done that" have figured out lower prices yield more sales and hence a higher total dollar amount than a high price does. And the newer vendors just haven't quite figured this out yet. Of course this is just an assumption. I obviously do not have any spreadsheets or data to back this up. At an event I attended recently I first went to my favorites (like the people who are the reason I'm at the event to begin with) first then went around and basically insta-bought all the things I felt were reasonably priced. The higher priced items that I was interested in I placed in my mental shopping cart. I had already determined how much I wanted to spend at this event before attending and have already bought the lindens. After I bought all the insta-buys I went around to reconsider the rest of the items I wanted with what I had remaining. I have a screenshot of a folder I made of the things I bought in order but I am a tad embarrassed at how much I spent at said event xD. As for the MP. I feel prices should be higher in the MP and even in store than what is listed when the item is released at an event. Sales in MP end up being higher over time but are also much slower than the initial boost in sales you get from an event (assuming it's a popular event that people actually attend). If someone spent say 2hours on a product then they should look to make 60-120 USD overall upon releasing it at an event depending on hour much they value their labor (most places I've worked for charge on average $60 per hour for labor or time). Anything they make over time extra to that on the MP or in store should be considered a bonus.
  4. No one has claimed there is some magic pill. All anyone has said is there are modern methods of teaching sex ed and safer sex. (Condoms are part of safer sex too. In fact it was the first topic in the link I originally posted). You pointed out that the UK doesn't use the term "safer sex". I merely pointed out that they in fact do. Mature would be reading and comprehending what people are saying to you and not attempting to read between lines that don't exist.
  5. Hmm you linked a couple sources to this and so have I. Sorry I am not going to read things for a supposed grown and mature person. You've presented yourself as an expert here yet have only demonstrated that you passed week one of sex ed. Did you not pass the class? It's as if someone was teaching you how to drive and you stopped paying attention after they showed you how to start the car. I would gander there's a lot of socks in some bins.
  6. Same here. I would much rather have a fatpack than a single color or texture. Generally if the fatpack isn't at a reasonable price I'll just walk away altogether. That being said a lot of people are starting off and still figuring things out. They'll come around eventually.
  7. Same. I avoid MP as much as possible. Only really use it if I am looking for something very specific and have struck out at stores I thought it might be at.
  8. Yes we were all taught that. Apparently, it hasn't worked. Hence why some places are trying out new things instead of sticking with the old.
  9. hmm. Sure buddy. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/people-urged-to-practise-safer-sex-as-gonorrhoea-cases-in-england-rise-by-26 https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/sexual-health (I can do cherry picked google searches too fyi and pretend to know about a topic or in this case an off-topic)
  10. hmmm https://patient.info/sexual-health/sexually-transmitted-infections-leaflet/safer-sex dated 2017. Seems the UK also calls it Safer Sex.. And has been for a while...
  11. That’s more to do with lack of education than anything to do with women’s movements or abortion rights. Places in the States with high STD rates also have low education rates. And are generally where women are the most restricted. Maybe you can start a topic and we can discuss further.
  12. Ya we'll have to see how it goes at the SCOTUS. I think an overturn could backfire imo. It would give the left a reason to get out and vote more so than when they showed up to get rid of Trump. Can see a 15 member SCOTUS in the near future.
  13. They already allow gambling in the form of skill gaming... If they would evaluate anything it would likely be that well before gacha or anything relative to gacha.
  14. I'm generally at 256 but will lower to 128 or 64 when needed. Especially when in an enclosed area where the extra draw distance is basically wasted.
  15. You probably won't find an accurate answer here on the forums. Mostly just hearsay and opinions here. Very little expertise. Best to just report the machines you think might be violating the TOS and let SL handle it.
  16. This is the part I don't understand. People who are pro-life are generally also against providing social services to people who do choose to have a baby in less than ideal or in some instances horrible circumstances. My mother had an abortion. His name was John. Yes, he was a he and he even had a name. We siblings probably would have called him Johnny. Our mother likely would have called him Jonathan whenever he was in trouble. He would be in his late 20s right now. Maybe he would be serving in the military like his older brothers and his mother did. My mother was single and poor raising the four of us alone after a messy divorce. At one point we were on welfare and living in the projects. My mother got on her feet and back to work and started taking classes. She started to date someone and got pregnant and things didn't quite work out the way she probably was expecting or hoping it to. On one hand she had the four of us and a situation that could get us off of welfare and out of the projects. On the other hand she was pregnant and single and from her own experience knew how difficult it would be to have to drop everything she was doing to make our lives better. She made a choice that was hers to make. It wasn't a choice of malice it was a tough choice. Eventually we got out of that situation and were no longer poor and on welfare. We are doing okay now. My sister is in the process of buying a house outside of the DC area. One of my brothers just sold his 2nd house in the past year and bought a third while about two years from retiring from the Army. My other brother retires a couple more years after. Meanwhile my mother is still parenting after all these years at 65 years old helping my brother raise his three boys while his wife is out of state since she couldn't move with him to where he is stationed due to her having kids of her own from a previous marriage. Myself, I am plugging along in a city that's pretty hard right now to plug along in. I could probably move and be better off but I love the city. Do I wish I had another brother to pick on? Yes. Does my mother wish she could have raised another child? Of course. She prays for him nearly every night. Do I have resentment or anything toward my mother? No, it was her choice her burden. Do I think she made the right choice? That's not for me or anyone else to judge.
  17. Blocked at least temporarily as of a couple hours ago. We'll see how it goes at the appeals court.
  18. I paid 150L for this expertly crafted dragon mount from a conveyer vendor. https://imgur.com/cuMVsqz You charge 249 for this balloon chair thing. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lyric-My-Dark-Day-Floating-Balloon-Bench/4453475 So lets be real... Who has the agenda here?
  19. No-devil and if people in SL have a gambling addiction they are playing that and not playing some gacha... It's an open discussion board. I don't need or am required to have an agenda to participate.
  20. I actually don't care. I thought I would care when they banned gacha but I've only played two conveyer vendors from a single merchant since the change. They were literally all the same item with varying color skins. One was a dragon mount the other some funny little rock avatar. I haven't seen any of the new ones at any of the events I regularly attend so it hasn't really effected me as much as I thought it would initially. I just think the thing you are railing against are small potatoes compared to other things in SL that do the exact same thing you're angry with the new gachas about but at a far worse rate.
  21. You've merely posted links to random things with no context. Basically just puppeteering off of other peoples views without providing any of your own arguments or explaining how they even apply to this discussion you created.
  22. Ya I never had an issue with it. I was annoyed one time when I technically bought the same dress at the same event from two different vendors.. I take more issue with those that claim to be original mesh or those who charge original mesh prices for the premade they only dropped varying sets of solid colors over the map they were provided.
  23. This is actually quite common in SL but it's not really the fault of the creators. Certain body makers require stores to be "established" before being given access to their rigs. Meaning new stores are required to use premade products or generic rigs when they start up.
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