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Everything posted by Finite

  1. What about the greatest and best song in the world?
  2. She did a really good cover of Bastille’s Pompeii too. Tear jerking kinda good.
  3. Using your logic are you less a musician for not writing your own music? (Snide remark yes. All honesty, I think you and your band are great. It's a real shame you have a lesser view of other musicians. I am sure this type of attitude isn't helpful to you or your bandmates if you're looking to gain more followers.)
  4. I can only think of one store. The creator seemed to quit for whatever reason then came back a couple years later. it takes a bit of time and effort to manage a store. Not everyone is willing to commit to that for a hobby. I think a break here and there is fair and it’s normal for people to just move on to another interest altogether. I’ve done it from SL like a handful of times myself lol.
  5. Ya I figured it would be a similar process since I had forgot my old password. like him I no longer had access to the email address I used to access the account (which I stated). If I could access the email I wouldn’t of had to call them since you can reactivate simply by logging in. Regardless, I was just trying to help but you be you man. 👍
  6. I had a similar situation when I attempted to reactivate an old account. I no longer had access to the email it was tied to. I ended up having to give them a call. They went through some identity verification stuff and eventually granted me access to the old account. It was a long time ago but I think I had to email them a copy of my ID.
  7. It would be called the Big Wac with an upside down McD logo (for “originality”). I’m not sure what the price would be, it would have various options but only the fat pack would come with cheese. Wonald McWonald
  8. Or do what one vendor I know does and include a notecard stating "modify at your own risk" with a tip to make a copy for a backup or save the original container. I've always felt that "i dont want to deal with customer issues" as a pretty poor excuse. That being said, I can only see bad things happening from modifying a body. I can only imagine the cleanup I'd have to do after unlinking one.
  9. could be poor interaction between norton and windows defender? Not sure why you'd need two antivirus programs. windows defender is fine.
  10. Why can't we all just get abong?
  11. I still don’t understand why the threads get locked or deleted when it’s not the topic that turns toxic but the people posting in the thread. Generally the same ones. Seems history repeated.
  12. My favorite are the single prim tree texture screens from 2008 still being used on some private sims.... I can just right click and derender but still just why? And yes seems studio skye is the way to go. And he isn't that expensive either relatively speaking.
  13. I have some stuff on the ground just to appease the neighbors so it doesn't look desolate or anything but I typically hang out on my sky platforms whenever I am at my plot. Building, tinkering or trying out outfits and looks and whatnot. Or just playing with any new toys and gadgets I have just bought.
  14. These are insta NOPE! for me. Or as a friend of mine in the military used to say "Left face! Foward.... march!."
  15. Why can we never have nice things? Why lock threads instead of people? Seems toxicity wins again and again.
  16. I had a great writing professor that taught me to write forward. Point back, but always write forward.
  17. Every little bit helps. Even if only a handful of refugees or those weathering the storm use SL to mentally escape just for a moment then it is worth it. Of course there are better ways of helping like air dropping non-perishables into the cities or maybe dropping a nice “gift” on top that bottled up 40mile long convoy outside Kyiv (why hasn’t this happened anyways? It’s screaming here I am you can end the war now). But from SL scope I think this would be helpful.
  18. Oh I see now that drake guy. Ya us massachusettsians(?) have a strange way of seeing things. There's an LL located in Boston somewhere. Maybe the mod is from there too.
  19. Ya idk maybe they thought the same as me. That being said, the one from the flickr looks different than this one. The flickr appears to have some sort of blackish and somewhat transparent fabric in the front. At least that's how it appears. Whether it does or not I dont know. Just saying how it looks. Maybe the mod felt the same.
  20. Could be the see through panties. Just sayin...
  21. I think digital currency is taxed though. The products we purchase inside the game wouldnt be taxed but the linden itself I believe is taxed. Im pretty sure I've been taxed before for buying wow tokens. I cant confirm though since I havent played for a long time.
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