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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. It was especially nice to have @Tommy Linden and @Grumpity Linden hanging out in the forums and conversing with those of us that were here, while everything was down.
  2. I also try to donate to the venue, if there is a collection jar that I can easily spot. I do try and tip the DJ and the host as well, but I also don't like to be reminded so much that it feels like it's considered mandatory. I like to go out and dance, but I don't always have a lot of extra lindens for tipping. So I don't dance as much as I would like to some months. I do appreciate DJ's that I can tell put some thought and work into creating their sets.
  3. Yes, but still relevant in terms of the discussion about resources and how many avatars is too many at the same time on parcel, I suppose, especially with people setting up pubs or cafes, or talking about hosting parties, etc., on Bellisseria.
  4. I checked the grid status page only a few minutes after getting logged out tonight, and the status page had already been updated.
  5. Always good to check the grid status page, though sometimes it takes a few minutes for the page to get updated with something completely unexpected happens.
  6. and we thought Lindens didn't read the forums...
  7. Check https://status.secondlifegrid.net/ There is maintenance in progress.
  8. I was going to (jokingly, of course) blame the outage on the large crowd hanging out at the eastern edge of Bellisseria watching the Moles work on the new houseboat area.
  9. It might be that you need the credit card initially linked in PayPal, to get the payment method set up, and then can try unlinking the credit card as long as you always maintain sufficient monies in the PayPal USD balance. The bank account satisfies the verification part I think, but not all bank accounts do instantaneous and guaranteed payments, which is what it sounds like LL needs, based on what was in the knowledge base article. But, best to contact Billing Support and find out what the actual problem might be.
  10. The whole deformer concept sounds interesting, but I would not want to have to buy the body just to be able to see how well it works. I would be concerned about how it might be changing the way my shape looks in my clothes, and I would also be worried about not being able to alpha out a part that might poke through with particular movements from my AO, for example.
  11. If you don't have a credit card linked to your PayPal account, and if you already have a USD balance in your PayPal account, then you probably need to call LL Billing Support to find out what the issue is (and/or contact PayPal support as well - it's hard to know which side the rejection is happening on). The Billing Support phone numbers and hours are in the knowledgebase article Selene provided the link to above. If you're not in a geographic area to take advantage of the toll-free number, you may be able to use Skype.
  12. You have entered your PayPal information as your payment method? and have checked the boxes for using it for land, premium and other recurring fees, and for buying L$'s in the viewer? What are you trying to do when it asks you for a credit card number?
  13. You might take a look at Fancy Décor for mid-century modern. While I'm not real knowledgeable about furniture styles, I think some of their items fall into what I consider mid-century modern.
  14. And for people using the Linden viewer, I believe that the blog feed is on the viewer splash page.
  15. You just have to indicate on the land fees page that you are willing to pay tier at a higher level to cover what you currently own plus 1024 for the linden home. It's the maximum that you are willing to pay - you won't actually be billed for more than the total you actually use in a billing cycle.
  16. There could be a small downside, depending on the membership period you have paid for. When you "cancel" you are actually "down-grading to a basic account" and you will be in that pending "down-grading" state until the membership term you had paid for expires. During the pending down-grading phase all the premium benefits EXCEPT owning land or a Linden home are in effect. If you change your mind about down-grading (like because new homes became available, for example) you can, but it's not a change you can automatically make in your account dashboard - you need to call Live Chat in order to have your premium status reinstated. * Live Chat is also one of the premium benefits
  17. I have a feeling that developing this latest batch of houseboats pulled them off of developing the next set of homes.
  18. Perhaps it's just not a topic that those who read the General Discussions area want to discuss. Perhaps you should put a suggestion about creating it in the Forums Feedback area?
  19. Claiming a Linden Home is done on the web (through your account dashboard) so the person does not need to be inworld in order to claim a house - they just need to be somewhere with web access.
  20. In general though, I think at this point in time most are able to create and view JIRA's that are in a public state, based on myself being able to click on JIRA links that get posted in the forums, sign in, and see the JIRA. As far as suggestions about new features, we have been told that a feature request JIRA is the method for ensuring that it gets seen by LL.
  21. Another thing that is popular is taking pictures. That fits in with a lot of different things - taking pictures of places you visit that you enjoy, taking pictures of things that you do as a record for yourself, being inspired by a location to go shop for a particular look to wear when taking pictures at that location... Play around with the camera tool in the viewer. There is an option in the camera tool to save the pictures to your hard drive which eliminates the L$10 fee for saving the picture to your inventory (and also make it easier to do things like post pictures here in the forum or on Flickr). There are several photo threads here in the forum. Mixed in with the photo threads is a lot of advice and tips for taking pictures in SL. There is a very active SL community on Flickr.
  22. Aren't some of the houseboat 1024's long and skinny? Seems perfect to me for a row house.
  23. If a new house or houseboat becomes available from someone abandoning it, it will automatically show up in the theme box instead of Meadowbrook. And, as surprising as it might seem, it does seem that at least once every day or so, someone posts that they got a place through refreshing.
  24. It's not clear whether you are renting the parcel, or if you own the parcel. If you are renting the parcel, did it come with a house or other landscaping/décor already on it? If so, the prim count (LI) for those items is often included in the About Land - Objects tab "Parcel Land Impact" count, and in the "Owned by Parcel Owner" count. What I generally do in that type of rental situation is two things: (1) When I first rent the parcel, I look the Parcel Land Impact count before I rez anything, and write that down in a notecard. This tells me how many objects on the land belong to the land owner prior to me putting out any of my items. (2) I keep a notecard of everything I've rezzed, and it's LI. This is handy for when you rent a place which already has some items on it and/or where the LI allowance you have as a renter is different than what the "Parcel Land Capacity" number.
  25. Both good possibilities! People did ask for urban areas and more open-floor plan type homes, so I would think that area might be homes like townhouses, row house or converted lofts with a more urban atmosphere.
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