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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. If they accepted it - and insured it - it would seem to me that would imply the packaging was adequate.
  2. I figured that, it just always makes me smile and shake my head when it happens.
  3. I read an article a couple of years ago that suggested the most important thing to keep secure (besides access to a password manager) was your email account, especially the email account you use with your financial institutions and other sensitive/important sites. The reason they gave for that was so many sites will email you when your password or other security items are changed, or when the site suspects suspicious log in attempts. I do use additional authentication when sites offer it, but so far they have all involved messages being sent to my cell phone, and when I lost my phone earlier in the summer it was really a pain to figure out how to get into some of the sites to change that - especially the Apple site to flag my phone as lost (until I remembered the message sent would show up on my iPad as well). I can understand a message with a code being sent to your phone when you're trying to access a site on your PC or tablet, but when you're trying to access the site on your mobile device, and the message with the code is being sent to that same device, it's not clear to me how that is additional security over the user name and password.
  4. Watching leaves fall and wondering how Autumn snuck up on me.
  5. Ok, your question, to me, isn't very clear, and I'm not sure that this is the appropriate forum for your question. It's been quite awhile since I've done anything in Java, but if I was going to refresh my memory, I'd start with an online search for Java syntax guides. I'd also look for some beginning Java books from some of my favorite publishers of programming books.
  6. I'm a little confused. Are you asking about syntax and naming conventions for Java or for LSL?
  7. No, as far as I'm aware, the $1.49 transaction fee for purchasing lindens applies to all purchase transactions regardless of geographical location. (I'm in the U.S. - not overseas - and I am charged $1.49 transaction fee each time I purchase lindens. The transaction fee has increased twice in the last several years. Perhaps you are remembering an earlier fee amount if you haven't purchased lindens for quite awhile.
  8. I can just imagine the quantity of logs... However, I didn't watch the video yet - I only read the summary so far - so I wonder if they are too old because of backlog in getting looked at initially, too short of retention time on logs, or if it's because the person filing the AR filed it about something that had happened in the past.
  9. Currently my inventory Is a little over 45,000.
  10. I prefer copy and mod for home and garden items. There are times I might purchase non-gacha items that are not copy, but I do that rarely and it generally is because it's a fairly unique item or design that I decide I really want. For clothing and hair if they are mod (which I prefer for hair especially) then I also like them copy, so that I can save a backup copy. Also for clothes, if there are different color and/or pattern options, I prefer a HUD rather than having to buy a fat-pack with all the options. (However I understand why a creator might prefer to sell fat-packs rather than selling one copy of the clothing item with a HUD for the multiple pattern/color options). Animations I prefer copy.
  11. I don't know if I would say MP purchases were less protected - the transaction history records for MP purchases stay available for a much, much longer time than purchases recorded in your $L Transaction history (90 day maximum for premium members). Most likely some merchants with MP stores will chime in before too long and discuss what redelivery options are available to them through the MP. The post showed up on my list of unread items, and I answered with what I've observed from inworld shopping and the vendor systems, and redelivery terminals I've seen in world that are connected with a particular vendor system. I've also shopped at places inworld that don't have an automated redelivery system.
  12. I think that inworld redelivery options are a function of the inworld store's vendor system. Not all inworld stores use the same vendor system. I'm not sure whether any of the vendor systems are able to track MP purchases or not.
  13. Just curious, does this really happen at places? and do sim owners generally 'boot' someone for that?
  14. If you had to upgrade to premium in order to buy the land, then it is mainland (you have to be premium to own mainland). You can also confirm this on the 'about land' window - the type should be Mainland/Full Region if it is mainland. Part of your premium perks is free tier for the first 1024 sqm you own - so that is why your land use fees show $0 monthly cost. You can leave the tier on the free bottom setting as long as you don't buy additional mainland. If you do buy additional mainland, you will need to acknowledge a tier increase, and LL will set it up to the appropriate level as part of that land purchase. Alternately, some people increase it before they purchase additional land - either way works. I don't think you can lower it to an amount that doesn't cover the current amount of land you have.
  15. At least the function is working for you from the menu. As to why the shortcut isn't working for you, I don't have any other ideas than the questions I asked already, but perhaps someone else will come along that might be familiar with that aspect and might have some other ideas.
  16. I just tried it inworld, with the Firestorm viewer, and did not have any problem. Do you see any blue highlighted items? (I'm seeing blue highlight on alpha masked items, and red highlight on alpha blended items). Are you sure there are transparent items where you are using the shortcut? Have you tried Highlight Transparent from the menu command to see if it works that way for you? (Advanced -> Highlighting and Visibility -> Highlight Transparent) Have you done anything that might have changed keyboard mappings for any reason? (maybe for some other application or game?)
  17. As it stands now: - some people take offense too quickly about things - some people who are offended seem to think the one who offended them needs to be punished somehow for it - some people think it's fine to be physically violet with others and 'beat them up' for some minor or imagined offense. In my opinion, none of the above are behaviors that should be encouraged or condoned. As I explain to my little grandsons often, there are almost always better methods for settling disagreements or hurts than violence towards another person. If you do build a hand-to-hand combat system though, be sure to post something in the Games sub-forum - that way those of us who do not like violence as a way to settle differences know which places to avoid.
  18. She's lucky that you are able to be there for her. Not always an easy thing, I imagine. I remember my aunt, after her stroke, would get so frustrated with herself because she just couldn't think of the word she wanted to say. I thought of this when you were describing her looking at you rather than answering the therapist verbally - it seemed like she was thinking of the right word, and knew that you would know what she meant by the way she looked at you.
  19. To get them out of the way of what? And are you referring to individual skyboxes or platforms over an individual's parcel, or are you talking about the rental businesses that have multiple full-region platforms over one region? What is this animosity about skyboxes on other people's parcels? Sometimes, if you live on the ground level (and have a fully-landscaped parcel) it's nice to have a platform higher up above your parcel where you have room to build or open boxes, etc. It's also nice to have a platform or skybox up high where you can have more privacy for changing or work on shapes. Sometimes it nice, when you like different houses, and you have the prims and space available, to put different houses up on different platforms to have more variety and get more use out of things that would ordinarily be stuck in inventory. (When I had mainland parcels previously, I used to have a floating island that was furnished and decorated in a medieval fantasy theme). People may have a store and a house on the same parcel (1on ground level, 1 in the sky). There are a lot of good reasons why people may want to have skyboxes over their mainland ground level. I doubt that Gaeta 1 is large enough to hold everyone who has skyboxes and allow them to maintain the parcel size they currently have.
  20. You are correct in that some people use skyboxes to do this now, and there are some people that do it very well. It doesn't appeal to me though, especially when it's described as "their own closed off space blocking everything else not related to the scene". I don't want to feel as if I'm boxed in some room somewhere. Even living in a skybox home, as they currently exist, doesn't appeal to me - for the same reason. Even in a skybox designed to make it look like you are in the middle of a larger space, I still feel boxed in because I know that the larger view doesn't really exist. Your idea would be fine for someplace starting out as a new virtual world experience, but it seems, to me, like too big of a change to be made here.
  21. I listened to the video several days ago. The impression I got was that he didn't have a lot of free time to just hang out inworld as a resident. The comment about Sansar didn't bother me because it is LL's product as well, and I don't see anything wrong with him trying to give that product a little extra push by his presence, especially in it's early days. I was really surprised that, of all the things he talked about, this was the thing that people found to pull out and be critical about. It also doesn't bother me as much because it seemed to me, from the rest of his talk, that he does care a lot about SL, and is committed to continued development projects on the SL side as well. I don't think a company invests in long term, complex development initiatives unless they believe in the product. It feels to me that there has been more communication from Lindens in general, especially through the forums, and I see that as a sign that the company as a whole is behind SL, from the top down. I don't think we would see that if the CEO wasn't interested in SL.
  22. Wasn't sure what this was regarding? If it was in regards to school vacations, not all school districts in all states have 2 weeks off in March, at least not where I am in California. Most families I know with children still in school take their major family vacations in the summer months when school is not in session.
  23. That's pretty much how I operate when answering questions, as well. Also, on a slightly different aspect of things that have been brought up in this thread... If I was an OP and if after the main subject had been addressed, personally I would be very uncomfortable if others than came into the same thread to analyze about what I may have needed in an answer, or trying to figure out what might have been the reason for how I was behaving. That's probably why I've never been an OP
  24. When I first started reading the forums in mid-2014, there was someone posting here who met the descriptions given. It was one of the reasons that I didn't post in the forums at that time. Could be a different person being referred to (someone from even an earlier time) but the person I remembered was very much what was described about the "One Troll to Rule Them All".
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