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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. The majority of the time I shop in-world*. I may use the MP at times as a catalog, but then I choose items where the seller has an in-world store. It can be difficult at times to find in-world stores that carry the type of items one likes, but that is also where events and all the special shopping discount days (L$50 Friday, L$25 Tuesday, Thrifty Thursday, etc) are handy. Not only can you find items to buy at a discounted price, but you get to explore a variety of in-world stores which slowly allows you to find and build up a favorite group of stores. * Exceptions would most likely be items advertised as a special only on the MP from an in-world store whose group I belong to or a quick purchase of an item from a seller with an in-world store where I'm familiar with their products already.
  2. I don't know whether it was a recent change, or if I've just been blind and not seen the tiny 'Home' link on the very top bar of the MP home page. I've always had a hard time getting back to my account dashboard from the MP. Either way, now that I know that link is there, and how it works, I'm happy.
  3. This looks like a duplicate of https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/429226-abuse-by-linden-employee/?tab=comments#comment-1809417 posted in the Merchants forum, which has been getting some comments on it recently. It makes it confusing when the same issue is posted in multiple places by the same person.
  4. well... to have trick-or-treaters you'd need to be in an area accessible to non-LL trick-or-treaters …
  5. If you are even remotely considering buying land, I would recommend Lindal's class at Caledon. I've taken it and found it very informative, and she takes the class 'out on site' to various parcels so that you can see first hand some of the things to check for to avoid pitfalls when buying land.
  6. Premium membership doesn't give you prims (LI) - what it gives you is an amount of land that you can own without a monthly charge. The amount of prims that you get depends on the amount of land that you have - it's a calculation of x prims per square meter. A 512 sqm parcel will have 175 prims allotted, a 1024 sqm parcel will have 350 prims allotted, a 2048 sqm parcel will have 700 prims allotted, and so on... So if you want more prims than the initial 1024 sqm provides, you can buy a larger parcel which has a larger prim allotment, but you would then need to pay monthly tier for the amount of sqm above 1024.
  7. If you want to own a mainland parcel instead of (or in addition to) a Linden Home, you do need to pay a one time purchase price for the mainland parcel. The purchase cost will depend on the parcel (size, location, etc.) and the price that the seller believes that they can get for it - basically there is not a 'set' or 'standard' purchase cost for a specific size of parcel - and land sale prices vary greatly. The parcels that you could buy are not pre-selected - you potentially could purchase any mainland parcel that is up for sale or you could put in a support ticket to try and buy abandoned land. You can find parcels to buy either by looking in the forums in the "Parcels for Sale: Mainland" section or by looking on the map inworld and checking the option box for showing land for sale (which then displays those parcels in yellow and shows the sale information when you mouse over them). In addition to the one-time purchase cost, there is a monthly tier cost (see "Land Fees" under "Land Manager" on your web dashboard). There is no monthly tier cost for the first 1024 sqm that you own, so if you keep your land holdings at 1024 sqm or less, you would not have to pay a monthly tier charge. If you were to buy a parcel larger than 1024 sqm (or purchased 1024 sqm while still keeping your current Linden Home) you would be charged a monthly tier charge based on the amount of land owned over the initial 1024 sqm. When you buy mainland typically it does not come with a house or any landscaping on it, so that it something to consider if you currently have a Linden home. When you have a Linden home, the LI (land impact) of the house is not deducted from the 175 LI available for you to use on a 512 sqm parcel. If you buy a mainland parcel, the LI of the house you buy to put on the parcel will use some amount of the LI available on the parcel. (LI available varies also on parcel size - the larger the parcel in sqm, the more LI available).
  8. I hadn't realized how many L$1 skyboxes there were because I don't normally sort by price. I may filter by price, just showing items in a particular price range, or I may sort by LI or by newest first, or leave it at 'relevance'. More and more, lately, I mainly use MP as a way to search for items I'm looking for, and then after finding a group, I narrow it down for final purchase by going and looking at the item at an in-world store, and then most often make the purchase in-world. I don't think L$1 (or L$0) items should be eliminated from the MP, nor do I think that all of them are inferior products because of the price. Sometimes they are items that had been group gifts previously, and it's always nice to find a hidden gem in the lowest price range. In my early days I did purchase items in the L$0 - L$10 range, because I had a limited amount of lindens to spend and I was still trying to figure out what SL was about and how things worked. For others that aren't able to buy lindens but earn them from the fishing or gold coin games, or from LInden Realms, I'm sure that the bargain priced items are appreciated.
  9. I had no problem finding it using Firestorm using its default mode. I rarely use the my.secondlife.com area at all, so I had no idea that the group profile info could be accessed there. Always nice to learn additional things!
  10. Amanda, if you want to download the Firestorm viewer just so that you can get the group key easily, you can go to http://www.firestormviewer.org/downloads/ to download it. Otherwise, you can wait to see if someone else comes along with a way to find it in the LL viewer (I tried looking again, but I don't normally use the LL viewer so there may be a way that I am just not seeing).
  11. I generally like some of most genres of music. There are genres that I haven't liked at times, but as time as gone by and I have had opportunities to hear a wider range of a genre, I have found that there is usually something that I have liked. (For example, at the time punk music first came out, I didn't like it at all, but when one of my daughters started to listening to it, including - at that time - the older punk music - I found that I like a lot of it). My point being that whole genres shouldn't be dismissed off hand forever. I hope that the OP has been playing the links that have been included above and has been playing the links in the "What are you listening to" thread. Between the two posts there has been a wide variety of different types of music being shared, and it is always good to listen to music of a type that one is not immediately not familiar with.
  12. Which viewer are you using? Both Firestorm viewer and CoolVL Viewer show the group key on the group profile (as shown in the gyzao image link Ethan included) but I can't find it on the group info displayed in the LL viewer. If you're using only the LL viewer, you may need to try the second way that LittleMe included in her answer on your other post. You'll also find that most people will go ahead and provide answers, even if you need to fix something (like removing names), when there is a clear question to be answered.
  13. It goes into the US Dollar (USD) balance on your account - look on your account summary page and you should see it there. If you cancelled a Lindex Best Rate buy order and want to do an instant buy you should be able to do that using your USD balance.
  14. First, praying for the very best possible outcome for you. Second, what an amazing set of avatars you have created! Third, thanks for bringing up the subject of what do we want done with our avatars when we are no longer here. It's a good reminder for a subject that probably most of us don't want to think much about - or at least not at the level of making decisions and taking steps so that those actions can be carried out when needed.
  15. It's really going to be whatever the person(s) organizing it want it to be (there is no standard "SL Pizza Party" definition".) Most likely it's some kind of RP social gathering. If they didn't indicate that you need to bring anything particular with you, I wouldn't worry about it. Did they give you a LM or slurl for where it's going to be held at? If so, you could take a look at the LM or the location on the map to see if that helps provide any additional info about the event.
  16. When I've had a curtain or blinds that I wasn't able to edit, it's been because the window part of the house was thicker than I realized, and the blind ended up inside the window object part of the house. With the Firestorm viewer, an area search can be done on the blinds object and then you can highlight it in the list, right click on it and then choose 'edit' or 'return'. (Edit will make it so that have the arrows to move it out of the window). Alternatively, you could try to zoom in very, very close with the cursor, and then click on it to go into edit mode.
  17. When I first joined and first started reading the forums, I was really surprised by the number of posts where someone in SL was looking for a relationship that would extend to RL.
  18. I believe that it's up to the individual merchants to decide whether they want to participate in charitable events in SL or not, and it's not up to others to judge them on that. In terms of which creators participate in various events - it doesn't bother me that "the big" mesh body/mesh head/skin creators don't participate in a particular charity event. Part of the reason I attend various events is to perhaps discover other creators that I would not have normally come across. I prefer to do charitable donations in RL rather than SL, but I don't think there is any harm in having events in SL, and if nothing else, it may help educate someone about the particular cause (and perhaps lead to someone making a RL donation as well).
  19. I haven't had a chance to try out the carriage fully yet. My favorite though is the hoverboard.
  20. week 1 - Birthday Cake week 2 - Crystal Jewelry Set week 3 - Crystal Celebration Set week 4 - Crystal Birthday Set week 5 - Crystal Birthday Fairy week 6 - Spray Can week 7 - Crystal Bear week 8 - Crystal Ball week 9 - Crystal Glitter Set week 10 - Crystal Hoverboard week 11 - Crystal Chimes Set week 12 - Crystal Wand week 13 - Photo Frame week 14 - Crystal Tower week 15 - Crystal Carriage
  21. If they accepted it - and insured it - it would seem to me that would imply the packaging was adequate.
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