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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I wasn't able to see it in events inworld until I changed my maturity level to include "Adult", so that may be a reason why some see it and others do not see it.
  2. Is she taking of an Outfit? (something explicitly saved as an Outfit, under the Outfit folder in her inventory)? If you saved everything (including body, head, etc.) as an Outfit, and then click "Remove from Outfit" on that outfit folder, it will remove everything that was saved as an outfit. If she wants to do that without removing everything, she needs to not save her body, head and other things that shouldn't be removed as part of the outfit.
  3. This is the first I've heard of this type of problem. If that was an ongoing, common bug, I'd think that we'd be hearing a lot about it in the forums. This is about taking off clothing/accessory items? I'm trying to think of something that might result in that happening. Has she linked together items in an outfit in order to save attachment points? If she's a premium member, has she put in a support ticket about it? (it might be something that is relatively unique, or unique to something about how she puts things on / takes things off).
  4. Be patient. I have had situations where the landlord was in a different time zone (on the other side of the world from where I was) and wasn't on until the following morning. However, I was patient and he was kind and offered me an extra day on the first week rental, as I had had to wait over 12 hours to use the land. Occasionally there may be some RL issue that is keeping them from a timely response as well.
  5. That is one of my favorite songs (and one of the few that I can actually play on my guitar and sing).
  6. The energy spent and results received trying to be someone I'm not really, in order to "fit-in" with some specific crowd (which may not even be healthy for me), I found to not really be worthwhile. My mother-in-law once said that after you're 50, you can be as weird as you want, because people will just think you're eccentric I have tried to embrace some of that this decade of being in my 50's, and while I don't think I'm really eccentric either (that's a whole different crowd), I have valued trying to follow my true inner self and not worry about where that situates me. I am who I am, and I am where I am in life, whether that's in spite of or because of my actions and personality. So I may be somewhere in the back, but often that's by choice, and most often is not something I spend energy worrying about any more.
  7. Sitting enjoying the crisp autumn morning, with the town of Hither Falls (and the falls) behind me.
  8. Some time ago (within the last year or two?) LL did notify everyone that they needed to confirm their email on their account page in order to continue receiving emails. I took this as LL weeding out all the no-longer-valid emails, and thought that was probably a one-time thing. There may be other processes perhaps which stop IM's to emails after an extended absence (like several years), but that's a different situation I think.
  9. Regardless of whether other Omega appliers you've purchased were available on all 3 layers, the fact that the leggings applier was only for 1 layer is not dishonest unless the MP description says that it can be put on any of the 3 layers. I could not tell from what you posted whether the item description stated the leggings could be on any of the three layers or not. In addition to the explanation Tazzie gave, it might also be the applier creator's prerogative as well. I have some appliers that do only apply to 1 particular layer without an option to apply on others. I do not consider that only getting one-third of the product.
  10. As far as I'm aware, outside of having checked the "email me IM's when I'm off line" box in preferences, there is nothing else to indicate opting in or opting out. (And having a confirmed email on your account dashboard). I have heard that sometimes it seems to go sideways, and also sometimes some email providers will send the emails to your spam folder.
  11. Cooking up a waffle for a quick brunch before heading out for the day...
  12. That's what I refer to as "3 AM smoke-filled bar" type jazz
  13. That reminded me, for someone who doesn't build, I have managed to collect a lot of FP building kits and textures.
  14. If you are very new in this world (less than a week?) I would suggest taking Chic's advice to get familiarized with SL and then with making machinima, before looking for investors. If you are just a new alt for an older account that does have SL experience, especially one which has experience creating machinima, that using that older account might be better - others will know that you know your way around SL, you understand the ins-and-outs of creating machinima in the SL environment, and so forth. Either way, I would hope that you have some machinima examples to show people who do contact you to get more details and information about becoming an investor. Hopefully creating machinima is something that you love to do, and would likely do whether or not you had investors. Doing something because you just enjoy it often adds something to the final product that isn't there otherwise.
  15. I can get rid of clothes, hair and shoes much easier than I can get rid of home and garden items, and houses. I don't know what it is about houses that makes it difficult to get rid of even those that are way too large in scale, too high of a LI for their size/detail, and just not a usable floor plan. I need to go through all my home and garden stuff and at least for a first pass, organize it by style (or season for seasonal items). I think after that, it might be easier for me to identify what things I should consider getting rid off.
  16. I haven't used any of these, but in reading the description for the Ocasin Dev kit, it looks like: - first you need to have the texture UUID for the skin you want to apply (and usually that is something that only creators of skins have - that is generally not included when we purchase a skin) and - second, it installs a script in the Ocasin body - which normally should be fine, but in reading some of the reviews for the body set that you bought, there is a question in my mind whether the Ocasin body in the set is modifiable or not (one of the reviews said that it was not in-fact modifiable). If it is not modifiable, then the 'install a script' part might not work on the version of the Ocasin body you have. The appliers that came in the body set you bought are for in case you want to apply the Ginger skin that came in the set on other mesh bodies that you might already own. I'm not sure that you're going to be able to do what you want to do with the body kit that you have. Generally when someone buys a set like that, it's because they like the overall look (skin, head, etc.) that it comes with. You might want to take a look at https://ryanschultz.com/2018/09/24/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-female-second-life-avatars/ blog post to see what other inexpensive options are available (be sure to read the descriptions closely as to which ones can have other skins applied, or head changed, etc).
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