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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. It should When you do have some lindens and are ready to buy one, I believe it may be less expensive if you go to the Omega store in-world to buy it, rather than on the Marketplace.
  2. It sounds like, from Drake's and Ethan's posts above, that you do need to get the Omega System Kit for the Belleza body, which you need to wear once in order to install and activate the omega functionality. Did you do that before trying to install the tattoo again, and then are you still having problems with it not showing up?
  3. I was surprised to see one labeled as "California Confederate Flag" but I have been reading a local history blog about the county where I live, and most of the towns in my county were pro-south during the time of the Civil War (I think there was only one major town that was pro-Union). History can be odd and interesting.
  4. Because it's interesting. I've learned some things from the posts in this thread, especially about the miners rebellion in Australia. I wasn't even aware that there had been gold mining in Australia, especially at that time, or a rebellion there over lack of representation. I also didn't know about the various crosses and saltires that have been used on flags. I was reminded of the Southern Cross constellation, which I've read about in books and stories that have taken place in the southern hemisphere, but don't which I haven't seen being as I have not ever been in the southern hemisphere. So outside of the political bickering, I've enjoyed aspects of this thread. It's also left me wondering about the origin of the word "Eureka" and the memory I have of it being used or meaning "I found it". We have a town called Eureka in California, though it was much more involved with timber industry than any major gold mining connections, I think. I don't think that people should be shamed into ignoring their own past, but I think it's good when people can look at the past reflectively and critically, and be able to identify things that should be glorified and to identify things which may not have showed us at our best and perhaps should be a memory which prompts us to try to do things better in the future.
  5. Group permissions are about abilities relating to the parcel and the parcel's information. A control panel in a house is a separate thing, not directly tied to parcel permissions. When there are options for something like a control panel or a security orb, etc., to be set to owner only use or to group use, that item has its own configuration option for setting that. The Linden Home control panel does not present any options for granting access permission to a group or to other individual avatars, as far as I can tell. If you have heard that it can be done, do you recall from whom or where you heard that? If it is possible, it appears to be something that is not general knowledge.
  6. When I just search for "Southern Cross", "A Southern Cross" or "The Southern Cross" in Bing, I don't get any hits relating to the Confederate Battle Flag or the Southern Cross of Honor unless I include the word "Confederate" in the search string - at least not returned in the first 4 pages of Bing search hits. I had not heard that the Confederate Battle Flag was also referred to as the Southern Cross before, probably because I have not ever lived in the southern part of the U.S., I suppose.
  7. 4 years and 5 months for me. I find this hard to believe at times (that it has been this long). For the most part, it's been fun and enjoyable.
  8. If you use Marketplace as a starting point for finding things you like, you can filter items by price ranges. To find the price filter, scroll down to the bottom half of the page and look at the bottom part of the left column. You may need to click on the "See More Categories" to see the price level filters.
  9. I think you've missed the point of most of the responses here. Almost all the responses were supportive of being who you want to be in SL, regardless of whether that was the same or different from your RL heritage or race. What was brought up as something to keep in mind, as you explore and experiment with portraying other cultures or states of being, was to not go overboard portraying stereotypes, especially negative stereotypes about other races. The other thing to keep in mind is that if it is your desire to portray a racist in SL, that is your prerogative, but you have to accept the consequences that may come along with that, particularly in regards to how other react to you.
  10. Congrats! You've come a long way in just six months
  11. Lately it seems that this generally happens when politics gets jammed into a thread about something in SL, where the political aspect (if one even exists), is very minor compared to the political posts that end up being made in the thread. Also the labeling and name calling that generally ensues with political discussions also leads to the locking of the thread. Keeping unnecessary political statements (and the discussion they generate) out of a thread will help keep it from becoming locked.
  12. If either the hair or the dress can be copied and modified, you may be able to change one from alpha blending to alpha masked (with an acceptable masking value) without losing too much of the look of the item. I have been able to do this with some hair. After making a copy to keep as a backup (in case something goes wrong), I've then gone into edit mode and to the Texture tab. Often I will choose "Select Face" from the upper section of the edit window, then click on an area of the hair. If the "Alpha mode" shows "Alpha blending", you can change that drop-down value to "Alpha masking" and then enter a value in the new "Mask cutoff" field that appears. I usually start with a mask cutoff value around 75 or 100, though sometimes I have gone as high as 150 or 175. I repeat that for each face (if multiple faces) that have "Alpha blending". Then I exit edit mode and take a look to see if the hair still looks OK - if not I either tinker around trying different mask cutoff values, or a revert it all back to "Alpha blending". This works for some styles, not all, but it's still worth a try.
  13. I went and looked at that house several times and finally bought it even though I currently don't have the space or the LI for it, but couldn't pass up the intro price. It reminds me partly of an old house we lived in for a couple of years when I was a little girl. I can think of all kinds of stories about living in that house. Of course, now that I have the house (and the kitchen) I'm starting to think perhaps I should pick up some land for it...
  14. That article was a very clear and simple explanation. I first heard this term a few years ago when my daughter was telling me about a very lengthy and heated discussion on this topic in the regional moms FB group she belongs to. In terms of SL, I think the key is to avoid stereotypes (especially obvious ones) and to be respectful in how you use items (be it clothing or furnishings or practices) that belong to a different tradition or race than your own.
  15. On average, at least up until this year when I moved to a parcel on a private region, I've probably changed my house and landscaping every couple of months. I usually make sure I have a good set of pictures before I start changing things around, in case I end up not liking the new setup and want to go back to what I had. Generally, though, I'm satisfied with the new changes (until I get the itch to change things around again.) It's one of the activities that I really enjoy.
  16. Yes.... well that was before it was clear that there were other forum women interested … in spite of what I just wrote on the other thread … This is like Las Vegas, right? (what happens in the forums stays in the forum?)
  17. Ah... I saw Drake's 400 earlier, above, but didn't put it together with the CD being 400 in Roman Numerals. There were several things from the First Life tab that left me confused, which is partly why I didn't respond at all to his IM's (besides, I am not at all interested in Love, Romance and Cuddles or SL and RL relationship with anyone in SL).
  18. After the "All the women in the forum are trying to steal my new boyfriend!!" thread and then "Help! I'm trying to steal Scylla's new boyfriend..." thread, it's difficult to see "Taking application for new girlfriend in SL!" as a serious new thread (though it's in the Lifestyles and Relationships section, so it probably is). It would be too funny though, if it was from our admirer (it's not, unless it's an alt of his). .
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