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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Sitting out on the deck having coffee and enjoying the morning ...
  2. You submitted a support ticket or did you use the 'forgot your login information' link? Have you checked your email associated with your account (including checking in the junk folder)? If you submitted a support ticket you should have received an email confirming it was received, and then another email when addressed. You should be able to look the ticket up to find out it's current status. If you used the 'forgot login info' link, you should have received an email with directions to follow for logging back in and setting a new password. I would imagine that this would be something that would be sent fairly quick after you filled out the forgot info form.
  3. How to fix it might depend on how you have the music set up to play on your land. Do you own the land directly? or have it deeded to a group? or are you renting the land? Did you put a music stream URL in the "Music URL" box on the "Sound" tab of the "About Land" box? or are you using some type of radio that is scripted to allow you to choose genres and stations from a dialog box?
  4. Relaxing in the waning light of the day in my new hammock (I so wish I had this hammock in RL)
  5. The thread you posted to is several months old. I don't think there are any serious across the board issues with either Windows or the FS app (I myself use both Windows 10 and FS, and have not had any issues). It might be better for you to start your own thread post, with more details about your system and the specific problem you are having. If you can get the viewer login window to come up, the best way to provide helpful information about your system is to go to "Help" -> "About Firestorm" and then paste the contents of the pop-up window into your post. (If you're using the LL viewer, it is "Help" -> "About Second Life").
  6. There is a body that does have a heart - maybe it's Slink?
  7. /me makes a note not to invite Rhonda to any birthday celebrations. Just curious though, where those lyrics are from?
  8. If the land is worthless, and there's no compelling reason to sell it rather than to abandon it, I can see how this could lead to an increase in abandoned land in the long run. This would also basically make everyone's current holdings basically worthless. The initial purchase cost of mainland was never the issue for me - that was a one-time expenditure. I've always been able to eventually find land in an OK location and for what I considered to be an acceptable price, after spending some time looking around. What led me to sale my mainland holdings last summer wasn't the initial cost of purchase, but needing to downsize monthly tier. I think the ability for residents to be able to auction their land will be beneficial. I agree with Alyona and Alwin that there is a big difference between owning mainland and leasing from a private estate, particularly in terms of what you can do on/with the land. You aren't really buying estate land in the same sense as buying mainland, so it doesn't really make sense that estates would charge a large sale price in addition to the weekly rental/lease fee. Just because estates don't have a compelling reason to 'sell' a parcel for more than 1L (though there are some I've seen that charge 40 or 50 lindens, and others that charge 0 lindens), it doesn't necessarily follow that mainland parcels should also be sold for 1L per parcel.
  9. Definitely look for stores which offer free group gifts, lucky letter chairs, etc. You will need to do this inworld, rather than via the marketplace, but you can use the marketplace to identify stores that have styles you like, then visit their inworld store to see if they offer group gifts and/or lucky chairs. You can also check the Fabulously Free in SL blog to help identify additional stores to check. Also, keep a look out for Hunts - sometimes a hunt will be at a specific store, other hunts are more grid-wide. http://seraphimsl.com/ highlights sales and events (including hunts, I think), so that is another blog to watch. There are also events like 50L Friday where participating stores have a discounted item, so those are good to watch out for also (for times when you might have a little bit of lindens and want to get the most for your linden). When you go to an inworld store, generally right inside the entrance the store will advertise specials, events and hunts that they are participating in, so pay attention to those as well. Good luck, and it is possible to create some good looks with very little outlay of lindens.
  10. I'm glad there is a timeout. I often get up from my desk to take care of something without logging out, and get involved in other things forgetting that on my PC I've been 'viewing' something like "Looking for a BI girl" for 2 hours....
  11. Good point. (On both parts now that I've gotten more caught up on reading some other posts...)
  12. Have you done a complete clean re-install of the viewer? Have you reset your router? If you are on a wireless connection, you might want to try connecting via ethernet cable. If this problem exists across your accounts, then it does sound like it probably is a network issue (or an issue with the installation of the viewer on your PC, hence the question about whether you have done a clean re-install of the viewer). You might want to try running a tracert (you should be able to google how to do that and how to interpret the results) to see if that shows any problem nodes on the attempted connection between your PC and Linden Lab servers. Even if you have previously had a good network connection, things may have changed somewhere along the path your connection is taking. If you look at http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ part way done under the "On Your End" heading, Nalates discusses using tracert to troubleshoot a connection issue. (Yes, many parts of the blog assume you have made the initial connection, but other parts - such as the discussion about tracert - I think may still be applicable even when you can't complete the initial connection). You also might want to look at https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/login_fail. Even though this is a Firestorm viewer help page, the majority of things it discusses are not viewer specific. You haven't mentioned in this thread what type of hardware you're running on, which may or may not be helpful for others to help with troubleshooting, but certainly wouldn't hurt. The best way to do this is when you have the SL viewer login screen up, go to Help -> About SecondLIfe and then copy the contents of the popup window and then paste that into a post on this thread.
  13. Did your friend take photos and save them to her computer's hard drive or to Flickr (where they would have a date associated with them) or did she save photos to her mysecondlife.com profile feed? Pictures may give the memory a jog as to who she was with at the time a picture was taken. The feed at mysecondlife.com also appears to note when a display name was changed. The biggest drawback with mysecondlife.com (outside of whether it existed for as long as your friend has been inworld) is that the pictures and comments don't show the date that they were added, just a length of time since they were added (7 months ago, about 1 year ago, almost 4 years ago, etc.).
  14. If gems were to be awarded simply for chatting in local or in IM's (whether I'm talking to myself or to other avatars) then the incrementing of an account's gem balance could be added to the existing processing that happens when the 'send' button is clicked.
  15. I don't doubt that you believe you are posting legitimate opinions. However posting opinions that differ from those of others in the discussion can be done in a manner that facilitates discussion and learning by both sides, or it can be done in a manner which hopes that the others in the discussion will be provoked (in which case the discussion turns into a game by the one hoping to provoke others).
  16. Welcome to Second Life! The link you have in your post is the link for seeing your dashboard, etc., but to enter the virtual world, you need to download a viewer and then log into the viewer. The page for downloading the official Linden Lab SL viewer is https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  17. I would think that being able to see if one of your friends was hiding their online status from you, that it would certainly be a drama-maker. It's been my understanding though that you can't completely hide your online state - you can check the box to restrict your online state to just friends and groups, and then turn it off for each friend on your friend list, but that still leaves groups being able to show your online state, and people sending you IM's may not get the "user is offline... " message so may deduce that you are in fact online. Because of all this I don't see the online tracker HUD overriding anything that was truly and fully hidden and private.
  18. I fail to understand how someone knowing whether my avatar is online or not is a violation of my real life self privacy. I don't have information in my avatar's profile that personally identifies my real self. I'm not familiar with the HUD or other scripted items that return an avatar's online status, but I have not considered that piece of information as private, because I know that it can be shown in group member lists. So I wouldn't consider it a data protection law rule breaker.
  19. I'm having a hard time understanding what the point or the benefit of these GEMS would be. Is the purpose to get more people involved in social activity and interaction with others? If they can't be used for buying things, then I don't see this replacing the need for the fishing or coin games (or linden realms) which some people currently play to earn lindens for purchasing things. I'm pretty certain that I would not become more social or interact more with others just to collect GEMS, with or without them having a recoverable value. I am pretty good at talking with myself though, so I suppose if talking in local chat or in a group was required to earn them, I could talk to myself in local as I travel around or talk in my land group
  20. Interesting - I wonder why the date is there then. From Cindy's answer above it does sound like it is nightly for the group join fees, so I was wrong as well on it being weekly. (Maybe it's just the show in search costs that are weekly...)
  21. When you look on the "Land and L$" tab, it should tell you when the next group L$ stipend date will be. Except for land sale proceeds (which are credited nightly), I think that the group L$'s are credited once a week.
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