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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Do you know that the specific person you met is actually violating any of there terms of probation by being in SL? Were they required to register as a sex offender with online sites as well as with local law enforcement agencies? If you are certain that you really know their real identity and feel that they were in violation of RL court orders, then the place to take that up would be in RL with the appropriate law enforcement or probation department. I'm not sure what the specific person did inworld that was arguably inappropriate, but if it involved an underage avatar in a sexual situation, an AR would be the appropriate response (and LL does take those very seriously). Outside of that situation, you may find all kinds of other inappropriate behavior and propositions (and not by people that are also RL sex offenders). Just about every fetish that exists in the world most likely exists somewhere in SL. Inworld, you can mute others that you find behaving inappropriately and refine the types of areas in SL that you visit. Always be careful about who you release RL info to, and if you do, what type of RL info you share. If you have issues outside of SL with someone you met inworld and shared RL info with, contact local law enforcement.
  2. As Fionalein pointed out there are multiple different fishing systems, all with their own equipment and rules. I wanted to also point out that all of these fishing for lindens games are 3rd party games (created and operated inworld by people other than official Linden Lab staff). So do be sure to read any documentation that came with the fishing rod, is available through their group, or from their website, and you may need to contact the support channel for the specific game if you are not able to figure something out, or you are having issues with the fishing or collecting of the lindens.
  3. Very nice (and well deserved). Congrats!
  4. It's been awhile (years) since I've purchased professional books from academic publishers. I do know that many of them I purchased were between $50 USD and $100 USD for physical books (most soft-bound and not hard-cover). I was glad I had Professional Development funds from my employer for purchasing work related books. There might not have been many offered as e-books when I buying that type of book, but I do remember getting several as e-books, and while the e-book was at a discounted price from the physical book, it was not a large discount. I just looked on Amazon to refresh my memory on prices for the types of books I used to buy, and many are still in that upper prices range. Reading the chapter excerpts for this book, it does not look like a book for entertainment for the casual reader. It appears to me to be a book directed more to students of sociology or to other sociology researchers. So, for the type of book this is, published by an academic publisher, I wasn't surprised at the price.
  5. Filing an Abuse Report is the mechanism for reporting behavior/TOS violations that occur inworld which need to be investigated. After that, mute/block the users that are threatening you, and move on with your SL. If you are being threatened outside of SL, you need to report that to your local law enforcement agency. There is nothing that other forum users can do about your story.
  6. If you believe that someone is doing something that goes against the Terms of Service, you need to file an Abuse Report in order to have Linden Lab investigate it. Be clear in the Abuse Report about what sections of the Terms of Service they appear to be violating.
  7. The policy for people under 18 who create an account - whether or not their avatar looks like an adult, a child, or some other form, is http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Teens_in_Second_Life . ------------------------------ If you are referring to an avatar that looks like a child (but most likely is controlled by an account where the person is 18 years old or older), the following quote is from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ Are child avatars allowed on Adult regions? Yes, child avatars are allowed in Adult regions, as long as they are controlled by a person who has verified themselves to be at least 18 years old. However, the avatar should not be in proximity to sexual content or activity; and must obey the policy prohibiting sexual *****. Since Adult regions by design will often contain sexual content, child avatars should use caution in visiting Adult regions. ---------------------------- So the policy does not prohibit child avatars controlled by a person at least 18 years old from Adult or Moderate regions, however land owners can restrict whomever they want from their own land, be it a child avatar or an avatar with red hair, or a non-human avatar - so many Adult regions will prohibit child avatars (or avatars under a certain height or avatars of a certain type that could be construed as a child avatar). The fact that the land owner can be more restrictive is probably why you get answers that depend on the personal feelings of someone, or are told personal anecdotes about it. Another thing to realize is that not all regions rated Adult are full of sexual content or visible sexual activity. Also, a "child avatar" does not usually mean that the person who created the account is a child.
  8. I don't feel that the forum has become more negative recently. It's certainly much better, in my opinion, than when I started reading here mid-2014. Back then I rarely replied to any posts. There have been some amazing displays of help, even when the person requesting help has had an unfriendly attitude and has responded badly to help or advice provided. There are also times threads go off-track, but I generally don't see that as malicious, but as someone doing a 'free association' type response, and then others riffing off of that. There are some infrequent posts which do take a more negative turn, but I don't think that's the majority, nor should they color the forum as negative, overall.
  9. There are books that I've paid that much or more for. Some college textbooks come to mind, and also other special interest / narrow focus books that have been of sufficient interest to me to pay that type of money.
  10. After getting the 'page not found' error, I searched for it by title. The page that came up from the search results had #aboutBook appended directly to the end of the link posted above.
  11. I think that this is completing the circle (as well as thanking those that participated) of a request for research last Fall: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/412692-objects-of-the-dead/. We do tend to have some skepticism here in the forums regarding research requests (and about veiled advertising), but because it's about the completion of something that some of the forum members participated in, I don't see this it in quite the same light as blatant advertising or promotion.
  12. I would question the 'hacking' part. What I think could happen is the possibility of being stalked in RL if you were, for example, involved in an SL relationship where you had shared personal contact information, and then the relationship went bad. If you are careful to not fall for phishing attempts, and are careful about who you share RL contact information with (or at least how much or what type of RL information you share), you should be OK.
  13. As Ethan noted above, you cannot completely hide your online status - groups and scripted detectors will show your correct online status. In terms of profiles showing 'offline' even when you were talking with the person inworld, most likely they checked "Only Friends and Groups know I'm online". As far as I'm aware, checking this option only affects the online status that displays on a person's profile. That option is on the privacy tab of preferences on the Firestorm viewer - I can't remember offhand whether that option is in the LL viewer or not.
  14. I took a class on how to use AVSitter at Happy Hippo Building School. I took their first class, on setting it up for a single sit, but I noticed recently that they've added a second class which covers setting it up for couples.
  15. I haven't read that specific one, but Mercer Mayer's 'Little Critter' books are among my top favorites for reading to kids (when they were little) and now to grandkids. Maybe I'll need to pick this one up.
  16. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2186-account-security-tips-password-edition/ (from Governance Linden 6/12/17) is a good summary of how to keep your account secure and does say in bold letters that giving someone else access to your account is not permitted by the Terms of Service.
  17. You may need to accept the experience for that location. For me, in addition to a message box telling me I didn't have access, another message box appeared on my screen regarding the experience with the option to accept it popped up on my screen. After I accepted the experience, I was able to successfully teleport to the location. I did end up with a few attachments for the game controlled by the experience (a basket and a plank) as I arrived, but I quickly went out the barn door and to the right, where the gift chest is, and got the gift. When I TP'd away, the attachments for the game disappeared. The gift chest was very close to the barn, so I didn't really have to worry about what the game was about in order to get the gift. There may be other ways to get there to get the gift, but that was what worked for me yesterday.
  18. A couple of questions for some additional details that may help us to help you figure out the issue. This was something that was working previously? How are you attempting to change the color - through choosing one of the skin color buttons in the Maitreya body HUD or by using an applier (Maitreya or Omega) ?
  19. I've been on the Renaissance Hunt VIII organized by Historical Hunts, and there was a fun mini-hunt at the Antiquity sims, which took me to a variety of different places there. Definitely a place I want to go back to and do some further exploring. They have a nice automated transportation system for going from one area to another.
  20. You need to accept the experience. For me, the box regarding the experience with the option to accept it popped up another window on my screen. After I accepted it and confirmed the box you put shown above to close that, I was able to successfully teleport to the location. I did end up with a few attachments for the game controlled by the experience when I arrived, but I quickly went out the barn door and to the right, where the gift chest is, and got the gift. When I TP'd away, the attachments for the game disappeared. The gift chest was very close to the barn, so I didn't really have to worry about what the game was about in order to get the gift. There may be other ways to get there to get the gift, but that was what worked for me.
  21. The first thought I had was also whether the house footprint was too big. If the rezzer box is able to be rezzed, then it doesn't sound like a permissions issue. Have you gone to the (103, 141, 29) coordinates on your parcel to doublecheck that coordinate is still on your parcel? If you parcel is rectangular shaped, have you tried turning the rezz box 90 degrees before trying to rezz, just in case the long part of the house was trying to rezz on the short part of the parcel? (I often have a hard time figuring out ahead of time which direction a house will rezz out from the rezzer, so I've often had the rezzer in the wrong direction).
  22. Very cute house! I like what you did with putting in an indoor pool. That option had never occurred to me.
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