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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I believe that they are implementing a lock first, before they start deletions, and there is several months before that takes effect. Hopefully they will be making several attempts at notifying users that might not visit the site often (especially those with over 1000 photos) before the automatic deletion process starts.
  2. Being one of the Other Forum Women, I don't think that you should trust any advice from me on that matter. /me returns to plumping up the cushions on the loveseat and double-checking her profile to make sure she has a clearly marked pick for her house.
  3. I am not currently experiencing any problem with sounds inworld. If you are still having issues, have you double-checked the sound settings in the viewer preferences to make sure that sounds weren't mistakenly muted?
  4. I didn't either. I blame all the system downtime for losing the second one.
  5. I'm looking at the timestamps in what went to my email - the email was received at 00:50, so right in the ball park giving a minute or so for the offline to go to email. A lot of times I'm still online at that time. I must have just logged off just shortly before the IM's were sent out.
  6. Too funny! And here I was feeling special because someone thought I was cute and had an interesting profile.... ? If he was going down a group member list spamming every female avi with the same message I don't know how "reaaaaaly reaaaaaaly random" that is. I'm really good at refusing offers - especially if others have received the same offer - so it's need to be reaaaaaly reaaaaaly special offer if it was to be something I couldn't refuse.
  7. I had am IM with the same exact wording when I logged in earlier today. I declined the friendship request also and closed the IM tab. So at least a second time that this did not work for him. This was the second time in a week that I've received a random IM from a guy who was not located anywhere in the region I was, who also referenced liking my profile.
  8. "babygirl" I'm completely out of my element here, so I could be wrong, but the babygirls that post looking for Daddy Doms - aren't they full grown women avi's and not child/baby avi's?
  9. At some point if some need to be removed to make room for new pictures, it will be much easier when it's by count rather than by size.
  10. I agree with this. If you saw my earlier post, I talked having the freedom to choose how you dress/style yourself, but that you also have to accept the consequences of some of those choices.
  11. If you want to define furries or nekos or fantasy creatures or human etc., as species of avatars that is fine. However, it is still a conscious choice people make in how they want to style their avatar, and what 'species' they want their avatar to represent. I do believe however, that avatars (as well as people in RL) should not be judged/liked/disliked as a group (or individually) based only on appearance or a label.
  12. For people posting store vendor ads and event ads, it might be good for them to have PRO accounts.
  13. This is not racism. Furries are not a race, being a furry is a personal choice which you have the freedom to choose or not to choose, so this is not a breach of personal rights either. I don't hold a opinion one way or the other about furries. I have not had any experiences in my (admittedly limited) conversations with furries in SL which would give me a negative feeling towards the group as a whole. This did remind of a conversation I overheard a few years ago among some fae who were complaining about the increasing number of venues that asked them to remove their wings (and how outraged they were about that). This also reminds me of back when my daughters were teen-agers and they wanted to adopt clothing and hair styles that were on the fringe at that time. Yes, they had the freedom to choose to dress and present themselves that way, but along with that freedom was an acceptance that doing so may lead to discrimination by others based just on the way they looked rather than on their personality (or on their skills when looking for a job). So, as long as they were willing to accept those potential consequences, they could dress and style themselves as they chose.
  14. Yes, I am seeing 2 types (which is pretty cool). It might not be the OP's issue, but I thought I'd put it out there, just in case.
  15. A little while back I started seeing both red and blue when I turn on 'highlight transparent'. Items that are using alpha masking show up in blue, and items that use alpha blending show up in red. It was my understanding that this was a feature added to FS, which I've found to be helpful. EnCore - is this what you are referring to?
  16. Having morning coffee at the little Café in Hither Falls, while I decide on the day's activities.
  17. Have you asked in the Firestorm group inworld? They are pretty helpful when it comes to knowing about settings that affect how things are seen.
  18. I'm thinking that you might get responses posting this in the "Your Avatar" section of the People forum, rather than here in the Creation forum. I've seen discussions there where it sounded like some of the participants have similar body options as the ones that you have. You might also take a peek in the "How Does Your Avatar Look Today" thread under "Your Avatar" to see if you see someone wearing styles that catch your interest. If you want to have your post moved, I think you could report it and in the report ask for it to be moved. (I haven't tried this myself, but I've seen it suggested by others in other threads).
  19. Before deciding on a particular mesh body, I'd suggest checking out some of the different fantasy themed clothing stores to look at clothing that's similar to what your picture shows, and to see which mesh bodies the clothing will work with. Get demos of clothing and demos of the bodies you're interested in, so that you can try them out together. I haven't shopped for that style of clothing for a little while, but a few places you might try are Les Encantades, Lorien, Dreaming Thicket, Arwen's Creations … Lorien, I believe, is usually on the 25 Linden Tuesday list, which is a list you might be interested in to help you find additional stores (generally the stores are fantasy or RP related, sometimes furnishings or accessories, and they will have an item or 2 out on Tuesdays for L$25).
  20. It was fun, and so cool to see so many people in-world that I had only known from the forum. Thanks to those that put it all together - organizing and decorating - and did those that hosted and DJ'ed.
  21. You need to have a verified Paypal account (which is something you do within Paypal itself). Paypal should use your Paypal cash balance, when present, for charges coming from LL, once you've got everything set up.
  22. Another thing that you can do when you are at the top of a tier level, and just want a little more extra land (for the extra prims) but not enough to justify jumping to the next tier level cost: - create a premium alt (which you should already have, in order to maximize your land holdings through group bonus and the premium alt's additional 1024 sqm free from tier); - have your premium alt purchase the additional parcel for the group (depending on the size of the additional parcel, the amount of tier your alt will be charged each month is generally pretty low, compared to moving up to the next tier level). This lets you slowly increase land ownings at a smaller increment in tier cost than just jumping to the next tier level. Note: This makes sense mostly at the mid to high tier levels where the land amount and cost gap between levels is larger.
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