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  1. Would there be any eyes that would look like shards of blue ice?
  2. How would I go about finding some realistic looking bat and leathery wings? The wings should have four elongated finger bones and a thumb.
  3. Boots that look like the boots in the picture. A body type or what every it is called that fit with a female that has a lithe, athletic figure. A female head that would look is half Scottish and half Japanese. Would that type of head be need to be made? How much would cost have that head made if I have it made? A black bomber leather jacket that ends nearly at the waist. What is the best to get my avatar in Second Life to be five feet tall?
  4. The picture below shows that color.
  5. What is the difference between those skins?
  6. How do I go about finding a skin that is light reddish copper in color.or a skin close to it?
  7. I do not need everything to be 100% though would like the horns is possible close to ones in the picture since those horns are a favorite of mine. I would like not speed more than say 3000L on an item. I do not plan to get naked as of right now. This happens to be a RP character if that helps any. I have chosen to use the Belleza shape.
  8. What would be the best way to recreate my Imvu Avatar in Second Life from the picture below which is what my avatar looked like in Imvu?
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