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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. You definitely want to go inworld to try out the animations for AO's, especially if they are the more expensive ones. I love the Vista dances, and have one of the Vista bento AO's, but I don't care for how it treats the shoulders for some of the stands. I have several Tuty AO's also, and like the shoulder treatment better, but don't care for the arch of the back on some of the stands. However, there is enough that I like on both to have made the purchases worthwhile, and I periodically change up which one I'm using depending on how I'm feeling.
  2. What type of problem is she having - what viewer is she using? how far into the log-in process does she get before experiencing the problem? I was just able to log in, and there are over 45K accounts currently online, so not indicative of a major issue. I have seen sometimes where a particular country or section of a country has an issue with ISP service in that area which prevents people from that area of the world from logging in until the ISP issue is fixed, so that could be a possible factor. Has she tried logging into a different region (in case the issue is with the location she's trying to log in to)? Are you able to log in?
  3. If you're going to have a carbonated non-alcoholic* drink, root beer is the best (much better than the colas). It's especially good with vanilla ice cream (together in a glass as a root-beer float). That's my description of it anyway... Maddy may have a different or better one. * I think I saw a "hard" root beer in a store last summer - I can't imagine root beer with alcohol in it, but you never know, it could be good
  4. The very few times I've wandered into Linden Realms, it was not good for me. However, I do like the bookcase and lamp pictured, so I guess I will give it a try (or most likely many, many tries )
  5. and it's not like there is a shortage of hair styles to choose from Though I do sometimes have trouble finding one that I really like.
  6. Sometimes, if the hair is modifiable, you can carefully change the problem faces from alpha blending to alpha masking (with maybe a 100 cutoff value to start with). Sometimes the hair will still look OK, sometimes not - but you can change it back if you don't like it. I don't know if BOM will help this or not - I've been trying to follow along with all I see posted about it, but I think it's something that I won't fully understand until I can try it and see it for myself.
  7. Some of these discussions remind me of the ball bouncing around in a pinball machine - you never know where the topic is going to veer off to . This one has veered off into a lot of areas that might be interesting to discuss, but not all as part of the same thread (or even in this forum, perhaps).
  8. Here is info about the maturity ratings which includes sections on types of activities, etc., allowed under the different designations: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/
  9. That's the tutorial area most likely, and different than the actual classes that they hold there.
  10. The class is in their main lecture hall. They generally are good about having signs around, but I'll see if I have a link to send you inworld.
  11. I just saw the comment you added about wanting it to be an adult house. Probably you will be OK on moderate land, as long as you keep adult activities inside the house. There is adult rated land as well, but it tends to be more expensive, and I don't think is always necessary. There have been some forum discussions from time to time about whether if you have adult items (like beds with adult animations) on moderate land do you need to have parcel ban lines up, or is just unchecking the "other people can see and chat with my avatar" box on the "About Land" options sufficient. I would think keeping things indoors and unchecking the "other people can see..." box would be things to do at a minimum. I'm trying to find a link to where the land ratings are described - when I find it I'll post it here.
  12. And if you're able, take that class Caledon Oxbridge at noon
  13. If you're going to be inworld at 12 noon today, I would highly suggest taking the free class at Caledon Oxbridge University on buying land. She will cover all the major points and teach you some good things to know to look for when you're looking at land to buy. There are various ways to look for land to buy, and there are differences between buying land on what is called mainland, and on estate islands. It also depends on if you are a premium member or not (only premium members can buy land on mainland). Both the forums and the MP under real estate could be good starting points. If I'm on a mainland area, I generally open up the world map in the viewer and make sure that the box is checked to show parcels for sale. Then all the parcels for sale will display on the map as bright yellow and when you hover over one with your mouse you should see the size and price briefly display. You can also select one and TP there to get a better look at it. Some areas are more high-priced than others, and sometimes even parcels in the same area will widely vary in price. So it's worth taking time to really search and explore around to get a good parcel that you like the location of, and that is affordable for you. If you find land prices are too high for buying, there are companies both on estates and on mainland that rent empty land, so that is also an option. Regarding buying the skybox, it might be best in this case to just buy it from the MP (there seemed to be a difference in the price last night between the two selling locations, but it also wouldn't hurt to doublecheck that yourself).
  14. Other game sites may not have the same requirements that SL has for the cards it accepts. Are you able to set up either a paypal or skrill account and then use the card to add funds to that? (The paypal or skrill account will need to be a verified account - which is a process done on their site - before being added as a payment method in your SL account).
  15. There is a vendor on the wall on one end of the store. I didn't see that the store had a demo area, at least not that I could readily and easily see. You can purchase a demo version of it, it looks like, either from the store or from the MP. You would need to go to a sandbox to rez the demo, but that will let you see the size and the layout of the rooms, etc., which is good to do before buying a house or skybox. If you decide you like it enough to buy the full version, doublecheck the price between the store and the MP. You will need to either rent land that will allow you to put a skybox or house on it, or purchase your own land. The skybox will use 150 LI so you'll probably want to have at least a 1024 sqm parcel (which provides 350 LI, so you'd have 200 remaining LI for furnishing, etc.).
  16. The thought behind this is wonderful. In my opinion though, this should not be a pick up line that you say as you have it written out, but it should be your goal as to what you want to achieve during a conversation with someone. So, figure out how to bring about this type of outcome while conversing naturally with someone. Also keep in mind that many people may not want to share too much about their story or hopes that they may have during a first meeting with someone. They may want to wait until it feels for them like its clicking with the other person.
  17. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. I remember getting chicken pox when I was in my mid-30's when my daughters were in elementary school - no fun.
  18. I'm just curious as to whether there are all these caveats (about which products can be redelivered) in the automatic in-world vendor redelivery systems? (And I understand not all inworld stores and/or vendors have automatic redelivery systems, and perhaps some of these situations contribute to why not.)
  19. It could be that the religious beliefs have prohibitions or guidelines against commerce on Sabbath, and the individual has decided to interpret that as any type of sales, whether passive or not. Or perhaps the particular set of prohibitions or guidelines have been updated to include internet sales. I could see a situation where a person could feel as if their inworld persona was skirting around something that was part of their core beliefs, and that they finally reached a point where they needed to have harmony between their inworld self and their RL self.
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