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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Given the apparent aversion many shoppers have towards reading signs and/or notecards, I'm sure there will be complaints no matter how many signs are posted, or whether the vendors are active or not. I can just see a rant in the forums in the future, about someone complaining about a store where they had to - all of a sudden (it was fine yesterday) - cam in because of ban lines, and then even after doing that, the vendors weren't working?!? Or the vendors were working, but they subsequently got (unfairly) banned from the store (and LL should do something about that!!!!)
  2. I don't think that's unreasonable, and to be fair, in the initial post, for the particular store which started this discussion, she said that there was a notice in the store (which is how she became aware of the situation). I would hope that the store notice is very visible and that it would include times (either notated as SLT or the time zone that the owner's RL is in).
  3. I pretty much ignore anything that sounds like it might be a pick-up line, especially from anyone who is not in view distance. If someone is just interested in being friends (platonic) they shouldn't use what sounds like a pick-up line. If someone is looking for more than that, it's not going to happen.
  4. I took the "need 500 posts" as a challenge. I was surprised when I reached it, and now I'm surprised at how close to 1000 posts I am
  5. I didn't think about the difference between a self-created object and a no-copy object, obviously - though I thought one of the tests done was with a no-copy object from an alt. I think I'll just stay with my current methods for unpacking and moving things around in my inventory. I sometimes have the issue of something getting misfiled when I'm dragging an item with the mouse, but generally I'm able to catch and rectify that.
  6. Are you referring to an error when you log into the Linden Lab viewer? or is this an error with using a product hud after you've logged inworld? If it's an error with the viewer, at what point in the login process are you receiving the error?
  7. You said that the "Paste" was greyed out when you re-logged, which I'm not surprised about. But was the test-prim that you made still in the location that it had been in when you did the "Cut" ? My understanding of the tests people were doing was that the item was not lost from the inventory (so that they would be able to re-do the "cut" and then "paste").
  8. I don't live in a large enough city in RL I suppose, to notice if there are local stores that would normally be open on a Saturday but are not because of Sabbath. The last time I encountered anything similar was years ago visiting with friends in a small predominantly Seventh Day Adventist town, and I think all the stores there were closed for Sabbath. I am not an atheist, and I do enjoy learning about various faiths and how they live out their faith beliefs.
  9. Keep posting! Once you reach 500 posts, that ability becomes available for you to change that.
  10. I haven't encountered a situation like this yet in SL, but I don't frequent a large number of stores. Kudo's to them for this commitment, particularly as Saturday appears to be a busy day inworld. I'm not familiar with prohibitions about earning money on the Sabbath, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that is a part of some religious group. I hope that shoppers will respect their wishes. (I'm guessing they must not have a MP store?)
  11. The way the face looks will depend on both your shape and the skin you wear. If you are using the system body head, then you will not need to buy appliers for it, but you may want to choose a skin which has a system (classic) body skin layer (which would be system body and head) as well as the applier for your mesh body. If you are using a mesh head, you will need to buy an applier to apply your chosen skin to the mesh head (unless the head applier comes in the same package as the skin applier for the mesh body - I think this varies by creator). Depending on your mesh body and/or mesh head, and the skin you choose, you may need to purchase an Omega relay for that body and/or head.
  12. I don't do cold very well, so I would not survive (well, I would, but not at all happily) where Tari is. I do think I may have a new life goal (at least in thought, if not executed) of going to Australia for the northern hemisphere winter months - not just for the warmer temps, but also longer daylight hours.
  13. I have one of those radios that lets you select from all kinds of different genres, and I even have remotes for changing the station around at different parts of the house, but I rarely ever change it - if I have music on, I listen to a classical station from Italy that doesn't seem to have much advertising (and if there is any, it's in Italian so I don't understand it). I find it very relaxing. Otherwise, I have the music off in SL and listen to music from my home stereo.
  14. Also, in the "Land" section of the forum, take a look through the "Regions for rent..." or "Parcels for rent..." sub-sections. That will give you some additional information about what might be out there for rent, and will also provide names of rental places that you can check out.
  15. Both Callum and Kanry made some good points above. I am sorry to hear that this has happened to you, and obviously each person will react to this type of circumstance in the way that they feel is best for themselves. However, as you do have a business in SL and have been in SL for quite awhile, have you considered just taking a break from the Forums for awhile? I think it'd be a shame to give whomever it was that was trolling/reporting you the satisfaction of knowing that you're leaving altogether.
  16. Yes, RP contexts often use emoting, and it would be the usual "/me" thing.
  17. You might also check out Spargel & Shine homes - she has one that is Victorian era-ish and was realistically sized.
  18. I had put in a support ticket to buy abandoned land a few weeks ago, and it took about 4 days for the land to be set to sale to me. They update the support ticket when they do that, so you'll receive an email notification that the ticket was updated.
  19. Flydragon2642, your best short-term bet - for a non-technical solution - might be to try the Lumiya app, if you can run Android apps on your Chromebook. The best long-term solution is to either get your desktop fixed, or get a laptop or other desktop with a Windows operating system and sufficient RAM and video card capabilities.
  20. First make sure that you are inside the house when you try to rez a furnishing item, and then try to rez it right buy your feet, so that you're sure to be trying to rez it within the house boundaries. You can always edit it after it's rezzed to position it where you want it. This is a good method especially for things that will end up over windows or on the walls. When you are inside the house (or on the porch or deck depending on the house style) and bring up "About Land", it should show you as the owner. If it doesn't, then I would doublecheck that you're in the right house. On the "World" menu, select "My Land Holdings", which brings up a "My Land" box. You should see a line there for your Linden Home. If you highlight that line, a "teleport" button becomes active, and you can click on that to teleport to your home. If you do that, and it does put you (or leave you) in the home where you cannot rez items because you are not the owner of the land, then I would use the "Live Chat" support option tomorrow.
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