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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Well, when you think about it. The popular trend in gaming (I know, I know it’s nert a gaem!) has been free to play with micro transactions. So maybe, trying to get more premium subs isn’t necessarily the answer. The model of opt in premium or ftp(with micro transactions) seems to be working.
  2. There’s also the kawaii event and Sanarae that occur monthly too.
  3. I’d be happy with some kind of bridge for Blender.
  4. It would be nice if LL had some kind of roadmap like a lot of game developers use for games. I mean I know there’s BoM and EEP coming up, but it would be nice if there was somewhere we could go to see what’s going on with projects they’re working on and official word of what they’re kicking around for the future, things to get people excited about.
  5. [redacted] your so beautiful *five minutes later in the conversation * [redacted] your soooo beautiful *two minutes later* [redacted] your sooooo beautiful [redacted is typing] me: STAPH!!!!!!
  6. Little story: My meme is 87. She has a pc and Facebook, can get around windows fairly well. She just started paying her bills online ehhh...maybe 5 years ago. I tried to show her how to do it years before that, but she wouldn’t do it. Know what made her finally do it? The idea that it would save her the cost of a stamp. That was it. It wasn’t the convenience, it wasn’t the instant payment...it was the cost of a stamp. I don’t think anything can be done to entice free members to become premium. It’s something you just have to want to do. Heck, I didn’t become premium until about 2 years ago and it was because I just got tired of paying rent to someone that may or may not own the land I was renting next week. That was my stamp. You just have to see added value in being premium. I’m not really sure what LL can add that would make more people come around. I still can’t wait to see what “Sooper Dooper Premium” is though.
  7. This is how I feel about this thread right now:
  8. There’s a whole forum devoted to it. Just mosey on over there and read the sticky thread.
  9. Did you tick "Include skin weight" and "Include joint positions" under the upload options tab before you uploaded?
  10. I’m a little dubious when someone says “sexy”clothes. In my experience they want to dress like a camp counselor or they just don’t know what an normal woman’s outfit looks like. Most of the stuff that’s considered sexy in SL are things you could get from lululemon, Rainbow, Pretty Girl or fashionnova (website) in real life. Rainbow and Pretty Girl aren’t exactly high class stores they’re just average cheap clothing.
  11. I went for quite a while back in ~2011. A couple of things you have to consider with Builder's Brewery: Every teacher there isn't created equal. Some teachers just use a canned script and run through the motions. Some teachers can explain why you're doing what you're doing and why you want to do it. Go for those teachers. In other words, learn as much as you can even if its not something you think you're not interested in. What you'll learn is a lot of things are related in SL. Teachers are just regular SL residents. There may be other ways to do things, just follow along, even if you know a better way. It'll confuse the people that don't know. I learned about GIMP, building and mesh there. I'd say it's pretty useful. Just take what you can from there, its a good base!
  12. I thought you had to give up materials with BoM? No? Even better! I was under the impression that materials didn't work with BoM, consider me better informed! That BoM sticky made my eyes cross when I read it.
  13. Yeah, I like a nice dewy shine. A lot of people look like they rolled around in baby oil. I'd prefer it if you could make your own and use that, but a lot of times you're stuck with what the creator gave you. I know a couple of creators that said they're holding off on an update until BoM comes out. I'm sure most of them will adapt to it in some way. I'm not surprised at the windlight thing, there's so many and people give really bad advice when it comes to WL. I've seen many group chats when someone says "I just use CaWl or Nam's all the time" and I just cringe. There's just so much misinformation floating around out there....including about mesh.
  14. I'm excited for BoM. I can't wait to see how it shakes out; I just don't think its going to shake out the way people think it will. I.E people digging in their inventory for old clothes. People love their body shine. LOVE. IT. They aren't giving that up, kind of makes it seem like a downgrade It was good times. Back then SL was like the wild west, every TP was an adventure, you could find a store that made cool stuff that nobody knew about at some mall. There was a certain charm that is gone now, particularly on the social and creative side. It also had a bad side too, people forget that when they go on their "The way we were" stroll down memory lane. Just like I remember a friend building something cool with prims, just sitting there shooting the ish with him for hours, I also remember being attacked by giant penii by a griefer at a sandbox too, or someone crashing a sim or being orbited because I told some weirdo to eff off because he was being nasty. That same creator that made those cool things that only I knew about went out of business, because only I knew about them and nobody was buying their stuff but me. This is the heart of the matter, a lot of creative people don't stick around, because selling is as much of an art as making is and everybody can't do both. Progress is a double edge sword. I wouldn't want to go back to 2009 either. I would like for things to go back to the "spirit" of 2009, but that's just not going to happen, but at the same time SL is still SL.
  15. I think the last name SecretSpy was a GossipGirl last name too.
  16. Not only that, but there were a lot of people putting out crap in those days too. People tend to look at the past through rose colored glasses. People forget about the one legged pants and other SL oddities people used to sell. I think what will happen with BoM is people are going to rush to dust off their old system stuff only to realize it doesn’t look as great as it did in 2008.
  17. I don’t think that was the intention of the op. It certainly could go that way because a lot of people that post here have been around for a while and really don’t care for mesh. I think what she’s saying is valid and I’ve heard many people say that, especially in the last couple years.
  18. Oof...there’s a lot. Some of my favorites are Studio Exposure, Itgirls, session and Bold and Beauty. demo demo demo
  19. That might have to do with how you’re importing the mesh or....you might’ve not let the simulation do it’s thing so it didn’t completely join. It’s hard to say without images. Alt+M will join two vertices, that usually does the trick. If parts of your mesh are going crazy in the simulation...you’re definitely going to have an issue in Blender. If you post a screenshot of what you’re working with, I can kind of duplicate it and help you a little better. I’m not going to promise a quick turnaround, because most of the time I post here I’m at work. But I’ll try to help where I can.
  20. I think the new version of making t-shirts with smiley faces is “texturing” mesh. I’m not knocking people who texture mesh in any way. I’m just pointing out that there has been a migration of sorts. The template business is quietly booming. I’ve seen some pretty talented texture artists, take a template and make a base mesh look different, just with a good use of alphas. There are a lot of creators that just texture and resell textured templates. I think that portion of creators have over taken the number of creators that make original objects. That may also be why it seems like there isn’t as much creativity. There’s only so much you can do with a template and people eventually realize it’s the same mesh.
  21. Couple of things before I begin. I’m really starting to feel that all of these events and people buying mesh from turbo squid, then reselling is what is stifling creativity, not mesh itself. There are so many events creators are starting to miss deadlines, not rig properly or not bother to create something...just outright buy it from somewhere and resell it. The demand is much greater than the supply. 1) I don’t think mesh needs a greater skill set than prims. There are more tools available in a 3D modeling program, but....it’s still geometry. The difference is there isn’t much of a bridge between 3d modeling programs and SL. What I mean by that, when you’re in a 3d modeling program you’re not in SL. It’s harder to share what you’re doing while you’re in the process. Thus you’re on your own a lot more. There’s a degree of gate keeping going on too. The sandbox era, where you could go to a sandbox and meet someone and just learn from them is over. You can ask in a group chat, but often a person who is trying to learn can’t articulate what they are trying to do. Misunderstandings happen, discouragement often follows. 2) I don’t think there’s less objects, there are less people doing it. See 1: A lot of people look at mesh like it’s wizardry. It’s not. 3) I call the prim days the sandbox days. Those were good because everything was right here. Now it’s not. I don’t think mesh got rolled out properly and it faced immediate backlash. Years later, someone is still talking about how prims are better. Mesh just doesn’t have that sense of wonder prims did. There was something that seemed more organic about prims floating in front of you taking shape. Mesh seems more clinical and it scares people away, when it shouldn’t.
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