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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. It looks like your body is alpha’d to me. Sooo just unalpha your torso? I’d think if you exported the whole torso there’d be a white torso visible too. Did you use avastar to export? If you take the top off is your torso visible?
  2. What exactly are you exporting? Is it the shirt? A body? Hard to tell.... SL meshing and IMVU are a little different.
  3. @Penny Patton You have my endorsement that LL hire you! Probably would’ve been a good idea to implement something similar to what you said just to keep more things in house. The way things are now, a lot of users can’t or won’t use social media, which leaves a lot of users out of the loop.
  4. Left4Dead also, they came out with Left4Dead2 really quickly. Then no Left4Dead 3.
  5. I’d prefer that to the other “discussion” that’s been going on here for the last few weeks.
  6. The short answer is you have to apply for a kit and wait. The less popular answer is to make for the kits you can get and just wait. The real answer is to use a bootleg kit like everybody else does.
  7. I like this....explains a lot. It also implies some illusion of choice is at play.
  8. That would explain some of it, but not all.
  9. I doubt it’ll become like Genus was to Catwa. TMP got a really bad reputation for many reasons. Genus had a good reputation as Genesis Lab and had a smart strategy of doing a beta after rebranding. Legacy is just the newest thing. What I can’t put my finger on, is why it’s getting so much support even from creators that haven’t supported anything else but Maitreya. As we all know, creator support drives body sales, which is why Maitreya is on top. It’s not that it’s a better body. There are other bodies that are just as good that get very little support and they give away their developer kits. No....something else is at play here.
  10. I haven’t noticed too many brands dropping support for Isis. I have noticed quite a few brands have added Legacy though. Even a few brands that only made stuff that only made for Lara are now making for Legacy too. I just find that strange. Legacy is the newest thing. Creators are going to test the market for it, for a while. I think quite a few creators supported TMP up until maybe last year? If it’s a truly better body, people are going to buy it and stick with it. If not, it’ll fall by the wayside. Here’s the thing though, if you want creators to support Isis, why not write them a notecard asking them too again. Some will respond, some won’t. The important thing is, it’ll give them something to think about.
  11. That was happening to me last week. I restarted my modem and router and no more disconnects. The funny thing is, my internet worked fine. I just couldn’t stay connected to SL until I rebooted my modem and router.
  12. I wouldn’t be too sure of that. People tend to expect half finished products on Steam. The real question is did it leave enough of an impression for people to give it a second chance down the road. I gave it two tries so far and it left two impressions on me: The first time, was when it first came out. There was a basketball thing that nobody could interact with. The interactivity just wasn’t what I expected. The second time was when they put it on steam. The interactivity was better a little bit. But what stuck out to me the second time, was two people arguing....or I should say one person trying to pick a fight about how much of a failure Sansar was and it would never be Secondlife on mic. The other guy was just like “whatever dude, I just like making things and it’s fine to me.” There were about 3 other people online, including me. I’d be willing to give it a third try, when it’s completely done and we get to see what it is whatever it’s supposed to be.
  13. I’d probably have a SL Facebook for this account, except I have to remember about 5 different passwords at work (ones that change every 60 days), plus my real Facebook account, plus my Flickr account. It’s really not worth it to me to see the same type of crap I see on RL Facebook and to enter dubious contests to get a free outfit. I have one for my other account that I never use because it’s just too much work for me to switch back and forth between accounts and my alt kind of became my main. I spend about 2 hrs a day on SL and much of that time, I’m in Blender. If you ask me, SL tried the social media thing, with profiles way back in the day. So someone recognized how powerful it was as a medium, but any follow up or improvement to it made real social media surpass it and end up with what we have today. People using social media for SL more than SL itself. I don’t know what LL can do to fix it, but whoever figures something out should have a job waiting for them at LL.
  14. Well, I was going to do that anyway; but what does Ubisoft supporting Blender’s development actually mean for Second Life?
  15. Yeah, been a while since I played around with the Ruth, but when i did Omega didn't work. You're best bet is to use full perm textures.
  16. So what you want is a full perm skin kit that offers both the skin AND the textures. Or you can get a full perm kit that just sells the textures full perm and it lets you save them to your HD and open them in something like PS or Gimp. When you have the texture you can do this to get the UUID: https://gyazo.com/2d9eb3334d4457e524617bffb4a1ebda You want a full perm skin like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FULL-PERM-SKIN-5/10592280
  17. No having a skin does not mean you have the textures. There are two ways you can go about getting a skin texture: 1) creating a skin and uploading it into Second Life yourself. 2) purchasing a full perm skin (usually a set) where you have full permissions to copy mod transfer the skin. You also have access to the skin uuids. You most likely need the uuids the most for a mod body like Ruth 2.0. But with full perm skins you should have everything you need regardless.
  18. You can use your own skins. What that means is you are in possession of full perm skin textures that you have access to the texture uuids.
  19. Right! That’s why I sometimes read it with the uptalk inflection. Then, sometimes I read it like an amused statement. Every time I see it, I read it differently!? See...now I’m doing it.
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