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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. I think the animation hud is a little buggy still. There are a couple of work arounds that I’m aware of. Its not ideal, but you can use a third party animation hud. I know the animation hud by Happy Dispatch works well, I’ve been using it since the beta when there wasn’t an animation hud at all. It has blink and a basic AO as well as many adjustable static poses. I’ve also heard that Lelutka’s Axis hud works as well. I haven’t tried that one because the Happy Dispatch hud always worked for me. Its not ideal, I know, but you do have a couple alternatives to get you through to the next update.
  2. She needs to wear the alpha and the body methinks....
  3. It....doesn’t look like you’re actually wearing a toddleedoo body? I confused....
  4. Yeah, but SL doesn’t support pbr lighting. I’d suspect eep is about as close as we’ll get to modern advanced lighting. If you’ve ever worked with something like substance painter with all of the different maps that are unavailable in SL....well you could say no matter how “realistic” SL is, it leaves a lot to be desired still. Thats not to say what people are doing in SL isn’t amazing. There are skin makers making some truly realistic looking skins with what is available. If you go back to an older skin from say 4 years ago....big difference! Also....I’ve seen a couple of people do some amazing things in photos with SL now. I won’t name names. But it involves custom light boxes and custom normal and specular maps that aren’t available on the major brands of bodies. A lot is still possible with SL as it is. Lighting is key.
  5. It’s kind of body overload at this point though. I could see if it were body that was truly something special....but this? Really? How many people besides the shills that pop in here to bump the topic really believe that?
  6. I’m just surprised people are really giving them a shot again considering their track record and odd business practices. I guess being successful in SL really does come down to advertising and people having short memories.
  7. I think people have differing opinions as to where the uncanny valley is. I’m a fan of realism, so the closer to a real looking person, the better it is for me. I was friends with a skin maker and she felt too much realism wasn’t appropriate for SL. That was years ago...and she doesn’t make skins anymore. I’ve have heard “That avatar looks too real” before, so it’s definitely a thing that differs from person to person. My uncanny valley seems to be those renders a lot of people are doing in keyshot for ads. They just look all weird and glowy and just....wrong. If SL used lighting like that I might feel different. Also morphed photos....they drive me nuts. Some of them are really well done, but somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice in the back of mind screams out “Why?”
  8. Most mesh bodies have a who-ha modeled in already. At least the outside part. No need to walk around with another one on with your clothes on.
  9. Its funny this came up; there was a similar theme in the new season of Black Mirror. Well, not really, but close enough....
  10. I found out about SL from a show called Gossip girl. LL used to advertise, but soon after a lot of negative publicity happened too. There was that CSI episode, a couple of documentaries and news articles that made SL and it’s users look pretty bad. I think they gave it another shot with “Ready Player One”, but the movie didn’t do as well as expected. I don’t think it would be easy to advertise SL. If they did we’d get an influx of people thinking it’s a video game again and being disappointed, followed by more negative publicity. I think it’s pretty amazing that they’ve managed to retain as many users as they have with very little advertising in the last few years.
  11. Also, the hud is a little wonky. Sometimes, I have to turn all the nails off, then turn them on for the texture to apply.
  12. “Just a couple more months of fishing and I can get a Maitreya!” Seriously though, I met a guy a few months ago that randomly IM’d me asking about prices for profile pics. I gave him the average price and he goes on to tell me about someone that charges $L750, but he didn’t want anything special. So I tell him to go with $L750 lady and he goes “Yeah....but $L750 just seems like a lot.” I’m like “Dude, it’s $3....it’s $3! You should give them something even if it’s just a touch up job.” He stopped talking to me after that.
  13. No you’re right, I work in the gov’t sector and some people want something for nothing there too. It’s definitely a people thing.
  14. The funny thing is, I’ve been seeing a lot of things costing less than $L250 lately. I’m starting to feel like even if LL gave premium subscribers an entire sim AND a unicorn, there’d be a thread asking for two sims with premium.
  15. Threads like this make me realize how people really don’t convert L$ into real money very well. At the current rate of $L 300 per week stipend and the increase to $99, you’re still basically paying $51 a year. $L500 sounds like a nice round number and a new outfit a week, but LL would be paying you to be premium. The only way it would be feasible for them to raise the stipend is if you absolutely couldn’t cash it out. Now we’re going down the road of two different currencies. Two currencies are messy.
  16. A friend recommended I check out Old Lars a few years ago, right before they upgraded. It was like a blast from the past, a time warp and all the awesomeness of SL rolled into one. People we’re chatting in local and friendly! Gooood times!
  17. Don’t let your lack of knowledge discourage you. Knowing photoshop is a big part of the puzzle. It will be a lot of tears, but a lot of aha moments that are very rewarding. Stick with it, don’t forget you can access the beta grid to upload. You probably should attempt to upload your objects from time to time because there’s a different.
  18. The idea there was offering alternative premium subscriptions. A Linden already said there's some backend stuff that we can't see that would make doing alacarte premium extremely difficult. I can accept that. I'm just saying, maybe there should be some kind of plan that is specifically for business owners. Not literally, three free alts, maybe three free alts that are attached to the premium account that also have a higher group limit? Something that would be attractive to business owners. Ultimately, LL has the data, they would know what works out best.
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