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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Back bacon is from the loin. That’s why it’s so good. Not ham though.
  2. And we call it back bacon or pea-meal bacon.
  3. It really comes down to education. If the most complete tutorials for secondlife creation contain shortcuts and bad practices, guess what most people that learn from them are going to do? The same thing. A good start is going to be a good comprehensive series of tutorials that break all of this stuff down. Talking about it on message board is great, but at the end of the day, not as many people read message boards like they used to. The message has to be put out there in a way that people are most likely to access it. Somebody has to put themselves out there to do it that way.
  4. Whenever I see things from Vinyl I think of girl band clothes. Lots of ringer tees and skinny jeans and flared pants.
  5. What kind of rock are we talking? Most modern girl bands dress pretty normal or glam. This is Veruca Salt: Nobody kill me for posting Paramore.
  6. Or freebie galaxy. I go back there every once in a while for the feels.
  7. Disconnect again Trying to upload this thing Marketplace is down
  8. Just do a search for “alpha+layers+clothing” and you’ll find a pack of generic alphas for 95L. What we’re trying to explain is with generic alphas, they still might not work out for you because they’re generic. But that pack should be a good start.
  9. I’m pretty sure there are generic alpha packs on MP. They might even be free. If you have the time and 10L you can make your own and throw them into the item’s folder. That way it would alpha exactly what you need to be alphaed. This lost art might become relevant soon when BoM hits the grid.
  10. Doux, Sintilika, and Stealthic are the top of the line right now.
  11. I think there is a Slink deluxe bundle that includes the body, hands and all of the feet. Not sure about the price, but I feel the bundle is comparable to Maitreya and Belleza prices. As far as finding a low cost body that’s comparable to the features of the better selling brands....not gonna happen. If it’s lower cost, it’s either going to be missing features that you need or it doesn’t get much support. Something like the Ebody or one of those other creators that run promos every once in a while are usually going to be missing features...because they want you to get the full version. There’s a Mod Body called Orange Nahua, pretty nice. 600Ls. The creator stopped updating it and never made it Bento. So either missing features or no support is what you’re looking at. My suggestion is to just wait until you can get the body you really want.
  12. It could’ve been some kind of object someone was playing around with nearby. If you have land, I find that people will wander in all the time. A few weeks ago, I logged out around 11pm. I forgot something and logged back in around 11:20 really quick. I noticed my local chat was just going...like someone was having a conversation. They weren't in my house, but they had to be nearby. So I start camming around and there’s two women standing outside my house. The dialogue went something like this: Woman 1: Are you sure we should be doing this? Woman 2: It’s fine, nobody is ever here. My wormhole calculations indicate this land was abandoned. Woman 1: Um actually, someone does live here. She just logged in. Woman 2: Oh ****! Back to the wormhole! *an animation of a wormhole pops up, the two women animate running into the wormhole and it disappears* While they’re doing this, I’m poking through their profiles. Woman 2 was a creator and she obviously created an object that teleports you to random locations. Woman 1 was a generic SL profile. I must’ve logged on in the middle of someone’s RP. By the time I was typing, “Hi, can I help you?” They were gone. It cracked me up, but you’d be surprised at what happens in places people simply have access to.
  13. Sadly, this is my SL every time I log on, hit with a tidal wave of subscription spam. To piggyback off that: when you unpack an item and you get hit with a subscription dialogue before you get the unpack dialogue. My pet peeve right now are those group chats where there’s no discussion just someone saying the lucky letters that are currently in the store. Rando: Lucky letters are F J G O M G I S U K Me: *Leaves group*
  14. I think SL looks pretty good considering it’s 16 years old. Some people have made some builds that rival a AAA game. When viewed with a viewer like Black Dragon....wow. Problem is, a lot of people don’t use the right lighting. Lighting makes a big difference in SL and a ridiculous number of people aren’t using ALM or just use CaWL or Nam’s Or even midday all the time...just never change it. I’d love to see SL with an updated engine and all that good stuff. But the way it looks now is pretty danged good depending on some variables.
  15. Right now it’s Itgirls, Bold&Beauty, Studio Exposure and Session. If I see something I like from someone else, I’ll try them though. Also, it seems like op is more into group gifts. Pumec makes nice skins and updates them and adds a new one monthly.
  16. I do something very similar. If I’m bored, I’ll grab a different body/head-and let it make itself, kind of like a sculptor. Then I name them and give them a personality, if I really like it. Its an awesome time waster!
  17. Voir "Almost Still" is pretty good.
  18. At least the neon sign craze is dying down. I’ll take your peeve and raise it: a lot of the clothing that is being sold at these events now are either templates or gotten from turbosquid There’s been a couple of times I distinctly remember being at an event and two different creators had the same mesh with minor differences. It was pretty clear that it was the same mesh though. The pool of creators that actually create mesh from start to finish is shrinking. The event creators have to fill those booths somehow.
  19. The Von Dita looks pretty close. I’m mainly looking for a style where the hair is pushed up away from the face.
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