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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. I’m pretty sure, somewhere in SL there are new users logging in. I mean....everybody that logs in asking for help isn’t a troll or being annoying for lulz, right? If that’s the case then blow up the Avatar and Fashion section right now on the forum. The new user experience makes or breaks whether someone is going to use a product or stick with a “game”. It is important to get on boarding right and continue to improve it. Also, how would you know how many new users SL gets per day, month or year? I thought only LL had access to that information.
  2. 2048 is double the max size for a texture in SL. SL will “resize” a texture from 2048 to 1024....but well you really don’t want to rely on SL to do that for you. You also don’t want to just drop a patterned texture onto a clothing item. Set up your nodes so that you can apply your texture in blender and also resize the texture. Then bake! Once you import your bake into SL, then you have a texture that will work perfectly on your shirt!
  3. Well it was a parody. He always pulled from multiple movies when parodying.
  4. 1) what size is the texture? Are you just throwing the texture into the diffuse slot in SL? 2) Since you’re using nodes, why don’t you just bake the texture in blender? Export the baked texture and use that one?
  5. This is a community issue and it sort of cheapens the whole idea of Flickr and Second Life photography in general. Since it’s such a numbers game and quid pro quo as far as favorites go, I think we’re past the point of no return.
  6. Vague questions are starting to peeve me. In other forums, people usually tell them their question is kind of vague and to refine it. They usually go like this: Vague person: Hey, I’m trying to do _______ but my _________ doesn’t __________. HAAALP! Helpful person: Oh you just_______ in _________. That’ll fix it. Helpful person2: No, that doesn’t work. ___________ your ____________ instead. *thread gets long with people trying to be helpful, but the solution could be anything* *week passes* Vague person returns: Oh, all I had to do was detach the object and the box was removed from my head. Sorry, I wasn’t more clear! Thank you all so much for being so helpful. I figured it out right after I posted! Sorry!
  7. You don’t need a high end pc to run SL. You just need to use your settings intelligently, otherwise a high end pc will run like a potato with unoptimized settings. Usually, when someone is complaining their beast mode PC can’t run SL, their settings are jacked up.
  8. Actually, I think it depends on your own graphic settings. Since I set my graphics to “not quite ultra with a couple of extras.” Mine defaults to a max of 250k. It probably drops lower than 250k if your graphic settings are lower. I haven’t messed around with lower settings. So I’m wondering. If people are on lower settings and the default max is lower, do they then lower it below 100k which I’m assuming would be the default if they have all of the graphics set to low, alm turned off etc.
  9. Piggy backing off of this: the default complexity is 250k for firestorm, not sure about LL default viewer or other tpv’s. I’ve already stated I drop mine a little lower than 250k to around 180k. So the question is: does anyone drop their max complexity below 100k? I’m kind of curious now.
  10. Short answer: it depends on what body I’m wearing. When I’m wearing a Belleza I can usually keep it under 100k and like a few people said it’s usually hair or jewelry that puts me over. I limit my viewable complexity to 180k in firestorm. I haven’t noticed any ill effects for having it that high and I seem to be able to see most things. I think 100k-150k is about average in SL. Asking here, might skew your data here a bit. A lot of SL users are pretty low information and most people that post here consistently are a bit more knowledgeable than your average user. Little anecdote: I’m starting to find male avatars are the worst offenders and don’t GAF, either. I was chatting with a nice guy one day. He was cool, so I added him as a friend. The next time I saw him his complexity was 300k. He was completely jellied. I casually mention I couldn’t see him, he was aware it was high, but said “you gotta set to no limits to see me baby.” More curious about what he was wearing I cranked it up and he was wearing some prim tron looking suit from like 2010. It looked nice, but 300k? He said he just liked it and they don’t make em like that anymore. So he likes wearing his old stuff. This isn’t the first guy I talked to that felt that way or said something to that effect. But I’m going to go out on a limb and say most people are in the 100k-180k range and the people that are higher don’t know or care that it’s higher.
  11. Without knowing what body you’re using, “business suit+woman”turns up a ton of results on MP.
  12. There's really no answer, because the answer, no matter what or how someone says it will be unsatisfying. There's an episode of Black Mirror called "Striking Vipers" that deals with this subject and it touches on everything everybody dances around when this comes up in a big way. The first thing I thought of when I was watching it was: That's Second Life! I won't spoil it though, it's really worth a watch. It leaves you feeling a little uneasy all the way through and the ending doesn't really come to a resolution or answer anything, but it brings everything up. Homosexuality? is it really? Which one of them is? Why are they doing it? Is it cheating? All kinds of stuff comes up and it's a little uncomfortable to watch on many levels. That's what makes it so good though. Anyway, people want to verify to avoid that feeling. Its a weird feeling. It's easier to verify and get it out of the way than to deal with the awkwardness of that situation, because it raises all kinds of questions that there are no easy answers to. So it gets condensed down into "R u male or female in RL? Do you voice? lol"
  13. I know “catfishing” has been a catch-all term for “this person tricked me into thinking they’re someone they’re not! They’re a big meanie.” So I’m going to break down why it doesn’t apply to SL. (I’m only doing this because I have 15 minutes before I get off of work. That’s 15 mins to kill) First, people have been lying about how they look to potential suitors since we’ve had the ability to scan and upload photos. At best it was someone misrepresenting their weight or age. At worse...we’ll we've all seen to catch a predator. Fast forward to catfish the movie. It was more a mental health movie, but somehow it got marketed as “OMG people lie about who they are on the internet!!!!!” If you watch the movie, he knew she was lying to him from the beginning, because what she was telling him was whacked out. Then we get Catfish the show, which moved completely away from the mental health aspect straight for the Jerry Springer. A couple of things about Catfish. Usually the person who is doing the catfishing contacts them. It’s all staged. What does this all have to do with SL? You’re in a virtual environment where nobody looks exactly like themselves. It’s an accepted norm of the environment. It’s not misrepresenting yourself, if the norm is to not be yourself. It’s not a catfish, some people are just taking things a little too seriously.
  14. Isn’t omega doing some kind of converter that applies Applier textures to BoM parts?
  15. Errrr....you can buy a Slink body without feet, which is usually for people that had Slink feet before mesh bodies came out. Slink also has deluxe versions of the bodies that come with all of the feet and has a HUD with five foot positions for you to switch between them. Also....Slink feet have appliers. You don’t need to tint them. Most skin makers have appliers that apply a skin to body, hands and feet all at once.
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