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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Do you mean as far as appliers or mesh clothing?
  2. I swear this body has the best Ad machine in SL. I admire that.
  3. The older Genesis Lab heads still look and work great! The two or three bento heads before they split are really good too. They may be lacking in the animation department, but they’re good heads. I think they don’t have omega support, but they hold up well.
  4. Random woman: “Hey sis!” Random Woman2: “hru” Random Woman: “I’m fine!” Random woman3 “Hey Random Woman!” Host: Tp your girl, tp your man, Tp your sidecandy *gesture* Host2 (why are there two hosts?): woo-ooooooo-ooooo *gesture with long spammy text* Woman4: Hey Random Woman! DJ: Don’t forget to tp your list! Random Woman 5: *tips DJ 50L* Host1: I love this tune ooooh-la-la-la-la! *gesture* Random woman6: “Sissy poo!” Me: *Tp’s out*
  5. Soooo....who started this trend of avatars with their eyes too close together? It’s irking the eff out of me.
  6. I’m with you. Someone probably reported it and a mod just moved it and washed their hands of the whole thing. The mods are pretty hands off about things until someone reports it. It happens a lot in the Avatar forum. Someone will ask a question that’s loosely based on the vaguely worded criteria for posting. Someone else will ask a similar question and *boop* moved. I know because I tested it. Someone asked a question about finding a hairstyle. It sat there for a couple of weeks, people attempted to answer it. Nothing happened. I asked a question that was worded similarly. *boop* lasted about an hour. The other question was still there. So I reported it for the same thing (sorry I was testing out my theory) and *boop* it got moved too. Someone reported it.
  7. You’ll most likely have to provide an alpha layer if you’re doing mesh clothing moving forward. Don't panic, it’s a relatively easy process and will only add a few minutes to your workflow.
  8. I have a very nice beach front parcel on the mainland. No skyboxes, my neighbor is very nice, takes care of her property (geez this sounds like RL). The other side are two rentals that seem to always be empty (one day they will be mine...mwah ha ha ha). The first land I ever bought was a crappy interior plot and EVERYBODY had a skybox. It all depends on where you buy land. I knew nothing about owning land the first go round. I just threw a bid out there and got it probably because the land was crappy. I put up a skybox because everybody else had a skybox. I think if LL made some kind of grid system on all of those gigantic parcels, more people would buy land put actual buildings on the ground instead of throwing up skyboxes.
  9. The great irony there is it’s usually people that consider themselves frank or blunt that can’t handle it.
  10. I feel like it’s not going to really affect the people that would buy Legacy. But if it’s not it could be the start of some problems as it gets adopted more and more.
  11. I don't even have the sound on in SL. I'm usually listening to music. I used to do it all the time, it just got kinda annoying after a while. It works, it doesn't work, its too loud, not loud enough. One time it stopped working and I just turned the sound off completely and found....I kinda like it that way.
  12. It just proves one thing to me: it’s just as much about getting people to buy in to something as much as it is making a good product. you have to give credit to whoever is behind Legacy. They have both creators and consumers buying in. They have the psychology of SL down pat.
  13. The only time I do “Show friends only” is if I’m at a super crowded shopping event. Most of the time though I don’t derender individual objects, because I like looking at things the way whoever made them intended them to be seen. I get that people derender for performance reasons, so I don’t knock it. As far as why people do it, I’d say it’s a combination of performance issues, SL my way, and just because they can.
  14. Catwa has a few male/female heads too! Those would work with a Maitreya. You might be able to work with one of those.
  15. I think the biggest hurdle are the bodies themselves. They sort of set you up into a gender box. Who ever figures it out will be rich! That being said, I know someone that wears a Maitreya body (sometime a v-tech)with a male head and absolutely makes it work! I mean he’s gorgeous too!
  16. I wouldn’t be surprised if that made the rounds like that canned stri...err exotic dancer emote notecard. We could include it in the Niramyth Dom Daddy bundle.
  17. If only what followed the “Hey girl...” was that articulate.
  18. Just to piggyback off of this: A lot of bloggers that dealt with cool, interesting, photogenic sims are gone. This further exacerbates the situation because more people are taking pictures but don’t know where to go. What becomes the easiest way to find someplace cool and interesting for your picture? Buy it.
  19. I really don’t think OP is asking for help. They just want to know do people change their appearance/are unhappy with how their avatar looks often. Short answer is yes and yes, it’s pretty normal. With so many options it’s not surprising either. I change my appearance often, it’s not because I don’t like how I look. I just like trying out new things, because it’s fun. There is a point in the process where I know the avatar isn’t quite where I want it and I keep making little changes until I say “yeah...that’s it..I like that!” I save it, wear it for a few months then do it all over again. I agree with the others though, you have to have an idea of what you want to start though, that and a good understanding that there are limitations when it comes to making an avatar. Some things you might want just aren’t possible.
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