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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Fine, Maitreya wasn’t out then. Some avatars still have a thigh gap. The point was it was someone with a super skinny avatar saying an xxs standard size was too big. It was wacked out from the start, then it went into proportions , after there was a tirade about mesh lol. I agree, it shouldn’t have been revived.
  2. No, they probably were made in China. The point was that was a response to butt implants being a “Black and Latin thing”, let’s not go down that rabbit hole. Which was my point. The original post had someone complaining about xxs mesh sizes being too big and mesh bodies having big butts. I’m pretty sure Maitreya was available back then which doesn’t have a big butt even if you crank up the sliders to 100. In short it was a looney post. Then someone (lol) took pictures of people’s avatars to make fun of them (which I thought was against the forum rules) One of which must’ve seen it because she responded. It was avatar shaming and the person that posted the picture got called out. Lo’ and behold....five years later...doing the same thing. Then someone implied Black and Latin women tend to have bigger butts....when....no they don’t. Someone had to point that out. I was pointing that out. Is it a thing in RL and SL? Sure....let’s just not make it a Black and Latina thing, because it’s not.
  3. We’re going in circles. The OP asked how to decimate a MD model...in Blender. Several people gave her a solution. I offered an alternative and a reason why that could be better that simply decimating it. That is all.
  4. Because....that’s what the OP asked for? She’s not using Maya though. She asked how to decimate the model. I said before the reason you don’t want to use decimate in Blender is because it’s going to trash the model. Wasn’t that why she wanted to decimate the model in the first place? Because it was too high poly? Instead of lowering the particle count ( which will raise the poly count), she can raise it. Raising it will lower the poly count, which is what the OP asked for. If it’s too low, that’s fine because after she adjusts the model, she can do a subsurf modifier and get the detail back and have a better model than she started out to boot.
  5. I think we’re having a minor misunderstanding. I already said I shouldn’t have said “retopo”. By taking the model in MD and increasing it from 20 (which is the default) to 30, 35 or 40. You’re going to end up with a simplified model when you export. Basically, by doing this you already decimated it, but it’s less messy.
  6. It probably won’t stop me from going, but it’s definitely not going to keep me there either.
  7. Also, pretty sure Kim K is completely of indo-European descent.
  8. I think she’s trying to reduce the polycount. The thing is when you decimate the mesh it’s going to deform a little bit. When it’s a MD mesh and you decimate in Blender, not only does it deform but you’re going to get some strange edges. It’s going to look pretty bad, then you’ll have to retopo anyway. If you increase the particle distance in MD, you will reduce the polycount when you import into Blender. The added bonus is going to be nicer quads, but you’re going to have to pull on some vertices in Blender. Once you spent a few minutes doing that though, you can drop a subsurf( a single one should do) modifier on the object, not only would it be better quadded, but it would be much closer to what you originally had in MD. So let’s not say retopo, let me rephrase that as pulling on some vertices and sorting out your edge flow. Increasing the particle distance will definitely lower the polycount and do a better job of decimating the mesh than simply decimating the mesh in blender though.
  9. Perfect. All you need to do is increase the particle distance of the fabric from the default setting. You’ll reduce the number of verts that way before you export to something more manageable. Decimate does some really unpredictable things with MD mesh that you probably wouldn’t be happy with. Even if you convert the mesh to quads (which you should) it’ll never perfectly quadrangulate the mesh. So it’s better to play around with the particle distance in MD before you export. It’ll lose some shape because there’s less geometry, but that’s ok. It’s fixable. Of course you’ll have to still retopo in Blender.
  10. What version of MD are you using? If it’s a later version, you can decimate it before you export it to blender.
  11. Not really, if you go by the TMP Legacy thread(s) over in the appearance forum....just depends on what the thing is.
  12. Yeah, I wasn’t hanging out there either; that’s why I ended up with three. I only grabbed ones from the creators I thought would be decent. And if the timer wasn’t up by the time I got to another one I might’ve wanted? Oh well.... not going back.
  13. I really don’t see the point of a patreon for an object in SL.
  14. I wouldn’t blame the shop owner for the timer thing. These events are out of control with the gimmicks. This was the first time I saw the timer group gift one. I hope it doesn’t become a thing. I think I got 3 gifts while I was at that event and haven’t opened one of them yet. I’m just not into group gifts like that. To me 9/10 theirs “not quite good enough” items or some little Knick knack I’ll forget about. Do I really need a pair of chartreuse boots? Yes I do! But only if it’s a color in a fat pack!
  15. SL has such a buyer beware culture, I just couldn’t do it. Half now, half when it’s done is a maybe. The closest I’ve ever come to getting custom was a mesh head. It was a lot of money and I just couldn’t get rid of the feeling I’d be disappointed no matter what, so I didn’t do it.
  16. In the same vein are the people that contact you only to take 10-15 mins to respond...every. Time. So a simple “Hi, how are you?” conversation turns into an hour long thing. When you finally close the box they respond again two minutes later. The internet has become a tabbed out culture.
  17. “Hey! I can’t see anything yet, I’m waiting for everything to rez.”
  18. I feel like the smaller and cheaper they are, the more people will buy and use them. I think they will see wide use in the future, particularly as a form of home entertainment. AR (augmented reality) will probably catch on faster and see wide spread use first though, then virtual reality will probably catch on much faster. I have a little quibble about VR though and it goes back to when I was a little girl. I was about 8 or 9 at a mall in Montreal with my mother around Christmas time. A video game store had a display for a Nintendo virtual boy. I love my gameboy and demoed it. I played it for about a half hour. My mother came to get me, I took the headset off and I was dizzy and had a funny headache. I didn’t want a virtual boy after that. I know it technically wasn’t VR, but I experienced my first migraine ever after using it and I’ll always associate VR with that. So I’m going to be one of those people that will be leery of using a VR headset, probably....forever. I may eventually try it, but that’s going to be in the back of my mind.
  19. You mean his condescending “yeah, yeah, kewl, kewl, kewl....but you’re wrong.” Kind of responses? Then he would go on to take your response and respond to some one else who said the opposite of what you said? classic troll moves....
  20. It’s gone. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt though, with English not being everyone’s first language, no way to pick up on subtle cues, etc. But you’re right it was kinda weird from the beginning.
  21. I wouldn’t say vanity, I’d say it was more fantasy and wish fulfillment. Much more broad and encompassing. It probably comes out as vanity many times because that’s the easiest way to express it. “Look at the pretty/sexy/strange avatar I made.” ”Look at me in my unique outfit (that everybody else has) aren’t I stylish?” At the end of the day, it’s just people looking for a little validation in their lives. Validation can be addicting, that’s why social media works so well.
  22. I can’t even guess what is going to be included with this new plan. All I know is it needs to be called “Super Dooper Premium” that alone would sell me....
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