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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. There’s a couple like this. One is a super secret cabal of creators that hang out together, smack talk other creators, etc, etc be shady-shades in general. The other one is a super exclusive sexi-time club.....where they also hang out together smack talk each other, etc, etc be general shadi-shades.
  2. That actually was what I was afraid of when I first saw the SL icon! That my grandmother was on SL in some MC or something or playing some young Thotty. My heart dropped for a minute! I asked her about it and she said it was a video game her tenant plays. Then I logged in!
  3. Funny story: My meme is 87, uses Facebook, pays her bills online, etc. She’s pretty computer savvy for an 87 year old. She’s independent, still lives in her own house, has a tenant. I’m going somewhere with this (don’t worry) A couple years ago, I was visiting her and she told me she was having problems with her PC. Then she told me her tenant’s Teenage daughter comes by hangs out with her and uses her computer. What could possibly go wrong with letting a teenage girl use your computer right? So I go on her computer. What’s the first thing I see? The girl installed SL and was coming to hang out with my grandmother AND play SL! I had to be nosey. I logged in....it was a regular profile. She filled out her profile, average profile, nothing weird. She had one of the new starter Avis, no crazy objects. I logged off satisfied, cleared a couple caches, told my grandmother she was good. I didn’t say anything to the girl about SL, it looked like she was just exploring. But I was surprised a 16 year old kid found and was on SL. I wouldn’t be surprised this is quite common. The next time I visited my grandmother, SL was still on there. The time after that it was gone. It could’ve been that my grandmother is using a 12 year old Dell and she got her own newer PC, maybe she got bored with SL and stopped logging on, maybe my grandmother said something to her. Kids are finding SL. I’ve seen it.
  4. Damn you LL! I want my last name and I want it NAO!!!!! BLAAAAAAH OmG WhY?! Sooooo important to meeeeee!
  5. Another thing I’d like to add on the generational pile. Yes, younger people tend to text someone else while in a meeting or in public. So I could see how it’s can be viewed as sneaky, because sometimes it is! However, a thing to consider about local: when you’re dealing with a group of 5+ people, local can be much harder to follow and exponentially so the more people that get involved in the conversation. You tend to see this in large group chats as well as local. The conversation will shift because someone will jump into it with something completely different. This can be especially problematic in a help group, because while someone is in the middle of explaining something, someone else or the same person (!) will be trying to explain something different to someone else, plus the tangent that is now going on...a large group chat can be like a word salad sometimes.
  6. I don’t mind either IMs or public chat. But I also consider myself a tweener, I started when last names were still a thing and mesh was “coming soon” but not old enough to go way back. I said all that to say, I remember when SL was much more social and inclusive and I noticed when a shift towards an IM culture started. People started putting “I don’t respond to local” etc. I’m ok with both to be honest. I think it’s a generational thing. Before someone gets all upset, allow me to explain. For boomers and Gen X’ers, people tend to be large group oriented. School was a whole class thing. The internet was just starting to come into its own and chat rooms were large group experiences. Forums were a thing and that was how people met and communicated. People tended to stick with a conversation, because a pc could only run one program at a time. Enter Millennials and Gen Z. School became small group oriented. Texting and sexting became a thing, im’ing and quicker methods of communication became preferred. Emojis, text speak, etc. conversations are more fluid. ie someone will say something and pick up the conversation 20+ minutes later (something that happens frequently in text). People tend to be more tabbed out, on SL....watching Netflix or playing video games all at the same time. Obviously, it’s not just younger generations doing this. I’m just saying what became the norm as time and technology have passed. I like people talking in local. It makes the world seem more alive. But at the same time, what I’ve noticed is people tend to still talk in local, but it’s less inclusionary. People will say something like “ Oh, I just jump right in!” That doesn’t work for everyone and again, I think this is a generational thing. Younger generations tend to not just jump into conversations. Even in clubs, I remember when there would be social games. A host would come up with things for people to do together. At some point, a host’s job just became to say hello to people that tp’d in and to expect a tip for that. Unsurprisingly, after a few minutes of not being engaged, people tp away. I’m not even sure I answered the question. I think what Im trying to say is, I think I know why were more im oriented now. It’s up to us to change it though.
  7. It sounds like you got some full perm clothing. not sure whether it’s a mesh template or an applier template. Anyway, open the folder. Open your diffuse texture, uv, ao if it has it and speculation maps. Or which ever the creator included. At minimum it’s going to be a uv and an ao. If it’s full perm you want to save those textures to your HD. You can choose .psd or .tga when you save it to SL. once you’ve saved it to your HD, you should be able to open the file in your favorite graphics program, no problem.
  8. If your whole experience with SL has been social islands might be time to try something new.
  9. Lol. I genuinely don’t care about who likes it or who wants to try it out or whatever. I’m genuinely saying Legacy is doing an amazing thing that no other body seems to be able to do, that is break into the mesh body market. That wouldn’t be possible without a machine behind it. Its ok to be a part of the machine.
  10. Gotta get the heterochromia in the pic man....gotta.
  11. Is he like....some cat from japan? You know....screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo?
  12. You really have to marvel at it. I haven’t seen anything permeate every aspect of SL like this since.....well it’s just amazing to watch this play out.
  13. I wouldn’t sue you! Just keep in mind a couple of elections are coming up soon! Keep that same energy!!!!
  14. There is a Janet Osilio in real life. I’m pretty sure she’s married now and has a different last name though. Anyway, I always thought it was a cool sounding name. Some names just sound cool when you hear them. To me, it’s a cool sounding name. It’s a Filipino last name, I’m not Filipina either, I’m French Canadian. When you grow up in Quebec, you get used to hearing French sounding names. When I moved to the US about 10 years ago, different sounding names were like music to my ears. I heard her name and was like....yeah, cool name. When I made this alt everybody got Resident. So I jammed them together JanetOsilio because you couldn’t put the period between the name. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I get called “Jane” a lot.
  15. *Applauds Legacy’s hype machine* Y’all are getting people that dookied on the body for 20 pages to actually buy it and say good things about it. This is an election stealing leveled feat.
  16. I’m not sure where she got her sampling from. But even still, 1000+ is nothing to sneeze at. She could’ve solicited responses from groups in world. I seriously doubt she got 1000 responses from this forum. My only real take away is that Legacy has made a significant gain. That’s not really surprising, the amount of people asking creators for Legacy stuff in group chats alone tells me there are a significant user base. At least three times while I’m logged in, someone comes into one of the groups I’m in and goes “Did they start making things for Legacy?” I wouldn’t call the data heavily skewed though. It’s going to be skewed just because it’s from a blog where most followers are going to tend to like the same type of things she as the blogger likes. Which...is how blogging works. Still 1000 responses is worth noting. You’re right though, it is interesting. By the time Strawberry does her poll in December, we could see different numbers. What I’m seeing though, Legacy is taking primarily from Belleza and Slink. That’s the trend I’m seeing already.
  17. That's the risk of buying gatcha on MP. There's isn't much you can do about it, because SL runs on a buyer beware system. Some of the titles of gatcha items can be misleading too. I wish MP would have a seller review system similar to Ebay for gatchas. I know it wouldn't be easy to implement, but it would lessen things like this from happening and would warn people before they even buy something from sellers from doing things like this.
  18. I agree, things can change quickly in a year.
  19. You left out the virtue signalling of "People earn a living on SL! The difference between 3-4L could me the difference between someone eating for the month!" Meanwhile, we're talking about people that are paying thousands of dollars US in tier. I somehow think, someone that has $4000 to spend on tier isn't worried about their next meal.
  20. Polls are interesting. That one shows Maitreya is firmly #1, with Legacy taking Slink and Belleza's lunch. Meanwhile, Strawberry Singh's yearly poll has Maitreya at #1, but Freya and Slink Hourglass with respectable numbers. https://strawberrysingh.com/2018/12/03/berrys-2018-mesh-body-parts-survey/
  21. Errrrrrt.....~ means around. Which means....I'm rounding. So around 250, is accurate. The problem with people being all hyperbolic is exactly what you ended up saying. The difference between 3-4 Lindens....even on a larger scale is still going to amount to 1.5 Grandes. So from looking at your click-baity title it amounts to a small amount, even if you're dealing with a larger number. So like I said...hyperbolic.
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