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Everything posted by SAULGOODiE

  1. Freakin LOVE Syberia. I would highly recommend the City of Babbage, as Chic mentioned Steampunk sims might be best, and Babbage is simply stunning visually. Caledon is also nice but not as industrial or architecture-focused.
  2. Hey there @BishopCharles , welcome to SL! The best way to get started in Second Life in my opinion is to First make yourself familiar and comfortable with the program. Perhaps visit a New-User friendly location, these places are often full of handy things like New User Guides, Cheap/Free shopping, and helpful Residents ready to give you a hand. After you have the basics, I would recommend taking a look at the Destination Guide and visiting some places that appear interesting to you! Second Life is a large and diverse place, so it is best to think about "What Interests Me" and "How do I want to Spend my Time". Perhaps you are interested in Listening to Music and meeting new people, then you might consider visiting Clubs or Venues! Maybe you are interested in Science Fiction or Fantasy, in which case a Roleplay environment might be the right fit! You will find Locations and Communities dedicated to everything from Sailing to Photography, and just about anything in between.... Just remember Second Life is what you make of it, pursue your own interests and you will surely have a great time
  3. Thanks for stopping by, @Talligurl ! I got the LM and added it to the "Art" category, thank you so much for dropping that suggestion Thanks @JingleWorm ! Hope you find it useful!
  4. Hey Xerxes. I am sure there are other methods that other Residents will chime in on, but heres my two cents. Maybe take a look at ViPER4Windows, its an open source audio driver with many abilities like what you have mentioned (Reverb, EQ, Compression and other standard audio adjustments). Another might be a tool like "Nicecast" though it is MAC-Only. I am not sure what broadcasting too you are using, but Nicecast offers a built in effect rack/grid which allows you to add simple EQ's and other effects directly to your broadcast. Not free like ViPER but its personally what I use for DJing. Wishing you the best luck! Keep on rockin!
  5. Wondering if there's any SLRR/Train builders here that might be willing to bend-an-ear and help a noob builder for a bit of compensation. I have been working on a new project building a train. Just hashing out a few details. I don't do a ton of building in SL, most of my work before this project have been stationary objects or artistic projects. Not looking to go back and forth on the forum, please let me know if anyone is willing to meet up inworld sometime, as mentioned you will be compensated for your time. I am also well-aware of the various builders groups/schools on the grid, due to my picky schedule I would much rather pay for some one-on-one help. Thanks everyone!
  6. Normally I would say skip the store completely. Inworld stores are very nice, but you need to keep in mind your overhead for rent etc. As @Chase01 mentioned, a lot of residents simply don't browse shops Inworld anymore, it is much more common to click through pages on marketplace.... However you are talking about Poses and that "poses complications" lol. For physical goods, MP sellers usually offer a 0-1$L DEMO product to test, whereas you would likely need a Inworld location to try Poses out with their avatars.... That being said, any money you were considering spending on those Inworld promotions would be MUCH BETTER utilized elsewhere. One biggie nowadays is Bloggers, if you can find some fashion bloggers/flickr users to sponsor they will provide some quality promotion, both via their own network of fans and providing you with high-quality images of your products (or poses as the case may be). Another thing to look into might be events. I can only recommend this approach from a product-selling perspective, I am not sure how poses might do, but it certainly works for fashion to create limited edition products for various events. Get creative with your marketing!! Offer folks 10% back if they write a honest review on MP!! Include things like group inviters and notecards with your package delivery!! Where there is a will, there is a way, and just like IRL the landscape of the market and demand is always changing
  7. Just wanted to drop this into the pot for all you artists/photographers Google Nik Collection has been free since last year, it's a great collection of free Photo Editing tools for quick color adjusting, film effects, and much more. Not nearly as versatile as Adobe programs, or even free programs such as GIMP, HOWEVER the great thing about these tools is there is little-to-no learning curve. It's almost criminal how easy it is to apply simple adjustments. If you're just looking for minor photo adjustments as opposed to full-on editing, it might be worth looking into. I personally use a combination of Photoshop and various Nik processes for my photos.
  8. How can you even pick a favorite!! I personally get the most use out of Torley Linden's various presets, but here is a massive list anyway....
  9. Not a whole lot you can do. Politely ask them for some space if you haven't already, perhaps it is just a misunderstanding. I like to imagine this is just a Lonely Resident taking advantage of your attention You can always rent from someone else, there is no shortage of Landlords and Rental Services no matter what size parcel you are renting. If you're sick of Landlords altogether, go premium and get some land yourself, then you can have as much control/privacy on your parcel as you wish.
  10. Here you go Talli! No rush, the Library is not going anywhere http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wyrd/103/106/82
  11. Hey Talli! You are welcome to stop by anytime, and please, feel free to either drop me a Landmark here or in the Suggestion Box at the Library, I will be happy to add your location to the collection!
  12. Thanks for all the help, folks! Hashed things out with the Lindens and now the post is back public ^___^ Thank everyone for their 2 cents <3
  13. I am hoping this is the case. I am engaging in a conversation with a Moderator at the moment, attempting to get to the bottom of things. I was given a link to the guidelines, studies them thoroughly, and presented my case that I did not violate conditions in any way. I would not be making a big deal out of this, but i've been using the Forum a heck of a lot this past year, its super frustrating for something like this to happen with no clear answers. Thanks for the 2-cents Avery
  14. Talking directly to Lindens right now. Being told my post was in violation of their Community Post Guidelines. I disagree completely and am currently arguing my case. If I cant make a simple post, i will find somewhere else to spend my time than in this *****ing mess.
  15. So I just posted this in the ANSWERS section, but seeing as the forums are a spectacular mess right now, i figured this deserved a spot in the Feedback category as well. Apologies for the re-post, but this elf is getting a little frustrated... There have already been ideas about LL removing my post, due to it threatening their "Destination Guide", however I remain skeptical. Since I received no notice from a mod or elsewhere about the post being taken down, I am simply looking for an answer if this topic simply glitched out of existence, or if my content was somehow inappropriate for the subforum I posted to.....
  16. Sounds like the InWorldz exploring HUD! I can dig it! Certainly wished there was something that existed like that nowadays, "Art Galleries of Second Life" have a nice kiosk/hud setup but of course it is limited to Art destinations. And I could not agree more about resident disappointment. More often than not, residents are using the in-browser destination guide, which is 75% empty and old fluff (excluding the Current Events and Editors Picks of course). Residents really deserve much better tools to explore this rich world, and myself being a resident could not sit back and watch the nonsense happen without doing my own thing haha All I really want is to share the amazing things and places SL has to offer, I do not think LL should have a monopoly on curation seeing as us residents create most of the actual content. I am going to keep praying this is a Glitch, because if my project is really frowned upon by LL, I have some serious thinking to do regarding my premium payments lol
  17. Well thank you for that, Marigold! I felt strongly about that too, SL is a place that changes almost as fast as the water in a river, it only makes sense to have a tool that is as flexible and the environment it promotes.....
  18. Hello Marigold, thank you for the "Like" hehe :-D Now that is interesting. LL thinking my creation is muscling in on their Destination Guide Territory...... because that is exactly what im doing. The Destination guide is a relic, I created my Library as a resident-driven solution to maintain a database of actual OPEN and interesting Sims. I guess I just cannot see how they could be threatened by little ol me and my tiny parcel project!
  19. Hey Alwin, thank you good sir. I am curious, is there a list somewhere with specified "Inappropriate Content"? I honestly find it funny, seeing as the Thread immediately following my post was searching for BDSM clubs. My post was advertising a Library where residents can find Destinations like Churches or Parks. I am at a loss trying to justify a "Inappropriate" flagging. And yes, I received no alert or email, so I really have no clue if this was done specifically by a mod, an automated system, or like I mentioned a possible Glitch. End of the day, its bloody frustrating......
  20. Wondering if anyone else has experienced disappearing threads in this new forum setup. Yesterday morning I made a lengthy post in "Favorite Destinations" regarding my latest project. The post went public just fine, saw approx. 30 views and even a "Like" by the end of the night. I went to check the post this morning, and the thread is gone. Not moved elsewhere, completely removed. The thread has vanished from "Favorite Destinations", and there is only this error code when I follow the notification link. Can anyone tell me what is happening? I haven't used the forum much since the re-design, and this is making me want to use it even less. Is this just a glitch? Did I violate some terms I knew nothing about? This is not my first rodeo, so i'm just looking for some clues/answers.
  21. The Library of Landmarks a public project created and curated by Saul Goodie. The mission of this library is to collect, organize and feature quality locations from across the Second Life grid. Please enjoy the selection of Landmarks; each category has 4 featured landmarks with quick links - simply use the map to teleport! Click the FOLDER button to receive a folder of Landmarks related to the category of your choosing. If you feel you have a Location worth admitting to the Library, please attach the Landmark to a notecard with an explanation and drop in the Suggestion Box on the Library Front Desk. We encourage submissions of all types, even if they do not fit the displayed categories. You can also use the Suggestion Box on the Library Front Desk to: recommend new categories, report dead or inactive landmarks, request feature spot highlight, or request landmark removal, and misc. questions. : Current Displayed Categories : MUSIC CHILL ART SPIRITUAL COMMUNITIES ROMANCE CAFE PARKS EDUCATIONAL STEAMPUNK SCI-FI ** FANTASY INTERACTIVE ** ** = Under Construction ::The Library of Landmarks was established in January 2017 by Saul Goodie. The Library was built with the help of several Residents who are forever remembered through a plaque outside our front door. ::
  22. Hello Taylyn. I would recommend a more focused approach. You can use the destination guide to find "Chat Hot Spots", but in my personal opinion it is best to try and find people who are into the same things you are! Have a favorite kind of music? Chances are there is a Club right now with a DJ and a bunch of people partying! Use the "Search" too to find Places and Groups that match your interests, whether its Music, Movies, Roleplaying, Sailing, Flying, Exploring, Shopping, or anything else you can think of! It will be much easier to both FIND residents and make lasting relationships if you find folks with similar interests. Hope that helps a bit!
  23. Seeing as majority of locations and content are user-created, it is certainly not uncommon to see Sims and Projects disappear frequently. There is no guarantee that simply because a Sim is popular or beautiful it will stick around. I haven't delt with a legitimate griefer in nearly 2 years. I explore all the time, mostly in public spaces, and I can safely say I cannot even remember the last sour enocunter I have had with a resident. I don't live isolated in a skybox, I have several public locations on and off mainland, and there has been so little riff-raff for every 50 visitors I get only One might be troll-like. I think a lot of things you are bringing up can be attributed to simple changing of times. Everyone uses SL for a different purpose, like you see it as a game, others might see it as a photo studio, or a place to learn. Not everyone is here just to hang out and chat in large groups. Not saying it's a good thing, but SL is certainly a "Niche Culture" society. The most active and stable places on the Grid are catered to a specific audience. Roleplayers, Fashionistas, Merchants and Blogger, Photographers, Adult Content, the list goes on. If you are trying to find sims that aren't empty, consider joining some groups that are in-line with your interests. Also keep in mind people play SL from all over the world, a sim might be bustling with 20-30 russian residents, but by the time the rest of the world logs in that party might be gone! My best advice would be to start clean. Forget all your old landmarks and locations. Focus on using the search tool to find Groups and Places that fit your interests. Im sure in no time you can find plenty of active sims. And if there is one thing I learned from exploring all these years, take pictures and document while you can, because ANYTHING can disappear tomorrow.....
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