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Everything posted by SAULGOODiE

  1. Sort Answer : Yes :-) You can place a Limit Buy for whatever you want in terms of exchange rate, it's just a matter of if/when the trade goes through. When you normally buy, LindeX automatically tries to match you to the best exchange rate. Technically speaking you are able to set the desired amount and exchange rate in your Limit Buy (Example, purchasing 10,000L$ at an exchange rate of 300L$/1$USD would bring it down to about 33 dollars), but you will end up waiting a very long time for a sell order to match. The crux of the issue is you are not getting Linden Dollars direct from LL, but from other residents, so until people limit sell lower it is very difficult to "play" the exchange market to save money.
  2. The land will no longer be usable by the group, but what happens to the land depends on how the resident chooses to get rid of it. If they sell the parcel the profit will be divided amongst those in the group with the proper permissions, whereas if it is abandoned it will simply be un-usable. A very important thing to remember is that TIER is donated to a group, not land, so the resident would need to adjust their land donations to see it reflected in billing (this might be automatically resolved in the process of downgrading, but I am not sure.) Short Answer, unless someone else donates Tier to your group to take its place, the land will no longer be under the groups control.
  3. Some of the best ways to meet folks in SL : Go out and party! Do you have a particular type of music you enjoy? Chances are there are several clubs and DJ's that are right up your ally, and music is a great starting point for conversations and meeting new people! Use the search tool to find clubs or events that are catered to your taste. Roleplay! Perhaps if you are into Overwatch you are also a fan of science fiction or fantasy in general! Roleplaying in Second Life is not only a great way to surround yourself with active players, but it is also a fast way to meet people with similar interests. Participate! There are lots of events/games that exist inworld that are great opportunities to explore and meet new people. A common starting place for new folks might be 7 Seas Fishing, an inworld fishing game that does provide the possibility of winning a little L$, so there is an extensive network of fishing events and locations all across the grid. You might not be into shopping, but Hunts and Shopping Events are also nice! Create! Since you are new to SL it can be a bit intimidating, but the beauty of it is anyone can make anything! Perhaps you might create a Group for Overwatch fans! Jump in a sandbox or building course to learn how to create your own objects and content! Best of luck in your journey, Bananurs, hope you enjoy your time here! :-)

    Beta Serveur

    Dropping these here just in case! Not exactly sure what you mean by Beta Server, but if by chance you arent talking about the beta grid.... New Bento Testing Viewer and other LL Viewers Project Sansar Application
  5. The Profile Feed is merely a social tool to share essentially what you are currently doing, this is why there is no capability to bulk-upload images or upload from elsewhere. Most residents who want to not only share their screenshots/photography but also catalog and organize them utilize Flickr accounts, as you can also upload directly from your viewer. I hope someone else can chime in and help with the first person/3rd person screenshot problem! Personally I never shoot in first person, or perhaps I have simply not tried in a while, because I utilize the camera controls to focus on objects instead of first person view.
  6. I have a pretty bulky folder of Cafe Landmarks i would be happy to pass onto you inworld! Now there is the question of whether or not these places are "Hotspots" for chat, usually my criteria leans towards compfort and photogenics :-) There is of course the Millhouse Beanery , you have a pretty good chance of running into some folks there.....
  7. Yes, I almost exclusively use outfits opposed to using my inventory. Perhaps it is simply the woes of menswear and things often not fitting correctly together (shirts/pants mesh mashing, trouble with pant legs/boots, etc), but I find after I have went shopping and put something together that fits and looks nice, I tend to save it right away in my outfits. I have not run into any linking or inventory problems myself, but I assume my wardrobe is significantly smaller than most fashion-concious female avis on the grid.
  8. From Community Help : Your signature is text that appears at the bottom of your posts. To create your personal signature: Click My Settings to go to your My Settings page. On the Personal Profile tab, click Personal Information. Enter your signature text in the Signature box. Click Save Changes The most common things to put in your signature would be links to your properties Inworld, Marketplace Links or links to Inworld Business. To this end, some residents take extra steps to add coded images into their signatures. You can keep it simple or get as fancy as you want.
  9. Nothing to worry about here, you are doing nothing wrong in your purchasing of the property or your building. It is awefully nice of you to be considerate of your neighbors for one thing, so to that end I would recommend at least getting in touch with your neighbor and maybe getting on friendly terms! If they were realling interested in buying up all the parcels in the area, they would have purchased the land before you got yout hands on it, or at the very least they might have reached out with a offer to you. What you should NOT do is run away from the situation or sell your land because you think you are in the wrong. There are plenty of alternatives for folks in-world who want unobstructed ocean access and beautiful views, from the Blake sea to Eden and all the Private Sims inbetween. Unless it's ones first time buying mainland, people tend to be aware of the neighborly risks of living/building on the mainland. You should not have to adjust what your are doing for anyone elses convenience unless you are actively building a community together.
  10. Alternate to the Search Engine : You can use your World-Map to view all parels currently for sale both directly and via the auction system by toggling the options in the upper right menu of the Map. This can be a more visual way of searching for land parcels. Once you have found a land with the price and size you'd like, you can purchase it from the "About Land" menu.
  11. Today [Posted 1:14 PM PDT, 27 May 2016] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may be logged off. Please check back here for updates.
  12. Whitney - Fantastic suggestions and info from the community so far, i figured I would just drop a few recommendations for "Normal Community" roleplaying sims. You may have come upon these in your travels or on the forum, but regardless here is a short list of places you can check out! I am sure each of these sims have their own guidelines for building, residency and roleplay, but at least you can see what SL has to offer. Cumberland City Fairfield County Bridgeport Giano Properties Community of Catawissa Orchard Heights Nightengale There are also several mainland communities that are quite nice but not always roleplay-focused. The East-River community is about as old as Bay-City. I have a small rental in a nice community up the road as well in Keswick/Coinston, the property managers are incredibly nice and flexible with what you can do within the community. There are also communities in the Blake Sea for more seafaring folks, might be worth looking into. Best luck in your search to find the perfect place!
  13. *BUMP!* Keep em coming people! This Sub-Forum is getting bogged down with posts that SHOULD be in Activities/Events, so lets keep this place packed with awesome Places everyone can visit and enjoy :heart:
  14. Ina - If you have sold your Linden Dollars and received 7$ USD, you should now see you have 7$ USD in your US Dollar Balance. Linden will by defauly use your Cash Balance to pay for your account expenses (Membership Fees, Mainland Fees, Private Land Fees and Purchasing Linden Dollars). If you do not wish to have your USD Balance used towards your SL expenses, you can use the LindeX Exhange Credit Processing to request a cash payout. Credit Processing converts Linden Currency into USD and deposits into your chosen account, Paypal or Skrill. ***You will need a MINIMUM of 10$ USD to request Credit Proccessing***
  15. Woohoo more content!! :heart: Yeah sure there is a bit less out there for men, but you just have to know where to look :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Don't want to overwhelm with requests or suggestions, I know that personally I love streetwear and modern fashion. I will ignore most mens clothing that are the typical ugly button-up shirt and acid washed jeans. I tend to look for things that I would wear in real life. I like to have variety, interesting patterns and graphics. Casual ;-D This blog is a good example of stuff I tend to gravitate towards in SL, I am sure you are familiar with most of the creators/brands! Good luck hope to see some new goodies soon! ~*~
  16. Have you tried throwing this question to the Answers department? You may get a quicker responce. Are you rezzing this item on top of another item, or directly on the ground?
  17. Hey RDK! Good luck and blessings for your brave transition! Anyway, I just wanted to suggest you perhaps setup a Blog for your services, a place where you can start to show off your poses and photography in SL, there is a large userbase that utilizes Facebook and other platforms to blog about fashion and locations, it can be a nice way to get your foot in the door. Of course for DJ I would simply recommend browsing this same Inworld Employment or the Wanted forums for clubs searching for DJ's. It is possible to use your own property and open your own club, but with so many clubs on the grid as it is, your best bet is to find a club that already has a fanbase and is known for music you enjoy, apply and grab a timeslot or two!
  18. Must be time to bump this puppy back up! You can read my other posts to get the gist... CALLING ALL EXPLORERS!
  19. Sounds like an awesome mix of music genres, I will be sure to stop by sometime to see what it's all about :-D
  20. Yes! When I rented the property Rey let me know there was a game going on nearby! It's true at any given time theres 1-3+ people in the sim playing the game, occasionally one will wander in looking for a clue ;-D I wish you all the best luck in your future marketing and business endevors, hope to see you around sometime
  21. It's tough to say if it will be worth it of course, but with your L$ stipend you are already ahead of the game. The sources you mentioned are good ideas but it might depend on traffic. Franchising might also be a good way if you are in an area with decent traffic. You could also simply rent the land, or a property on the land, to someone who does not have premium; their weekly rent plus your stipend could potentially cover your monthly cost.
  22. ZIPA, we can help you much more with a bit more information. Please provide any other detals you have regarding this problem. What kind of house do you have? If it is a rented property, you will most likely be required to wear the appropriate group-tag for your furniture/rezzed items to stay inworld, otherwise they could possibly be auto-returned to your inventory. Another possibility is that you are attempting to rezz boxed items, I cannot really tell though from your question. If you are rezzing a "Couch" and it does not appear when you drag it from your inventory, instead you get a box or something similar, the item could be "Packaged". In this case, you can Right-Click the package and choose "Open" to move all the items into your inventory. I have also personally rented at locations where the actual Floor of the property does not have permissions to Rezz items onto. This can be quickly fixed by throwing your own Prim-Slab down ontop the floor so you have an area to Rezz ontop of. Theres a few other possibilities but without any error messages or further details, it is difficult to assess the problem. Hope this gets you going in the right direction!
  23. Have you tried any bloggers/VideoReviewers or forums that focus on Adventure games and not SL in particular? I think a lot of great advice has been given on how to promote your game inworld (direct connections with other residents is always the best way, even if you spend an hour being "productive" posting adverts about your game on billboards and forums, you have a better chance gaining and retaining insterested customers by just meeting other people inworld, so the previous suggestion to take some time off and simply "Network" yourself is incredibly important, any IRL business man will tell you this), but if your games would appeal to folks outside of SL you might manage to strum up some interest with gamers outside of SL. Just a suggestion because it seems like the normal routes aren't working for you! Also RAISE THAT PRICE!!! If your price/slash approach is not providing a windfall of customers you should absolutely increase your rates, it will give your game the appearance of having more value and being a better product. It is a very common mistake to undercharge for services thinking only a small price tag will trigger purchases, and while for some shoppers this is true I feel like in your field (selling experiences is much different than selling furniture or clothes inworld), at least if you charges 1000L instead of 100L you might get more return on your end. Also when I purchase something for 1000+L$ I tend to remember its in my inventory more than something much cheaper, I don't know what that means psychologically but I feel like its a common concept.
  24. Greetings Folks! This Saturday (May 7th) we have our monthly field-trip events continuing with a splendid focus this time, the Libraries of Second Life! We will be gathering at Saul's Place Cafe @11AM SLT and begin our wandering at 11:30AM SLT. Tourguide notecards will be provided to all in attendance as well as available to anyone who cannot attend but would still like a handy list of landmarks :matte-motes-asleep-2: Our Field-Trips last roughly 1 hour (11:30AM-12:30PM), in this time I will personally be guiding the group from sim-to-sim, highlighting several different kinds of libraries both functional and decorative. Though there will be time for exploration and shopping, etc, the trip itself is meant to introduce these locations for future visits, so you are encouraged to return to the landmarks and continue your explorations!!! You can feel free to message me (SAULGOODiE) inworld with any questions you might have regarding the trip. All avatars are welcome//no age or avatar restrictions and as always the tour is free of charge. :heart: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wyrd/141/107/86 
  25. Hello, Lunjolmagine! How are you trying to add Photos to your feed? The only way to do it is directly via the snapshot tool Inworld, choosing "Post to Profile." Sometimes depending on your connection and other variables, a snapshot will not be posted, or "Processed", the best thing to do is take a picture and patiently wait for a system notification to tell you your Snapshot has been posted. Hope that helps, if not please clarify some specifics around where you are running into a problem or error in the process.
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