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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. One for Oz. A lot of us can/do read commit logs. Outside of fixes for security why does the Lab mask so most of it's work behind "Internal Fixes" in the weekly maintenance changelogs you allow us to see?
  2. I'd love to see the real change-logs. But I think everything becomes internal unless it's a "headline feature"
  3. Generally I don't bother engaging in the $10 for region dreams of the OpenSimmers. They have a less stable product on their AWS servers, and any development is done by a small group of people working for free. The Lab needs to fund the programming team, that's where the bulk of our teir goes... paying for people like Patch, Grumpity, Soft, Oz, Caleb, and so on and so on. The one thing the lab don't spend money on though is a decent microphone (and clothing) for Ebbe. Although Patch could, he's too busy... so we seriously need a Skell.Mole who can dress the CEO in stylish clothes!
  4. More likely that it doesn't use port 80/443. So, teh firewall blocks it. It's a security thing.
  5. My current set of books are the Gorean saga (after putting it off for a decade). It's a damned hard slog too. I am up to book 5 and really find it a struggle to turn on my kindle to move beyond this.
  6. I can see this happening in the Bronny regions. Whirly, has it reached a stage where EEP is into a Firestorm branch yet (self-compiled is ok). I has the real dumbz when it comes to the LL viewer.
  7. It's a problem Mother's of the world are fully experienced in every single school holidays.
  8. Anyone on the forums more then a few times would know that from past town-halls, they will pick 2 or 3 soft and easy topics to discuss. Things like "Tell us about your progress on Eep" and "Why can't I have a pony" We've seen enough of these now to know that any talk of difficult topics is skipped, long lists of demands are skipped, and most suggestions will also be skipped over, maybe at best with Oz saying "Raise a jira". A few might get replies in the thread after the broadcast, but in a few weeks the thread will be deleted.
  9. /me throws a carrot at some silly rabbits... don't get yourself banned.
  10. Condolences. As we spend time in our shared virtual world we really do forge strong friendships all over the world. It's a sad time when that friend no longer logs in. Hold on to the memory of the friendship and the good times you shared, know they laughed and enjoyed their time with you, as you did with them. And F Cancer.
  11. Facebook (and twitter) really have messed the world up. These echo chamber allows the outragati to flourish.
  12. After you report them, as advised above. Mute them and resist the urge to talk to them. You may wish to also hide your groups, as those tell me exactly where you hang out.
  13. Robbie, I look at the original post you made 4 years ago, and I see you are still being harassed. The guy must be super unhinged. 4 years is a long time for a protracted harrasment campaign, even the most persistant griefer should have gotten bored some time during 2015. Not to victimblame, but it's likely a fact that because they are still going you are somehow reacting to them. Any reaction, no matter how small, is what feeds them. Now it's time to starve them. Other's above have told you how to block and mute this person as he comes in - but I will add some extra advice. First and foremost - and this is super important - no reactions, no matter how small. Not a word, not an IM, don't even cam them. Ignore all IMs they make. Try your absolute hardest not to be baited into responding ever again. Even one response can undo months of good work towards your task of boring them to tears. Secondly, if you are in a region where you have estate manager's rights, add them to the region ban list. As soon as any alt that you have already banned tries to teleport into the region, the simulator will grab their computer signature and lock out all alt's automatically. This seems to last only for a while, so it's not a perfect solution. Thirdly and I've not looked, but just in case, go over your profile remove any references to this persistent troll. Any naming and shaming will only spur them on. Also don't spread his name via friends as one of those could be feeding pleasure back to him. Consider putting your home inside privacy lines, and creating an access group for friends. This will stop him any more then being in the region + IMs. As you lodge ARs please mention calmly that this has been happening for 4 years. Do a seperate AR for each alt that comes in, include the date and time, file it under harrasment. You will need to do this for a while, the Lab should eventually build up a solid history of this. Good luck, hopefully you can starve this persistant person to the point they let you go.
  14. Oh, you want to put me over a barrel, I see it! And in a way you have, you stumped me how to seriously answer it and stay light hearted at the same time. I'll just say "Ethan would kill me if I let my neko instincts get the better of me and even ruffled a hair on Patch's head, Cindy probably would look at me with a dissapointed look too." Edit: #MeesesToo!
  15. At the moment, if one owns a full region, we can pay a nominal amount to increase the LI from 20K to 30K. Have you thought of allowing this for Homesteads too? Bring them from 5K to 7.5K - it can be the same cost increase as the full (yes, i want more prims in my home)
  16. I find it helps to set your jellybean slider to the lowest before you go in and then increase it after 5 minutes. The mesh is in place and the textures come in normally. It's really weird how this works, but it does.
  17. I like this speculation, a few extra regions there to make the unfinished Gaeta? continent whole and additionally, join it down to the other two and it really opens up the entire group of continents into one wonderfcul sailing and flying area. (I asked what's Patch's favourite cheese in the 15th November meeting thread so we know what to bribe him with to do great things like this)
  18. If this is a parcel in the region the safest way to edit everything and add/subtract a set number to the Z. (Z=height) Say your skybox is now at 1023 meters and you want to move it up 500 meters.... edit each item, add 500 to the Z... so the vase that was at z=1025 meters becomes Z=1525 meters - do the skybox itself last so that you don't fall to the ground. If you own the entire region then you can do it by Shift-Rightclick of everything and taking it into inventory as a conglomeration (the rubik cube like icon) You can then rez a prim at your new height and go into edit, the while in edit rez the conglomeration on the prim and move it into position. Danger; dont try the conglomeration method if you don't own the entire region, the risk of rezzing over the property line and messing up (maybe losing things) is too great.
  19. Can you please get an idea from Dakota if there can please be a Gatcha filter for the MP (can be [x] Hide Limited Quantity Items)?
  20. Is there a setting to preferably lock EEP to a user selected setting and ignore all parcel changes, or if not a switch to stop it taking effect? If not, this is going to be a bit difficult for SL Pilots who might cross 8 or 10 parcels in a region. (Sorry if it's there, the LL viewer is complicated and hard for me to use, I looked but couldn't see it.)
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