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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Okay, that's pretty cool. If a bit eerie. Couldn't be bothered to figure out how to get it embedded though, so, a gif of the mp4 playing from the website!
  2. "What Disney character do you look like?" ... Oh.
  3. You're not going to end an argument by trying to claim that it's 'too OP to be discussed' after just having dropped a statement that's entirely void by the Second Life terms of use. If you bring it up in a topic as an argument, it's now part of the topic. Going off-topic would be to ignore the discussion and start spamming cat pictures to willfully derail the thread.
  4. L$1,000K is hardly a serious price tag. There's people who've put up prim cubes for thousands of lindens too, that doesn't mean that 'buying plywood-textured prims on the marketplace is expensive'. Even fullperm clothes tend to cost L$250-500 depending on brand, I've bought plenty of mugs, beer bottles, and similar nicknacks for L$25-50, and furniture for no more than clothing. No Devil 'should' only be allowed in skill gaming regions, from which users connecting from countries or states with laws against online gambling don't have access. That people put them in other regions is an offense that will be addressed by LL only if someone ARs it to put it to their attention - they can hardly be expected to keep track of every thing people put in all regions.
  5. You can find tons and tons of cheap, well-made props, some even full-perm to allow you to customise them however you want them, if you browse the MP a bit.
  6. Hm. Hmm. Well, even if it's a bit of a necro, it does give an opportunity to bash gachas, so .. ... Gachas are obvious gambling á la lootboxes and should be banned on the same grounds, and if LL can't be bothered to, one can hope that legislation makes virtual gambling more constrained to force them to deal with it. As mentioned, you can put empty gacha boxes on the MP which is obviously fraudulent (and depending on what you write in the MP description you can well say 'this is an empty box' and people who think they know what they're buying will technically have little grounds of making a successful AR), and because of the whole no-copy aspect of gachas it's prone to loss. It's just thoroughly rotten. I refuse to buy gachas. If I can get a copy fatpack version, maybe - but those tend to be so expensive it's hardly worth it.
  7. To be fair, some of the biggest furniture brands today still use the same set of animations as everyone else does. Very few make their own custom animations (which is a bit boring, IMO). So you totally can have a crack at Blender to make some simple chairs or tables and work your way from there - there's tons and tons of tutorials for Blender on YouTube, from the very basics to the astonishingly advanced. As far as textures go, you can either UV-unwrap your mesh to paint your textures in Gimp/PS (or MS Paint!), or you can get more advanced programs such as substance painter to texture your meshes. Mesh apparel is more advanced as it requires weighting and rigging, but otherwise has a similar workflow as furniture/buildings does. Also, not all meshes have to be interactive stuff, you can totally make 'clutter' or decor that has no scripts or animations in them!
  8. As in, free the nipple? Or as in, make men wear shirts?
  9. I'm not so much 'offended' by it as I merely enjoy poking fun at social convention (and rules in general) and pointing out its flaws and contradictions. Especially if it gets people's knickers in a twist. Having a significant other certainly does create certain situations in which it would be bad to act on certain desires. Whilst one would expect that both parties in a relationship wherein the participants are older than twelve understand that attraction and appreciation of beauty from other parties is a thing, one should of course not flaunt it before each other, unless the dynamic of the relationship is built to accommodate such.
  10. My comment was more of a prod towards the duality of how objectifying men's bodies is entirely fine for a G-rating, but were a man to do the same thing with a woman's body, it'd be a whole 'nother story wherein a lot of people would get their knickers in a twist. Also how it's a 'guilty' pleasure. Having a functional libido isn't something anyone should be ashamed of.
  11. Or that you want to tempt people and watch them squirm as they are driven insane by desire. Teasing is fun!
  12. Why did the mailman die? Because everyone dies.
  13. Can't decide whether I ought to post a topless girl. To be fair, I don't feel particularly 'guilty' about being attracted to them though. Shrugs.
  14. Pose balls generally turn invisible when you sit on them, to show invisible objects press Ctrl + Alt + T, find the ball (it may well be inside of your avatar, you may need to cam around a bit for it), right-click it, edit, hold down Ctrl to go into rotation mode and use the rotation 'ball' to change its orientation.
  15. Heterocera is really fun to drive around, especially in the south end where there's a fair few stores to browse (and I found a good parking spot thereabouts). Found an interesting hair store there that had some very cool hair - alas not in any size that fit my avis. But yeah, that bridge ... My lorry handles it occasionally at 10% speed, any faster than that and it turns into a rocket ship. My cars handles it okay, as long as I drive somewhat slowly, but dang I wish they'd just rebuild it in a proper fashion. There's another bridge over at ... Is it Satori or Jeogeot? I noticed a road sign as I approached, then another one, but I couldn't read them because I was going a bit too fast, and they were a bit too small. Suddenly the bridge just isn't there anymore. My car flies a short bit before dropping into the river. I hop out and walk back to check the signs. The bridge was apparently constructed that way years ago. Would it have been something temporary, that would have been a bit fun - but with it being permanently unfinished, it just means that route is a no-go. What a waste.
  16. The image is rendered in DAZ. The avatars are not from SL. The clothes may well not appear as pictured. A fair few stores make these sort of adverts, it's always best to demo the clothes beforehand to see what they'll look like in-world with your own settings before you decide whether you wish to buy them.
  17. Most people in SL don't go to clubs to socialise, but to listen to music (often whilst semi-afk, using it a bit like a radio), to earn money (from sploders and raffles, also often whilst afk), or to pick up people (which is generally done in IMs). This isn't always the case, but if you go by venue traffic those sort of clubs tend to be at the top. Back when I used SL as a means to explore music (before I had Spotify!) I'd go by DJ rather than venue as I quickly found that a good DJ is a lot more important than high venue traffic, especially as many DJs spin the same playlist over and over, containing 80% of the music the DJ before and after them will play (i.e. all-time rock/pretends-to-be-metal classics with some of the more 'popular' songs of recent years - if I hear a DJ play Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence, or Despacito, I'm out!). In addition to playing more interesting music, putting some thought into what's on the playlist, a good DJ and host will engage with their audience. Most hosts out there greet people with a macro, and use macros for asking for donations, tipping the DJ, or making requests on repeat, or whether anyone wants a group tag, and say little else. If anything, it prohibits any actual conversation by killing the atmosphere. Besides most of the 'conversation' in many clubs seems to be spamming gestures. Any half-decent venue should have gestures banned.
  18. Disagreed. It may be a pet peeve of mine, but if a venue owner takes the liberty to shove me around before I've rendered their poorly optimised carp, I'm likely to just Ctrl + Shift + H and not return.
  19. It is considered a bit rude, but it depends on context and company. If you're at an event or standing at the landing point or entrance of a busy club, it's generally unavoidable - especially since people tend to try to move out of the way to avoid being bumped themselves, and bump into others doing so before they can see them, or worse, get shoved aside by a landing point pusher. If you're charging around a store or venue pushing people about, or ploughing your path onto the dance floor, that may well upset people a bit. Second Life certainly has a social convention of sorts, wherein pushing other people is addressed (seeing as both region settings, avatar position locks, and there being bumpers on the market, it's something that there are people who find important), but as with any other part of that convention, it's by no means indisputable. To intentionally push people around is largely regarded as a form of griefing.
  20. Then as now, I can't speak for 'short men' as it isn't really an organised congregation of people (unless my invite got lost in the mail!). My avatar is, by SL standards, short - enough so to warrant repetitive comments about it from various people. According to my shape, my avi is 182 cm, which is just slightly shorter than my RL height; I picked it because I found it easier to produce a more proportionate avatar, especially using the Gianni body without ending up a muscle-mountain (since it's the one that has most support - as much as I'd love to use Geralt, I haven't found much clothes for it). For me, my go-to hangout places are my skybox or my photo platform. Except when I get dragged out of there by friends, or when I go to work, or occasionally for shopping (though I tend to browse event galleries before bothering to actually visit them - too many laggy people, textures, and weirdos at events!). Though I hardly qualify as 'cute'.
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