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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. To each their own, and all that - but whenever I see one I can't help but giggle. No extra tips from my part when dancers appear like that.
  2. All dressed up for our pirate party!
  3. It was a chandelier in my study. I always thought face-lights was for telling scary stories at pajama parties. =o
  4. Just sitting in my living room, listening to the sparkling of the fireplace, the ticking and chiming of my clock, and the soft music of the harpsichord playing away.
  5. Thanks for the quick and thorough response, Skell. You may just be my new superhero, haha. I'm using Firestorm, and for now I've just made a setting which uses all the Ultra functions, but with a lower draw distance and particle count. A friend said she'd check how it looks from her end when she's home too, and if we can figure out what specific settings are messing with it. I do this on occasion, if I'm at a big party where I have more than a few friends and a whole lot of strangers. Unfortunately it doesn't go well when I'm hosting, haha. That's a good point, I suppose I hadn't really considered it quite so thoroughly. Yes, I've tried with a few different constalations. I'm still using a system head, because I'm having a hard time letting go of my tattoos since they are such an integral part of my avatar's appearance (one for a cropped hairbase, but then one for a shadow for my mohawk which it really needs 'lest it look ridiculous, one for my full, ginger beard, and one for a scar under my eye which is just a nod to the skin I used before I got this one - yeah, I know; I'm weird.) But ever since I started using my mesh body more regularly (people seem to want me permanently topless these days), I've been trying to find a way to deal with the contrast issue. So in that, I have tried a few Catwa demos, as well as the Signature head demo, but it always was the same. Some skins have come with a system skin (for the head) and an applier for the body - neck too dark, shoulders too bright, throat too bright, chest too dark. So then I try one that has an applier for a Catwa head and a Signature body - same problem. Plus the gap between the two meshes tend to be a bit bigger. And then I tried with Signature's Head + Body, with an all-Signature applier, and it was the same thing again. I did a panicked attempt of hiding the contrast and seam by putting on a collar yesterday. My friends got worried for me, lol.
  6. So, I was tweaking around with my Signature Gianni's HUD as I tried to solve the issue of colour mismatching between my neck and shoulders, and throat and chest. Lately I've gone through tons of different mesh head demos, and skin appliers for them; and I've been so frustrated with that even if I got an applier which is outspokenly Signature compatible, and compatible with the head I was trying, I couldn't get it right. The neck usually was a little darker, and if I moved the skin tone to match it, the throat looked horribly wrong instead. By accident, I missclicked and missed the HUD I was working with and as my avatar made a movement of the head, I noticed the contrast briefly flashing. So I brought a light source to bob next to my neck, and noticed it looked better. Then I just went into preferences and turned the settings to Ultra, and I couldn't spot a seam or contrast. So, great, I can just run SL in ultra and this infurtiatingly glaring little issue will be gone? Unfortunately I can't run it in ultra when I'm in places with a lot of other people, and I realize other people won't perceive the 'perfection' that's on my screen if their settings are different. How does one deal with this? I mean sure, I can use the Ultra settings and turn down the draw distance and other things I don't need, but surely this must be more widespread than just me. I'm especially curious since I've seen friends and others going about with no neck seams or shadowing contrasts, what's up with that?
  7. Welcome back to Second LIfe, Ivy. If you would like to, just throw me a friend request when next you're online; I tried saying hello but it appears I didn't catch you online.
  8. If you were expelled from the group, it is no longer listed in your groups since - well, you aren't in it anymore; you were expelled. As for finding the person, I'm not sure if people who have blocked you will appear, but you need to get the name entirely right or you won't find them. So for all intentions and purposes, I would say it seems you've already achieved what you wanted to do.
  9. I've been told I should try to dress more cassual on occasion. I tried, and.. Failed? I don't know, I was thinking, 'summer'.
  10. The best way to lay on any couch!
  11. Perhaps the sofa will do better...
  12. I sit down all the time, but I find myself on my feet again before I know it. I'm just not patient when I'm bored I guess!
  13. In an effort not to wear down my floorboards I finally made myself sit down - and it got me thinking I should perhaps get some carpets for my floors...
  14. If you don't find what you're looking for I wouldn't mind having a go at making some, I need a new mesh project anyway.
  15. Whilst I'm content with my current housing situation, I'm always happy to make new friends; so give me a nudge in-world if you feel like it.
  16. Welcome back to SL. Feel free to add me if you wish to have a chat in-world, I'm always open to meeting new people. Besides, it appears the majority of people around me are submissive to one degree or another - and have more shoes than I have items in my entire wardrobe - so nothing new or scary there. Best regards. /
  17. And we always thirst for more. . .
  18. As far as I can tell, the General Discussion is probably it.
  19. I have no sense of humour, does that count..?
  20. I think I might be a little bit too cool for the cool kids' group. . . But happy hunting!
  21. Always open for new acquaintances and friends. I'm in Europe myself, so I tend to miss out on much of the ongoings which are based on SLT. Feel free to prod me in-world if you'd like a proper introduction.
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