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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Would it be weird to give away money? For greedy and selfish people, absolutely. For compassionate and generous people, it would be a no-brainer. Why do you ask?
  2. Big corporations sending the larger part of the world's population into meaningless consumerist misery and slavery, and destroying the environment for future generations while they're at it.
  3. How about gradually replacing each part of your body with a technological counterpart? Nvm, I just read the Theseus part below now too.
  4. I read 'August 1', so my first reaction was: oh, the ressurection of a dead horse. But then I read '2018', and I was like: oh, a pile of horse bones bleached in the sun. In other news: here's a map of 20 First Life countries that have a declining player base: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_growth_rate
  5. 'Emergent properties' in the most literal sense: stacks of rental spheres towering miles high, as far as the eye can see, with not a soul living in them
  6. The Calleta region is a nice starting point. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Calleta/183/227
  7. Pyramid schemes like vampire games tend to make one pretty rich. But it all boils down to talent and dedication. (A fair dose of sociopathy and ruthlessness will also help.)
  8. People carrying tons of scripts on their avatar attachments, teleporting into a new region is the nemesis of any combat sim and the absolute number one reason sales events are like walking through peanut butter.
  9. I feel your pain. I've been trying to get into the Mayfair restaurant in the Ritz Hotel in London for many years now, to no avail.
  10. Just put the following text in your Pick: "By reading this, you agree to never ban me from your sim anymore." That will help. Guaranteed.
  11. AFAK, that's allowed in SL too. Only the cash out part is verboten. Yay. Problem solved.
  12. I live under a tree. Whenever it rains, I just sit on a plastic chair inside that red wooden shack on the right. But it never rains.
  13. Well, make that a yes and no. Hypothetically, there's a way to make them very hard to find. I don't know if the SL inventory system allows this, but maybe it will work. Make ten folders named 1 to 10. Copy them, paste them underneath the first 10. Repeat this about ten times. Then, paste them inside each of the first 10 folders. Then, copy these parent folders and paste then in each of the next 10 folders. Then copy these, and paste them in the next ten, until you have reached the last 10. These last 10 should now each be 10 levels deep. By doing this, you created 10¹⁰ folders, which is a lot of folders, about 10 billion. It's quite laborious, having to copy/paste over a 100 times, but the ROI is a trillion %, so that's not so bad. The next step is to randomly open folders within folders from this last set of 10, until you are 10 folders deep. Do it quickly, and squint your eyes, so you have limitied knowledge of the actual folder you are in. Then, drop all the stuff in there you want to hide. Then, hit the Collapse button at the top of your inventory. Then, shout out loud a whole bunch of random numbers for 5 minutes straight, to forget any of the possible folder numbers you opened. Your content and 10th level folder are now pretty much (but not completely) hidden. It'd probably take you a very long time to find them again. Hope this helps.
  14. Mind you, air conditioners are not a thing in Europe, only in grocery stores and public buildings like hospitals, not in regular households, offices or even schools. Yet, a few years ago, I felt this anthropogenic global warming thing really took off, so I purchased a small AC for my office. A few months ago, I added active noice cancellation earbuds into the mix, because the AC is not the most quiet. Best purchase I ever made. The buds work really well and keep me focused on SL stuff in all the AC noise. Finally, last Wednesday, I had 8 solar panels installed right above me, so in the coming week of record-breaking heatwave, the sun will keep me cool.
  15. There's no room in the edit window. However, if you have a decently big screen, you can include a screenshot that contains all the relevant texts in notecard and IM windows. It's a bit of a stretch, but by screenshot you can include a wealth of supporting material.
  16. Up to a hundred-fold increase in Frames Per Second from my 2012 iMac with 1080p screen to a 2017 i7-7740X + GTX 1080 Ti with 1440p screen on ultra graphics settings. One other motivation was that I didn't want to waste graphics power on a retina screen.
  17. Now since this issue has been definitively resolved, allow me to raise another hypothetical. What would you do, if Linden Lab gave you L$ 1,000,000?
  18. No, you would not get your money back. And you already know that, because you checked the checkbox that said: "I have read and agree with the Second Life Terms of Service". Glad to be able to answer this very hypothetical question for you. You're welcome.
  19. I totally believe that. I rented a parcel on a sim once, where a neighbor would log in with literally hundreds of alts, dozens per minute, in 50 or so batches at a time, to drain blood from, I presume. This would go on for hours and hours and the cycle would repeat every day. All for a few tanks of virtual blood for a pyramid scheme. Imagine the lag as the alts logged in there in droves, streaming in all their assets into the sim server. Luckily, the landlord wouldn't have it and kicked them out.
  20. A teleport button and a full-body alpha suit
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