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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. First time I have ever seem drama of that specific type, in all my 12 years in SL. But then again, my single personal experience does not guarantee that this is indeed normal for Second Life.
  2. I'm not from Africa, but ek praat 'n bietjie Afrikaans. Ek hoop dit help.
  3. I'll trust you on that, given the prevalence of 'no sc*t' clauses in people's Picks. The sheer number implies that the practice of 'fecal translocation' seems to be the default. Consequently, I am wondering now whether it would be safer to include a modest opt-out on this matter (no pun intended) in my own profile too. Better yet, I'll just add 'RP: permanent God mode', which is probably more inclusive exclusive.
  4. Correctly spelled 'in-world', is an official description of being in a virtual environment, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/in-world The opposite of in-world is 'in real life', or IRL. All this jargon was new for me too, when I came into SL. I had never heard of abbreviations like afk, brb, avi, inv, and kk before.
  5. @Sylvannas Zulaman This has been a recurring theme in the forum, "Can person X be banned for reason Y?" Let me enlighten you about this. This has nothing to do with the ToS. Instead, it has everything to do with the right of a land owner and their representatives to decide who has access to it and who has not. You may not like the answer, but it's the hard reality: No matter who X is or no matter what Y is, anyone can ban anyone else for any reason in SL. Even for racist reasons. You can abuse report them for being racist, and they will get banned themselves by LL, but that still does not grant you access to their land, unless they get evicted and unless the next owner does not ban you for wearing orange on a Tuesday.
  6. For just a few L$ you can rent a plot of land and truly claim to be God and declare illegal and ban those who dare to wear pink on a Tuesday.
  7. Hey, I won the Nobel Prize for Literature for my whole literary oeuvre, but particularly for my bestseller: "Should BS be illegal?"
  8. I can tell you with great confidence that up to now, it's been quite easy, actually.
  9. I remember the MystiTool for containing over 40 scripts, one of which was used to tell the owner what was being communicated on channel 1. Imagine all the n00bs getting one en masse when the thing was made available for free. At one point, I heard of a MystiTool owner complaining about a product that was built by a colleague of mine, that communicated a lot on channel 1. This owner got flooded with object communication lines and demanded my colleague used another channel.
  10. OR My weekly stipend is raised to L$ 10,000,000. What silly discussion about improbable hypotheticals is this?
  11. Just about anything can be used as a projectile in SL. No matter the size, it'll fit through the barrel of a gun.
  12. Oh darn. Yes. I got bored again for a few minutes. So I decided to make coffee. Now I need disposable plastic cups...
  13. Can't answer that right now. Too busy with my addiction.
  14. How about LL creates virtual pickpockets? Bots that circle around you and suddenly your L$ wallets get drained. I will eat my hat if not everyone would find this enormously great fun! OMG, think of the huge increase in new subscribers!
  15. My first memory of SL is Orientation Island. I remember being instructed how to lift a beach ball and put it on a table and click on a parrot to let it say my name. And then fly over a chasm in order to get to a teleporting device that would plunge me into the real SL world. I remember landing in the Hobo Infohub in the Calleta region. There lived Arcadia Asylum, whom later taught me how to determine proper llSitTarget settings, and the people from Rezzable, who later made the Greenies and Carnival of Doom sims. I remember changing my avatar in Edit Appearance, by sliding all the sliders to either 0 or 100. I was very pleased with the result. I kept a few records of those days. Talking to little green men who told me that slavery was still a thing in SL, befriending a tall woman who gave me the cigar that I wore for years to come... I found out that land was pretty expensive in SL, so I decided to squat and picked a nice big castle for that. It was a nice place and the owner tolerated me, until I started to complain about the hot water boiler that needed fixing. They also had these really weird crosses. Cults and occult rituals aren't really my thing, so I didn't stay long. (Yeah, ok, I got kicked out over the hot water thing.) But I always frequented Calleta and later Hobo Island in the years after. That couch in front of the TV was the center of SL for me.
  16. For me, on the other hand, the glass is half full. "We choose to go to the Moon" - John F. Kennedy, 1962
  17. There's a fetish for everything. If whatever you do increases dopamine secretion in your brain, it's good (for you).
  18. Sit scripts with which you can set up and adjust sit positions and rotations with rapid arrow key taps, rather than tediously clicking on "X+' or "Y-" dialog buttons with 2-second intervals between each click. https://gyazo.com/32aa26463d99419f0960ccddaa5f4260
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