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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Because there aren't enough Furry Pride Parades to raise awareness about species-fluidity?
  2. Los Apliers por ejem de Lolas Tangos? Wel I'll be d***! This is the first time I see an eleven hour-old necro post.
  3. Hello. Now that we're at it, is there also a way to block people who have 'Resident' as last name? And people wearing tattoos?
  4. The challenge is to keep it under LI=9. Mahjong has 144 tiles. If you use a single face for 2 tiles, you'll need 37 x 37 (36 unique tiles + 1 absent tile) = 1369 double-tile combinations. If you can draw 36 unique Mahjong tiles on a 27 x 13 pixel grid each, then that can get away with a single 1024 x 1024 texture. The minimum LI would be 5. (I just dug around in my old files. Mahjong has 42 unique tiles.)
  5. Mahjong Solitaire that has a Land Impact of less than 9 and uses just 1 script and you can't use Web on a Prim. Good luck
  6. I'd be interested in it if it weren't for Facebook owning it.
  7. If the transfer from vendor to recipient takes place within the same sim (region, sorry Patch), I highly recommend using http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGiveInventoryList instead. This function has two big advantages: (i) the recipient only needs to click 'Accept' once for a series of transferred items, and (ii) there's no need to wear/rez anything to unpack.
  8. I wanted to mention the latest Made in SL video by Drax, about D&D-like games and dioramas, but someone beat me to it .
  9. Oh, another zombie post. Halloween must be around the corner. In other news: how can I make sure people in the grocery store IRL can't see fondling avocados?
  10. Arrow keys for SL because I want quick access to chat. WASD for (other) games. (For flying WarBug planes, I just push my keyboard to the left and use my left hand for the arrow keys.)
  11. The Dutch couldn't keep theirs. Hope that'll be a lesson to others.
  12. MIchiel de Ruyter, because: Rutger Hauer as Admiral Trump. The translation is not entirely correct. At 2:22 he says: "We kick those damn English all the way back to that island of theirs."
  13. https://www.richarddawkins.net/2014/02/whats-in-a-meme/
  14. Hey, asbestos has been know to be an excellent fire retardant since, well, literally the stone age.
  15. Just wondering why many Native, Hispanic, Creole, Inuit and other Americans to whom English may not their first language are excluded from this study. [Update] That excludes about 20% of all Americans who's language spoken at home is other than English. Hey, it's only 62 million people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_States From the questionnaire: How is this relevant for surveying someone's shopping experience? Do we need to design stores differently based on skin color? So for a better shopping experience, we may have to direct future shoppers with different ethnicities to different stores? Why not ask people their favorite color? After all, mine is red, so I always go that extra mile to get to that grocery store with red walls. /yeahthatssarcasm IMHO, questions about ethnicity should not be included anywhere, save, maybe, on medical issues. I live in another country that boasts a diverse ethnic composition, and I've filled in many academic survey forms, but never ever have there been any questions in them about race or ethnicity. Also, how is this survey going to benefit non-American shoppers and merchants in SL? Non American customers seems to be a large group that American merchants can squeeze some more bucks from if the marketing is right. [Update] That's excluding about 87% of all SL residents, based on these 2008 demographics: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/34/289211/2.html Huge missed opportunity, unless the real goal of this survey isn't about shopping experiences (or improving them). The whole survey reminded me of this cartoon, btw:
  16. Cozy up and play board games and table games with anyone from any place in the world. And nowadays, they don't just have to be big bulky octagonal game tables always with 8 chairs around them. 🀄 ♟️ 🎲
  17. You'll find that the prices of mesh bodies and Bento heads have gone up a bit in those 8 years. I'm reluctantant to tell you by what factor exactly.
  18. @OP I hate to break it to you, man, but in this day and age, you aren't born with a schmeckle. You have to earn it. And then spend it on other schmeckles, like these: If you're a real man, you can do it.If not, well, there's still Minecraft. Good luck dude!
  19. Your situation and ambitions are ideal for creating beautiful and fun things in SL! Have lots of fun with your endeavor. Even though, unfortunately, I haven't got the time to participate in your project, I'm actually interested in how your land will develop over time. I hope you keep us posted here with screenshots and stories.
  20. I purchased hair like that once. It looked really great and it wasn't cheap, but when I put it on, I saw my rendering cost triple. I deleted it immediately. I do the same with objects that use thousands of triangles to make a flat surface. Unfortunately, there's a lot of them around. Oh, no, I encourage everyone to wear 100k+ poly garment! They take longer to load, so I can see all of your naked mesh bodies for a longer period of time.
  21. Make counterfeit L$ Buy that excellent book, 'How to earn lots of L$ really fast by just sitting back and do nothing', by Dr. A. Schwartzman, PhD, FU, SOB, Orthomolecular Econometrician
  22. I have exactly one like that and yes, you can play SL with it. Is it fun? Absolutely not. For a decent frame rate, you'll have to set to absolutely horrible low graphics. Also, if something inside breaks (which is likely to happen with an 8 year-old laptop), it's a total economic loss. It may seem cheap, but it's not worth it. The whole problem with trying to use a cheap computer (as proposed in this, and another recent thread by the same OP--why is this a new thread anyway?) for SL is that all content in SL has evolved with PC technology. Old computers were fine for SL in their day. For a fairly acceptable SL experience, you'll need to invest at least 700-800 US$. But consider all the other cool things you can do with such a computer then.
  23. No, that's not what I was thinking. What I was really thinking was this: "What about this non-problem in this futite thread can we do other than poke some fun?" Hence the bold and unsubstantiated 'I know what you are thinking' statement and the animation. Some people understand the sarcasm behind it. Others don't. Don't worry about it.
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