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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Ah, roleplay. Sounds like fun. Maybe next time I'll pay a visit as Padishah-Emperor of the Known Universe and have my Imperial Guard reprimand anyone who does not bow down to me.
  2. Child avatars smoking and drinking... Is that allowed?
  3. From a game theory point of view, I'd rather you would not become a Premium Member. Why? As a Premium member, I can squeeze myself into a full sim at a sales event, whereas non-Premium members can not. If everyone becomes a Premium member, this privilege can no longer be sustained and LL will have to cancel it. So, for my own good, I should discourage others from becoming Premium. (Also, it increases my chances of getting a Linden Home faster.)
  4. I'm having a bit of a déjà vu here. That makes TWO US pennies, @Keneke Yakubu!
  5. With all the sales events booming? http://seraphimsl.com/ What gave you that idea? Are you talking about the Premium fees that are finally adjusted for inflation, after 16 years? Just cancel Premium and buy the L$ directly. With what you will save, you'll be able to rent more land that you had. You don't even know the OP's skills or talents. @Cathereine Night, come back, explore, see what's changed, meet new people, see with your own eyes rather than go with other people's opinions. Look around and decide for yourself if you want to stay.
  6. I have an alt that I use to beta-test, and test stuff like permission settings. I don't really perform any financial transactions with it. Some group liability bug makes the alt automatically pay a modest amount of L$ to 'the group' on a monthly basis. After years this resulted the L$ balance to grow substantially, in the negative. I wonder if Tilia will give me money for inactivity, until it reaches zero. Oh, it won't affect the L$ balance at all? Nvm.
  7. Well, sometimes, I think: good. But sometimes, I think, that's very unwelcoming. I guess it depends on the kind of sim. Maybe I'm projecting, but noobs tend to 'test the boundaries', like children. This can be quite annoying in role play sims that run smoothly if the people in it possess a minimal amount of SL experience. It's never fun to have to go out of character the whole time to explain trivial things to a constant influx of noobs, most of which decide not to stay anyway. Two days old, if they're very smart and put a lot of work into learning things in SL. But you'd probably have to be super human for that. Maybe 3 or 4 months old?
  8. /me whispers "Tilia!" *horses neighing in the distance*
  9. If you really rely on a timer for your special effects, maybe include a slow-timed scanner that stops the effects whenever there aren't any avatars nearby anymore (say, further than 20 to 40 m). But animated textures are really the way to go, especially for fast changes. The dozens of flickering lights in the spaceship below are really just one single face with a texture animation (the animated GIF may take a minute to download): It uses this texture to make the lights flicker:
  10. Fair = as long as it isn't related to racism, or other forms of hate-speech or inciting violence. So, fair = 'you're banned for wearing pink underwear', I guess. Btw, I'm a little confused by the title of this thread.
  11. So, basically, the vast majority of people (either cashing in L$ or not) have to perform these steps and only these steps, due to the transition to Tilia? Step 1. Actually read the terms of service. (LOL!) Step 2. Click the 'I agree' check box. Am I correct in this assumption?
  12. Don't draw conclusions from a few snapshots. Look at the big picture. Users online over the past year: Users online over the past 10 years: Source: https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2019/06/04/second-life-statistics-update-june-2019/
  13. So, apart from (i) having to scroll really fast through a page of smallprint to get to that 'agree' checkbox, and hitting return and (ii) having to get used to a slightly different-looking Process Credit Request page, nothing really changes, right?
  14. People asking me why they were banned. And then, after 5 minutes of searching in ban and access lists, on which I can't find neither their username, which happens to start either with a capital i or a lower case L, nor their display name, which is made up of exotic Unicode characters... So, not finding these names in any of the ban lists. Then, I ask them where they were banned, and they mention a place I have never heard of, copying and pasting a conversation about the banning from someone I have never heard of, in which there are mentioned a group and two managers of that group, neither of whom I have ever heard of. And all this 4 minutes after someone else IMs me with questions about a product I have never heard of.
  15. Nowadays, missing textures show as grey. Back then, they were white with black text, 'Missing Texture'. Also back then, every single Wednesday, everyone was covered in it.
  16. 'What is art?' is just another way of asking 'How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?'. The premise being that the question is really nothing to do with the scale of pins nor the spacio-dimensional qualities of angels, rather upon certain basic yet pivotal facts, the principal being that only one angel ever learned to dance. Further noting: a) That while angels are inclined to listen appreciatively to the Music of the Spheres, they rarely feel the need to get down and boogie to it. b) that the one angel that learned to dance learned to Gavotte, which sadly went out of fashion in France about the same time that beheading went in. Hence assuming the Angel Aziraphale of the East Gate could find a suitably diminutive partner to Gavotte with, the answer to the question "how many angels may dance upon the point (not the fat end) of a needle" is one, https://media.giphy.com/media/RkF2r6R9IXejpCTxDD/giphy.gif Consequently, if A (art) = B (amount of angels that can dance on a pin) and B = 1, then, Art = 1 Quod Erat Demonstrandum*
  17. Peanut Butter Floor by Wim T. Schippers https://www.boijmans.nl/tentoonstellingen/de-pindakaasvloer-van-wim-t-schippers The real 'art' about this is that the estimated worth of this thing is 30,000 Euros.
  18. So many definitions for art. Whatever suits you best. Art is anything from a turd to a concept that is explained to the audience by someone with a the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency to a high degree, for financial gain, power, immortality and fame. Either that, or it's a struggle to just do what you like with no particular benefit to others at all. From my limited, biology-related world view, art is stuff you do that has no benefit for survival of the species. Most likely, in the stone cold reality, art is just a compact form of currency to conveniently hide from taxing authorities. No, wait, scrap all that. Art is something you make with love. Or, no... Jeez. Hell, I don''t know. I got interviewed once in an auditorium at SL11B. The interviewer asked me in advanced to display some of my 'art' there. I was rather shocked that my stuff was being referred to as art--even a little offended, since I regard art as something that's on a higher plane, something ethereal. Not the junk that I churn out from my Blender for a quick buck.
  19. I did It takes controls of the keys AND the camera and keeps the camera locked with some rotation and position voodoo. It requires a 0.5- or 1-sec timer, though. But only during the 'Adjust' session, which can be shut down, else it times out.
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