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Lysistrata Szapira

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Everything posted by Lysistrata Szapira

  1. 1) If some of you are trying to find active vendors for the pumpkin and huds today (October 11th), try the Randelsham Forest SLURL. The other vendors were offline for me a few minutes ago, but I found them working at Randelsham. 2) In the grand tradition of the Moles making high LI objects, the treat pumpkin is 6 LI (to be brutally honest, it is tiny so I don't know why it has to be 6 LI unless it was the fancy schmancy glowing bit). They did not put this on the vendor, on the forum post, or in the notecard that comes with the pumpkin and hud. You can't take it to a sandbox to determine how many LI it is. So if your LI is low on your property, be prepared to have to make some sacrifices. 😜
  2. I played one machine that I was specifically interested in. I got the rare that I wanted on the first ball (or play, if you will). So I wandered around and just linked to any machine that generated any tiny bit of interest at all to see if more rares I liked popped up. I wound up with two more rares. All of the things will work for my Halloween events this year, so I'm pleased with what I got. I did not play machines I had no interest at all in, although I could see people doing that, especially if they're trying to sell on Marketplace. It may be my imagination but it looks like the odds have been substantially altered in the player's favor, but I have no idea if that is a store by store decision on percentages or if the event forces all of the machines to have the same percentages. It might be interesting if someone had the time to go in, pair with every machine, and see if rares come up easily. You don't have to fork out any money to do that.
  3. Not going to argue for/against the replacement machines, but after seeing the examples set up at Shop & Hop, I didn't spend a single linden dollar on any machine because the vast majority of items were template crap or simply crap. I may be more likely in the future to purchase from a Miepon machine since I can see what's coming up, but only if it contains quality items that I actually want. I will never use the Next Up machines.
  4. Some of the suggestions I've seen above tend to point to the idea that many of you have no idea who Kate Middleton is nor how she dresses. Rowne tends to do so much see-through stuff (and Kate M. passed that phase before she married her prince). Pseudo's stuff is rigged for crap. I've tried so many demos there, and just had to walk away. R2A is street wear (do you ever see Kate in joggers? Nope). Don't waste your time with Spirit or Scandalize either. Ison occasionally drops overtly sexy stuff, but in general, he's my go-to store for classic sportswear. Just Because is also always good (and she participates in The Saturday Sale, just as Ison does). Valentina E. tends to a more classic approach, but I don't like her color choices. I agree with the Tetra recommendation. There is a store called Virtue that specializes in more modest clothing. Zenith occasionally fits the bill. You've popped back in SL right in the height of t*ts out/labia floss/Kupra frenzy, so maybe once more stores move to winter clothing mode you'll have better luck. For now, I'd probably just go with Ison and Just Because. Try hitting up Collabor88, Anthem, Fameshed, and Uber just to get familiar with the designers' styles to see if they fit with your vision.
  5. Reign has a macrame shoe that has clear heels as an option. I don't remember the specific name, but it does have macrame in the name.
  6. When stores offer a credit gift at SL18B and the credit won't even cover the price of a SINGLE item in their store. So you're giving me the credit but not enough to buy anything? Nope!
  7. Nah, that's a very narrow slice of regions. There's only room for one long row of log homes, and the Vics have already had houses placed. I decided to move back to a Vic since that appeals to my aesthetic more than the other styles. In other Mole news, I accidentally discovered a Mole platform in the sky near my new location. It's not a new region though. I was flying up to place a skybox and saw something below 2000m. I thought I was going to have to report it until I saw it was owned by a Mole. LOL
  8. I'm holding out hope that the (now delayed) Extra Premium Accounts will include a LI boost for our Linden homes. I'd be willing to pay a bit more for my premium membership if it gave me more LI to play with. Considering how many of my neighbors have ZERO objects on their land, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt the performance of the region. I was cruising around a Victorian area, and at least 50% of the houses had NO owner objects in them (including no skyboxes etc). These were homes that have been owned for 6 months or a year, and nobody has even so much as placed a sex bed down. I honestly don't know why they even want an empty plot if they're never going to use it. There's a Vic plot right now I'd kill to have, but the person owning it is letting it sit empty.
  9. I've been in my Linden log home spot for over a month, and I've got 5 SSP regions in the middle of released regions that have been sitting idle for that entire time. It's like the Moles forgot about them. They're a mix of mostly log homes with a handful of Vics on the edges, including some with a south-facing cliffside view. They are SSPE 1456, 1457, 1458, 1459, and 1460. 1458-1460 do not have houses down while 1456-1457 do. There's a nice railway line with a simple station and benches running through these regions though.
  10. There is no difference between using a comprehensive shopping blog with pictures of all items at events in SL and using a sales flyer for grocery stores or Costco or JC Penney. I look through the pictures and prices and decide what I want and if I want it NOW (like Veruca Salt) or if I can wait. Make all the disparaging remarks about Seraphim you want, but it's saved me (and plenty of other people) lots of time and money. One of the other benefits of shopping blogs is learning which stores DO NOT fit my style, so I know to avoid them. There is no demo in world or out that's going to make me buy clothes at (fill in the blank) because they're a)template stuff or b)babygirl/ho wear/Kardashian clone stuff. I've got alts. I just log them in to pick up demos, as I can run two concurrent sessions. I don't really see a need for transfer demos.
  11. I'll toss in Sweetlemon Jewell, the creator of Omega (and Alpha) Point. I have no idea if she's still in world, but Omega Point was always a stunning build and constantly evolving. I'm pretty sure everything in those builds were created by her. The Donna Flora store is still open in memory of Squinternet.
  12. While the Catwa HUD makes me want to #ragequit, I am reasonably pleased with the Queen head for some of my alts. The gift skin at Cheap & Chic looks really good on this head.
  13. According to Catwa's FB page, they have set up vendors in-world to get the head. Of course that means the chaos has moved. I wonder if LL told her to take the thing down?
  14. Nonnative has some of the best non-caucasian skins in world. I don't normally wear them, but I always notice when they have skins at events. They look really good.
  15. Fallen Gods probably has what you want. If you have a Lelutka head, it has options for aging.
  16. 2011 vs a quicky Christmas photo today. I joined in 2008 and spent a few years strictly ginger, but I stick to mostly blondes and browns now.
  17. A non-RLV way to get around this would be to just create a base outfit with those items only. Then just add to outfit whenever you change.
  18. I'm surprised nobody mentioned poofers. I think those qualify as a fad (one that has thankfully been dead and gone/banned for years).
  19. I derender/blacklist around my Linden home. I wanted an unobstructed view of the water so the houseboats blocking my view and the objects in them went Poof! It took maybe 15 minutes, and I would have been sitting in my house anyway so why not? I even blacklisted the docks, so I can sit on they rocks at the edge of my parcel and look out at the water. I blacklisted a neighbor's house and belongings because he built a gawdawful (i.e. poorly textured) addition to the house that just hurt my eyes. Sure, the lot is empty, but that happens in RL subdivisions too. At least it's clean and the Moles have provided trees and other landscaping. I "show friends only" at crowded events and will usually fly if allowed so I don't bump into people. When I shop, I'm not there to look at other avatars. I'm there to look at the items for sale. I've blocked/muted numerous people, especially those who leave their mics open so I have to listen to their TV blaring or their kid screaming and those who gesturbate like their lives depend on it, I can't be "immersed" in SL if I hear someone yelling at her husband to pick up his dirty undies.
  20. Gestures. I despise gestures with the heat of 1000 suns. If I go to a club to listen to music, I don't need to hear the same "Tuuuuuune!" that's been in SL since day 1. I especially hate it when the gestures are spammed so much that I can't hear the music at all.
  21. I have voiced a lot in the past. I'd rather voice than type constantly. I don't hang out with the same people now, so I only turn voice on if I am chatting with an individual person or a group of friends. I don't have any issue with someone requesting me to go on voice, as long as they completely understand I'm not going to engage in sexchat (been there, done that, over it). I would much rather listen to people talking than be bombarded with gestures. I hate gestures at clubs. I'm there to listen to music, not your stupid "WOOHOO!" or "Tuuuuune!". I can understand why voice is blocked at music clubs though. As for idiots who leave their mic on so I have to listen to their dog or their baby or the person cursing someone not in SL out, insta-mute.
  22. My favorite two skin designers for my Genus head are Amara and Pumec. Pumec put out a skin at skin fair that was just so gorgeous on the Genus Classic head. I had never been impressed with Pumec for my Lelutka and Catwa heads, but boy, did that change for Genus! I have a couple Pink Fuel skins for Genus as well. If I see Pumec and Pink Fuel at a gacha event, I at least have to demo as they know how to design for that head. It didn't hurt that it didn't take many pulls to nab a rare either. Pumec definitely has more body options in their applier, so they do have that edge over Amara. I didn't need a lot of changes to my shape either. I pretty much wear the same shape with Amara and Pumec. Makeups? Alaskametro (yay for wearable demos!), Shiny Stuffs (yay for finally creating for Genus!), The Face (has a nice selection of group gifts for Genus), and I recently picked up some nice lipsticks from Leronso's group. Izzie's is always dependable as well
  23. Real Evil Industries is my go-to, mainly because they offer color HUDS with so many options (metal, jewel, pearl) and even have some pieces that can be engraved however I like with the HUD. I play the heck out of their gachas when available, and, contrary to their name, they have some cute stuff, not just goth or "evil" looking. I've been wearing the Esprit set for months now, just changing colors to suit my outfits. Their rare ring sets are great too as the HUD allows you to choose which rings to hide or display. I was a fan of Avaway for a long time for the same color HUD reasons, but I haven't purchased anything of theirs lately. I have a lot of Maxi Gossamer, but some of those pieces make my avatar complexity shoot over 100-200k easily. I've picked up a few Supernatural pieces on the 60L weekend sale. As for brands I like but can't afford, those would be Mandala, Earthstones, and Chop Zuey.
  24. You're not going to get the same look as Blueberry's models because Blueberry uses the DAZ rendering system for her vendor photos. Those bodies are not in any way, shape, or form a Second Life body (mesh or otherwise). If you see store vendor ads like this, they're all DAZ renders (usually with no heads shown or only part of a head; the stores that use the full DAZ render have heads that creep me out hard!).
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