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Lysistrata Szapira

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Everything posted by Lysistrata Szapira

  1. I don't expect SL to replicate RL or I would report every babygirl who runs around with her pubic hair hanging out at G-rated events. I just find it ridiculous that people are so infatuated with themselves in SL that they get offended at people doing things with their stuff after they OWN it.
  2. Now if only someone could show me how to mute/block people with silly org@smic spankers. I can't even shop at events now without babygirl noises unless I mute ALL sound.
  3. This discussion is funny. If I buy an expensive car in RL, I can modify it any way I like. If I buy a Armani Prive gown, I can modify it any way I like it (ala Cruella in the movie with the red dress). My modifications could make the car or the dress look like absolute crap, but Toyota and Armani Prive won't say a word about it. It's only in SL where designers can get their knickers in a twist if someone tinkers with the Grand Creations (tm) so they absolutely MUST make it no mod or their artistry is destroyed. /s Maybe Elon Musk would love to make his cars no-mod, but there's really nothing he can do, thank goodness. I keep waiting for some creative paint jobs on the Cybertruck. Sometimes it's as simple as wanting to tint a face on a belt on a dress or pants when they only offer brown, white, or black, but NO! I can't do that because reasons.
  4. I used Avalon since it first came out until Noel came along. Now Noel is my primary head. I own Lily and Raven too. Avalon felt like the head most likely to look good with a wide variety of skins though.
  5. Peeve: Seeing cute dresses/skirts in a Seraphim post vendor ad and rushing over to try a demo only to discover that most or all of the butt is hanging out. Designers: when you're creating vendor ads, show BOTH SIDES of the item. The rear view is important if you're going to let it all hang out.
  6. Case in point: Fetlife's website which had some pretty hinky stuff even from a liberal perspective. When they were forced to kowtow to payment processors, they had to jump through some pretty convoluted hoops to make it possible, i.e. hiding all of the stuff that made the payment processors wince. Now how that would translate from a website to a virtual world, I have no clue, but it would likely be costly and exhausting work.
  7. Bumping this up because I had no idea Maitreya was still selling their OLD OLD hair until yesterday. It's in a separate building from the bodies and clothing.
  8. Yeah, NEVER abandon land without picking up your stuff first. I know it's the fastest way, but you may never recover your no copy items. I've lost several KittyCats because they wandered off my property and were never heard from again.
  9. Peeve: My clothes in SL only half-rezzing. The past few days if I put a clothing item on, only the back half of it shows up. I have to click edit to get the remainder of the pieces to become visible. I shudder to imagine what is showing up on other people's screens when my clothes do this. FWIW, I'm on Firestorm, so I have no clue if this is an SL issue or an FS issue.
  10. I had a static IP for a while when I had a business account with my ISP (I've been working from home for 16 years now). Eventually my employer got too cheap to continue reimbursing me for the extra cost of the business account, so I went back to hang out with the peons and their dynamic IPs. As long as the internet has been a thing, it still astounds me that people don't understand the concept of dynamic IPs. This sounds like the people who post bloviating threats in their SL profiles that if you hurt one of their friends or family, they can find out who you are and come get you in RL. It's all BS.
  11. I haven't used a Catwa head in a very long time. I quit Catwa to move to Genesis Project which then turned into Genus, then I quit Genus to move to Lelutka. Then I quit Lelutka to move to Lelutka EvoX. I purchased the new LAQ head and wore it for a bit, but some aggravations caused me to go back to EvoX. I wore A LOT of Catwa hair back in the day though.
  12. If you want a fashion feed (not just clothing): iheartsl.com I usually find favorite new bloggers from this feed.
  13. Apparently this one particular creator thinks people will pay more just because that single color/single style hair is flexi. Do people actually pay more for flexi hair? Enquiring minds want to know.
  14. Peeve: Hair stores at events trying to sell one style in one color ONLY for 300L. C'mon, get off your bum and learn how to texture other colors. If you can make one color look good, you can do more. You're just being greedy. I can go to the absolute best hair stores in SL and get a whole color pack for that amount of money.
  15. Neve and Ison are the two stores I frequent that have been updating some items to LaraX, usually with their Saturday Sale offerings (Ison occasionally with FLF). When I see a TSS or FLF item from those two stores that I've already purchased in the past, I always head straight to the redelivery terminal to get the LaraX version.
  16. I'm in LaraX 95% of my time in SL. My favorite stores have been pumping out stuff at speed for it, including updates to add the size to their existing clothes. I only need to raid my 5.3 stuff and body for mostly costume parties because certain stores that do that sort of design are ignoring LaraX.
  17. I know some designers are re-rigging pre-X items to X because they are busy in RL, but the re-rig is so easy they can knock a few out in fairly short order. I appreciate it because many of them are also updating their redelivery systems with the X versions.
  18. You get a fresh set of numbers every day (I'm not sure what time the HUD resets). The HUD is also free. If you have alts, it helps to speed up the process of getting whatever item(s) you want. The alts will each get a set of different numbers.
  19. I really don't understand the desire designers have for timed demos. There's a formal gown store that I usually love, but her timed demos pizz me off in a hurry. Why? It's not like a large number of people run around in SL wearing nothing but demos because they're broke. I don't see a lot of fashion bloggers wearing demos in their pics and editing out whatever demo graphic surrounds or is on the clothing. WHY? I've heard of some stores where people get ejected and banned for nudity caused by timed demos. It's STOOPID. Has anyone actually sent a notecard to these stores and politely asked why? Did you get an answer?
  20. Aaaaand the complaining about Legacy's new body has commenced in store group chat, much like it did with LaraX. Big difference though. Legacy isn't handing out ANYTHING for free.
  21. You're not the only one who saw that. I'm going to check the Oscar fashion reviews in the morning and see if the critics criticize the ridiculous straps on that dress.
  22. I got hit with it today too. I just blocked it. If they come at me with another object, I'll report the whole thing. I've never been on that sim, nor have I ever played any games of chance other than gacha, so they're stealing UUIDs to spam people with. If the Lindens allow this to continue unabated, that's inexcusable.
  23. I grabbed the Genus Morph demos and a couple skin demos built for it to toy with over the weekend. I also grabbed Lelutka's Billie. I like it, but I'm not ready to jump ship yet from LAQ Elle. What is wrong with that head btw? I haven't had any problems, but I don't use the animations HUD (too lazy). Freckles seem to be the It Girl thing right now. For anyone who loves freckles and lots of them, LAQ's gift will suit perfectly. In real life, I'm one of the ginger weirdos WITHOUT freckles.
  24. I undertook the onerous task of trying on EVERY piece of system layer clothing I had back when mesh came out to see which textures were blurry and which were clear. Believe it or not, some old system layers still work and look good. Some Sn@tch layers still look great, and I wear them with/under mesh jackets a lot. Nuve appears to be moving into the BOM clothing layer market of late with their TSS offerings (lingerie and swimsuits thus far). I've been on an inventory purge spree lately, getting rid of things I can't, for the life of me, figure out why I kept in the first place. 99% of it is gifts, but I can only think I must have just unboxed it and tossed it into the appropriate folder rather than looking at it and saying, "I'd never wear that in a million years." This is for clothing only though. I dread tackling all of the other stuff.
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