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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. SL has been declining since before your rez date. SL will eventually go away. So will the planet. Big deal -- enjoy it while you can. I've rented land continuously since my first week in SL. I own a full region now. That makes me a landowner, so I asked myself if I'm worried that SL will go away. My answer was no. I've had many years in SL; I figure there could be at least another decade in it (assuming I last that long). I've spent around $20,000 on land in SL over the last 11+ years and probably more on things to put on the land, donations, tips, etc. If SL goes away tomorrow I won't feel like I've been ripped off. The enjoyment, friendships, and memories are a fine return for the time & money I've spent.
  2. The portion of the menu that has Movelock is here: If Movelock is greyed out, the LSL bridge is probably not attached or isn't working. Get it back by going here: As for the pads at Vista, right-click & select Pose to make them work. Also: Make sure you have your AO turned off, assuming you have one already.
  3. She said posts ... once you've reached 500 posts you can change the text that's under your name. Yours says Advanced Member now.
  4. No problems logging in. Teleported to several regions; the teleports completed quickly. This sounds like another episode of network problems where some can get to SL fine and others can't. ETA: Logged in two alts without problems. If it's broken login servers I'm pretty lucky.
  5. LL has no interest in pushing us to Sansar. Sansar is meant for different types of users. LL wants to keep SL going (and eventually get Sansar released). They're different products and LL has different teams supporting them. LL has been been working on SL more in the last few years than for many years before that. I suggest checking your connection. I've had cases where I was happily working on something only to find my connection to SL was failing and the servers didn't know about my changes. I'd log off & back in ... things were back to somewhere earlier in my modifications. I haven't had any of the problems you describe in the last several weeks. That indicates the servers are OK, but some of the network connections may be glitched, anywhere from your end of the connection to LL's servers. The cloud stuff is LL planning to save money by moving SL servers onto a cloud service (basically a lot of servers that are rented out to users or companies ... but much more complex than that). I think Sansar runs on a cloud service, and Sansar experiences only run when someone wants to enter them. Putting SL into a cloud service will be more complex than it was with Sansar. SL wasn't designed for it, LL will need to leave regions running (at least for now ... things will break otherwise), and LL will have to figure out how to quickly transfer data between servers during region crossings. I don't expect to see it happening any time soon.
  6. It's highly unlikely LL will provide information about a potential future feature. Mixed reality implies AR, and SL doesn't fit in at all with AR. As for virtual reality, Linden Lab stopped development a year or so ago on a viewer for the Oculus Rift. They're not going to revive VR for SL when they already have Sansar to do VR. The money LL is spending on SL is for other changes or improvements. The biggest one I know of is moving SL to the cloud. That's a change; whether it's an improvement is TBD. The improvements are things like Windlight updates and animesh, and others they're not talking about yet.
  7. Premium is only needed to buy a mainland region, in which case the monthly payment is $195. I agree that it's a tough business to get into. There aren't any easy (legal) ways to make real world money in SL.
  8. You'd think LL would be inclusive by adding a region for adult-rated stores. They could put a tall fence around it so nobody could peek inside. What if someone is looking for Naughty Santa and his Frisky Elves? (Apologies if someone actually sells that. I'm not attempting to advertise anything.)
  9. Maybe even less than a week ... see this blog post: Sign up to participate in an official inworld shopping event this holiday season All can apply anyway. LL chooses the winners; I suspect it's not by random selection.
  10. There was never a Second Life 2. Linden Lab never hyped it (since it didn't exist and wasn't planned). Sansar was meant to be a different thing, though I'm sure the usual LL communications garbled that early in Sansar's existence. I heard Ebbe describe it in July 2014 and the result (still a beta) is very close to that today. People listened to rumors without looking for the facts. BTW, those seamless places are boxes. A Sansar experience is 4K x 4K meters squared, equivalent to a 16x16 grid of SL regions. That's plenty of space, but if you're at an edge that's as far as you can go. The experience has a single owner, and that owner is the only one who can create anything in the experience. Visitors can't rez things from their own inventory. Sinespace has regions (about the same as a Sansar experience but of unknown size) that work like Sansar. Each region has an owner and that owner controls all. Others can visit (if the owner allows it). Going to someone else's space requires downloading the content for that space, and if you have access you appear there. Those aren't at all like SL, but if you're looking for a canned game then either of them may suit you.
  11. The TOS allows you to be nude on moderate land, but land owners can restrict it if they wish. Their land, their rules.
  12. The education/nonprofit discount was taken away under a previous CEO. It came back some time after Ebbe took over. Unfortunately, many groups left after the discount was removed & never came back. We dropped two regions and paid full price for a remaining one. It's back to discounted (a huge relief to the budget).
  13. 2006 and now ... yeah, I've got my original self saved in case the look ever comes back. There's more of a height difference than shows here; my old self had long legs and short arms, just the way LL preferred.
  14. Did you start using Advanced Lighting Model (graphics preferences) around 10 months ago? Invisiprims don't work with ALM on. You could try turning it off to see. Either way, angeoco's solution is what you need -- find an alpha that works with the shoes or find newer shoes.
  15. Your griefer may be using built-in viewer tools (that can be set to notify when anyone enters the region), or be watching the radar in the viewer, or possibly has a HUD that's set to watch for specific people entering the region. Embedding a script into the sim is highly unlikely. What does your avatar do when it's going wild?
  16. The classic avatars wear mesh clothing, which is attached to your body. You can have multiple items of clothing in the same place as long as you either 'add' them or they have different attachment points. Anyway, click on the button that looks like a shirt (or Me->Appearance... on the menu) to bring up the Appearance window. Click on the Wearing tab. You'll see a list of all the things you're wearing. Find the line that says shorts, right-click on the line, and click on detach. If you now have an invisible section where the shorts once were, find a gray cross-hatched item that says Shorts Alpha, right click on it, then select Take Off. That's the start of it. I'm sure others will come along with more details.
  17. There's a thread in that forum that's about the same error: SL updater borked Oz Linden replied with an answer for the problem.
  18. Go to the Third Party Viewer Directory Lumiya is under the Subset Viewers category.
  19. I'll put it this way: I know (and have known) many people who joined SL specifically for their nonprofit. In the case of some of the larger ones, a person on their staff was given (or volunteered for) the job of creating an avatar and setting up an in-world office. Smaller nonprofits were generally represented in SL by the person who started the nonprofit. Not knowing any people in a category doesn't mean they don't exist.
  20. There was Camp Darfur (to raise awareness of genocide in Sudan). I know of a couple places that simulated homelessness to raise awareness for that. I suppose Relay for Life would count as well. Many nonprofit organizations, with one of my favorites being Virtual Ability. There's a part of SL that most never see.
  21. I'd try a different Windlight setting. There's a Windlight bug that makes the stars turn black behind clouds. (Stars render black against lighter coloured night skies and against clouds when ALM is enabled. ) (Thanks to Whirly for listing that in another thread). Some Windlights seem to be more susceptible than others. I usually don't see that. Added: There's a star brightness setting in Windlight. I generally have that set to zero during sunsets, so the stars aren't there to shine through. As I said, try other Windlights.
  22. It's Friday! I guess nobody noticed? This nice little old lady would like to have you over for dinner.
  23. Still working on autumn ... likely until it's time to change over to winter.
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