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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. Yes, that's correct. However, using a neutral Windlight setting can give you a better idea what the skin you're wearing actually looks like. The OP's Windlight might be the reason she's seeing her skin as pale with weird shadows. After all, she said pictures from the vendor looked much warmer.
  2. You say atheism is a religion and also state that all religions promise eternal life in some form. Atheism does not promise eternal life; when you die that's the end of it. So which is true? Is atheism a religion, or do all religions promise eternal life in some form?
  3. My 'Recent' tab is set to show everything up through 28 days old. It can take me that long to get to sorting purchases into their proper places. For Firestorm, bring up the inventory window, click on the Recent tab, then find the gear icon near the bottom left of the window. Click on the gear, select Show Filters ..., and the filters window appears. Set the number of hours or days you want to see in the boxes toward the bottom of the filters window. For LL's viewer -- I hope it's similar.
  4. OP's original post was over 3 1/2 years ago. His last post was over 2 1/2 years ago. Why is this thread relevant now?
  5. For Firestorm, once your viewer's version is older than the 3 most recent versions and the Firestorm team stops supporting it, you won't be able to log into SL any more. (Except with other viewers or a more recent Firestorm version.)
  6. The email came from em.secondlife.com. The domain secondlife.com is owned by Linden Lab. It's legitimate. The "em" part is the server; it's highly likely em stands for email. If you look at the URL for these forums, you'll note the address starts with community.secondlife.com - same domain. The link is also valid, but I don't use links in emails no matter who they come from. It's always safer to go directly to the website yourself.
  7. Thinking about A Steamy Mystery at Terradale on LEA 12. @Chic Aeon - Great job!
  8. Better create that new avatar soon. I think you've just put yourself on a lot of block lists.
  9. The comments in this thread refer to estates as single regions ... I know of one that has 120 connected regions, another that has approximately 60. There are themed ones like Caledon. Groups of private regions aren't uncommon. It shouldn't be hard to meet new people on any of those. As for being safe to rent from, I've rented land from Anshe's company for 11 years. If she leaves SL, SL itself might be in trouble. I had a mainland parcel for about two weeks in 2006. The area was full of junk. I flew along one of the mainland roads for a couple dozen regions a few weeks ago, and saw much of the same stuff I saw in 2006. I know there are nice areas on mainland, but it doesn't meet my needs. For one thing, I like building mountains.
  10. The primary reason LL wants to move SL to the cloud has to be to save themselves money. Sansar runs in the cloud, but it's a bunch of disconnected experiences, so there's no worry about communication between them. There's no such thing as a sim crossing. LL will have to worry about all that with SL, making the move to the cloud much more complex than Sansar. LL spent a lot of time and money putting in a 'fiber ring' to speed up inter-server communication to make region crossings better. Will the cloud be able to do it as fast? I hope it's faster, but LL gets to find that out themselves first. Running regions on demand sounds good, but it can't be for a fixed price. LL will be paying the cloud provider for resources used. If someone is paying a fixed lower price for an on demand region but is keeping it running constantly, LL is losing money. Therefore, I suspect on demand pricing will be based on the time the region is running. Assuming pricing is based on run time, I'd be upset as the region owner to find out my region has been running because someone in a neighboring region happened to look toward my region. Region crossings would be a problem as well. It would be much simpler for LL to require on demand regions be islands. What I hope happens is the simplest of all: LL saves themselves money by going to the cloud and passes on some of the savings by lowering the prices for regions. It will help them anyway by increasing land sales. Easy peasy -- the solution already exists. Get one of your free Sansar experiences and build your home there. You can set it to private and it won't be running if you're not there. A valid answer, but not a serious one.
  11. Was it an Osborne or a Kaypro? We called them luggables.
  12. Happy peak of the week! Good luck, Hippie! I hope the storm misses you. (And everyone else, but that seems unlikely.)
  13. It sounds like you've applied a demo shape rather than a skin. Demo shapes usually make your hands huge.
  14. @LittleMe Jewell - Happy Birthday! Happy Sunday! Autumn is coming fast, so here's a peek at spring/summer: Tomorrow is one of the few Mondays that people celebrate. Happy, Maddy?
  15. Firestorm will let you go to pretty much any height with a text command. I assume it's the LSL bridge that does it. I believe LL changed the max fly height (non-vehicle) a few years or so ago to allow any avatar to fly above 4096m without a gadget, but there was a new limit (IIRC). I have a HUD that boosts my speed. I like to cross chunks of mainland at 5000m (avoids running through skyboxes) at max boost. I just timed it -- 40 seconds to fly across 10 regions. If I'm spending 4 seconds in a region, a 'no fly' parcel would barely affect me. By the time a security orb sends me a get lost message I'm in the next region. Also, at that speed I usually go through skyboxes rather than be stopped by them. It's much easier to stay high above them though. ETA: I was flying 64m/s, or around 143 miles/hour. Wish I could do that IRL. I could get to work in 19 minutes.
  16. Agreed -- when I teleport in I end up above people's heads rather than standing on them. I usually go up and off to the side somewhere and shop by cam. I enjoy shopping at your store. I fly over the section I'm interested in, then cam around. It's easy to see everything from above or to change my view without hitting ceilings or a bunch of walls.
  17. How-Old definitely doesn't like gray. My hair has been gray/silver since my early 40s. It aged me by almost 30 years. I darkened my hair in the picture (not thoroughly) and got an age 5 years younger than I am. I suspect it would've been younger yet if I'd done a better job of hair coloring. The algorithm needs work.
  18. I'll quit playing with this ... Two misses and finally a hit.
  19. This thing grossly underestimated the age -- 64 year olds don't look like this any more.
  20. Phil is correct. When I create a group I have an alt join as Everyone and the group stays.
  21. The good starter avatars have standard bodies, but mesh clothes. Some use Bento for attachments (such as horses). They use mesh clothing and in general look good. The abysmal mesh-bodied starter avatars are still in the list in the People tab. Those should be avoided at all costs, but I still see some newbies use them.
  22. Mesh bodies all work because all they need is a standard avatar to attach them to. Your argument does not stand.
  23. Or you could use the code block so you don't have to skip characters: [spoiler] Stuff goes here [/spoiler] You can get the code block with the <> button on the message window.
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