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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. @Zsigmond Alcott - I misinterpreted the title of the thread as well. She didn't mean she's started this thread to help a friend find friends. The OP meant that she wants (is asking for) a friend.
  2. I don't know if other viewers have this, but in Firestorm's Preferences under Firestorm->Extras, check 'Always rez objects under the land group if possible'. It has saved me a lot of trouble finding and fixing incorrect groups. Unfortunately I tend to park myself in one place and build anywhere in the region. Objects I rez are then set to the land group for the parcel I'm on.
  3. Are screams the right sound effect?
  4. This morning at sunrise I was passed out resting my head after a long night of drinking building.
  5. Why would scripters want a bad update to LSL? LSL has been extended to handle new features as they arrive. LL doesn't have the resources to update/rewrite LSL in such a way that old content isn't broken. That's a huge job with a small payoff. Anyone wanting a nice new scripting language (though C# isn't new) can try Sansar, but scripting isn't finished yet. I've been scripting in LSL for almost 11 years; I do know something about it. BTW, "tons of scripters" - did you ask scripters who complained about LSL what they weigh, then add the weights? Even if you meant quantity, I doubt you know more than a small percentage of LSL scripters. Nobody does.
  6. @Madelaine McMasters I was wondering when you'd find that picture. Using the stork is a nice touch; I didn't expect that one at all.
  7. I first visited in early 2005 but just looked around a bit and left. I tried again in early September 2006. My goal was to build things and do some scripting (especially automated vehicles). I caught the SL bug and have been here ever since.
  8. SL content belongs to SL residents. Should LL remove your content from your inventory? LL has no ability to update content either. That's a job for the content creators (who are likely long gone in the case of old items). If you want new & shiny, Sansar's for you (eventually).
  9. I looked at the JIRA issue; an issue was opened on the internal side Monday morning. I didn't attempt to go there -- if I do have access then they didn't set things up right. Obviously this isn't a simple fix, or it would've been fixed by now. I suspect the only status you can get at this point is "we're working on it", probably right up until they've got it fixed. There's nothing to be gained by complaining. @Morgan Rosenstar A software feature which is used by less than 1% of the users won't get more attention because it's available to all. If 99% of users ignore it, then some companies would consider removing the feature rather than fixing it. LL is trying to fix it.
  10. It's inaccurate, but usually a company is accused of false advertising when they claim their product does more than it actually does. In this case LL is hurting themselves by claiming something that's not as good as reality. SL's website is particularly bad in the land section. I think they'd be better off rewriting all of it than fixing small errors. Specifications such as LI limit, number of people allowed on a region, build height, etc. should be retrieved from a database so all pages that have the information are updated automatically when the database is updated. LL isn't a big company; I'm sure they've got a long to-do list for web updates/redesign and not many people to work on them.
  11. That means there is already a Jira ticket to fix the problem. It's BUG-41610, submitted by Chaser Zaks on March 25, 2017. The priority is set to trivial and it's not assigned to anyone, so don't expect action soon.
  12. Things are slow (or unnecessarily focused on Sansar); time to move this thread up. Watching the sun rise while hoping nobody bursts my bubble.
  13. There's a Sansar team and a SL team. The SL team isn't working on Sansar.
  14. He said MC and vehicle users from SL are going to GTA5 In other news, engineers are using steel to build bridges rather than plastic interlocking blocks.
  15. LL has been updating SL, especially since Ebbe's been in charge. They have a team of developers working on Sansar and another team working on SL. Bento has been a big improvement, especially for people creating non-human avatars. There's more stuff coming too. I've been happier with the way SL is going in the last few years than at any other time in the last ten. I'm not sure that Sansar developers would consider working on SL to be a reward. They've been working on a shiny new project. SL is old and anything they do has to avoid breaking existing content and functionality. It's like coding in a minefield. I've done that type of work. I'd much rather design and code something new. ETA: The Sansar developers will be busy for years trying to get Sansar to where it needs to be. The current beta shows just how far off they are.
  16. It was today for me, at least ... goodnight cuddle The overdose of yellow is due to an event that has the color yellow for the theme.
  17. I rarely check the status page, so it's not "ALL". You're right, they couldn't bring VR to SL, because SL isn't designed for it. We should be very happy that LL didn't try to make SL into a VR experience. It's not the back end of SL that's the problem. It us - we're the reason. SL allows people to build things on the fly, change their avatars on the fly; anything can change at any time. People can build un-optimized monstrosities and SL has to take it. VR needs 90 frames per second in order to keep people from turning their expensive headsets into puke buckets. Sansar achieves this by taking away the spontaneity. Users of a Sansar experience can't rez things from inventory. For that matter, the owner of the experience can't rez new things while the experience is live. Editing is done offline, then goes through an optimization step, and is finally published (goes live). That's why Sansar is perhaps a place to visit for an SL resident, but they wouldn't want to live there. Side note: I haven't thought about avatars in Sansar before. Avatar complexity is a client-side problem in SL and I assume it would be in Sansar as well. The problem is the client needs 90fps if a VR bucket is stuck on the user's head. I wonder how Sansar handles avatar complexity. Are avatars optimized before they can enter the experience?
  18. SL has had significant updates since 2004. It's also far more reliable than it was back then. How exactly would taking the whole thing down for a few weeks help? Redesigning SL would take years and, unless LL was willing to destroy much of SL's content, would end up pretty much the same as now. They've got to be compatible with years of content or risk breaking enough things that people would leave. Sansar is working on 4 years in development, so I'd guess SL (which is much more complex) would take significantly longer. Perhaps 6 - 8 years? BTW, the reliability improvements are mostly due to redesign of the back end. That's not all 2004 code.
  19. The profit LL makes from SL is partly used to build Sansar. SL is what allows LL's continued existence. That's why they're putting significant effort into updating SL. They need it to do well, or they're done.
  20. Unless it's changed, you also need to have payment information on file before you can import mesh into SL.
  21. See: Oz Linden post on llhttprequest changes Some scripters were hacking the llhttprequest command to get functionality they wanted. The command has been changed & the scripts will have to be updated to work again. This was found in a Magnum server release at the end of June. Shoutcast board makers started fixing their devices then. A few quick searches would've found all the information you needed. There's no need to whine about LL. They made changes because they had to.
  22. You asked for it, you got it ... I like Cthulhu-head myself, but in case you prefer scary . . . . . . . . Not a single tentacle on him.
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