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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I spent all day (ALL DAY) making an Intermediate Blender tutorial. Happily I also have a pretty picture of the objects I used in the tutorial over on LEA12. Video is here for any mesh making addicts: https://youtu.be/789HEWcYyp0
  2. This took ALL day (and that wasn't making the gravestones LOL) so hopefully someone will learn something *wink*.
  3. OK. Are you sure this isn't a test from arton (just kidding). Looks for one like your texture is transparent when it shouldn't be? That is an "undocumented feature" in the current Blender (hopefullyl fixed in the upcoming version) that automatically changes the texture to alpha when you save it the second time IF you don't be sure and check RGB when saving. Second you may have too many triangles in your mesh and the uploader is making a NEW material for you as you have gone past the limit? Those are my two guesses :D. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits#Mesh
  4. One of the best things you can do for yourself withe Win10 (and I actually like it a lot) is turn off ALL THE OPTIONS in settings (much is spyware and also "share my bandwidth as I don't CARE that I spend $100 a month for it I am a nice guy). I use Chrome now as Firefox just stopped working on SO many sites. HEED THE WARNINGS!!!!!! It is NOT the Marketplace.
  5. IF I, the typist looked as good as Chic, I would have no worries at all
  6. Yes, me too. Lots of clothes not available and ended up in a bikini for awhile. Mesh body loaded so naked instead of a cloud :D. Waiting a bit solved the issue.
  7. Following some Google breadcrumbs I found a list of at least some of the settings (Sunglasses really has nothing to do with the names of the settings so not terribly helpful). Here are the names I found. I found several still in Firestorm so simply installing FS or another third party viewer that has those settings will get them for you and you can then transfer them to the correct folder from the FS folder. 1. MagicHour 2. London 2026 3. London 2050 4. Verdigris 5. Rot 6. Shadows Bright Day 7. Maroon 8. Shepherds Delight 9. Bright2 10. Morning Glory 11. Dusty
  8. IF you get a monthly premium membership it is actually costing you somewhere around $4 US a month which is around $1000 or so lindens. You CAN rent some nice places for less than that if you don't need anything fancy. I suggest looking in the want ads at rentals and maybe finding a little spot to start out with. Some places start at $25 a week (not great) and go up from there. Now and then there are even free places if you look hard or find one by accident. I am actually living in a lovely Victorian home (very fancy) with 180 prims for free. So do some exploring and THEN decide what will work best for you. Look at the Linden homes too of course, but by now they are getting very outdated and really need some renovations :D. Have fun. House hunting has been one of my traditional favorite past times!
  9. Well it didn't hurt to clear the Linden Viewer cache and while I was three I changed some preferences so that it is a bit more friendly. Still can't get my Windlight settings to "stick" though, I have to make a new one each time which is a pain OR just hurry hurry and shut my eyes. I didn't notice any issues logging back into FS. I DID late this afternoon see a couple of textures that were in that blurry range (on items not in inventory). A texture refresh fixed them. Not sure if that had anything at all to do with the inventory issues or just a tough day :D. I did something VERY weird with a keystroke and all my Gs are now bold and highlighted. Posting this anyway as guessing it is just ME
  10. For anyone who wants to know the end of the story (this installment anyway) it is in this thread.
  11. Actually I don't remember any info being mentioned about the asset server. I actually went back to my initial contact from a Linden and NO mention of asset server, only 300 corrupted files. The support message said that they had "run a script" to fix things. Have no clue except that ONE texture that WAS bad a few days ago (happily I remembered its name) is no longer "beyond lossy". Since I really don't know WHAT was wrong and since these things appear to happen to me more often than others (OR, I am just paying attention and no my inventory well -- there is that) I don't imagine that I'll ever know what was wrong or what may have been fixed. And the initial "corrupted" message might possibly have been from another time. I am not sure we will know that. I had, when I was going back and forth to Opensim a lot a couple of years ago, a lot of "white textures" which happens going between the different platforms. They were all MY textures that I had uploaded so it wasn't a big deal (and free) to upload again. Just a pain. But that wasn't an SL issue as far as I know; seemed to be a viewer problem. Clearing cache didn't help. I did have one occurrence that I noted of that a month or so ago. Someone else could see the texture but not me. So I switched out the kitty tent for another version that I COULD see the texture on.
  12. Yes, as a gooooood girl I followed the instructions in the email perfectly (even going to Debug2 where there IS by the way an avatar fixing kit == good to know). I also while in the Linden viewer figure out how to increase the UI size (thank goodness as I have a high resolution monitor). So that was a plus. But Aquila has (tried) to teach me planes physics so perhaps I won't need to be in the Linden viewer again LOL. Thanks again. What comes back or gets fixed does. It is what it will be. Most of my important stuff is rezzed (the BEST plan IMHO).
  13. OK. I used the "clear cache" button but it didn't seem to clear my cache so I JUST (you weren't fast enough LOL) went in an deleted it all manually in theory causing it to rebuild. I am NOT sure what I am looking to happen though. The olden days of waiting for your inventory to reload are gone. So far I am not seeing any obvious changes in my inventory so it either worked or didn't I guess. Will stand around for awhile AGAIN just to make sure But what can be done is apparently done and maybe a few things came back. Thanks! PS a couple minutes later. I did go and check on a corrupted texture that I found the other day and it was working again. Not a big deal, but that is the only thing that I actually knew was bad. So "something" apparently got fixed. How much I have no clue :D.
  14. Well this is embarrassing! I got a note back from support just now about the corrupted inventory files (another post). It said I needed to log in with the Linden Viewer, clear cache. Log out and in again in Debug1 or 2 (I am in 2 ^^) and stay there for 20 minutes. Maybe some magic will happen BUT I went into preferences and cleared my viewer cache. I didn't see any way in there to clear my inventory cache like in Firestorm. The support note didn't explain HOW or which cache to clear since of course I am OLD and should "know how". And I do, just not in the official viewer. Searching Google and knowledge base gives me no answers for the Linden viewer, only for Firestorm even when I type in Linden Viewer LOL. So do I need to manually go in and clear my cache through the Windows Explorer like you would do with a clean install in FS? Imma thinking maybe yes. Meanwhile I will go do some real life stuff. Thanks of Linden Viewer folks
  15. Eventually --- after you have mastered "standard sizes" AND if you like making clothing you will want to learn how to make "fitmesh" and the garments that work on the mesh bodies. Mesh bodies are over three years old now (some four) and a very large part of the clothing market is JUST for mesh bodies --- presumably as those are the folks that spend the most money on clothes, hence a better chance of sales. BUT mesh takes awhile to learn and clothing even longer, so just take your time. I do agree with Rolig. She and I were both here when mesh was introduced and people were making clothing to fit themselves. It was SO VERY MESSY. I deleted almost everything that came my way, so there IS a reason for standard sizing, but fitmesh is better it it works for more folks rather than having people have to conform to that standard size thing. Good luck on your creation journey! And don't forget to make DEMOS of your clothes so people can see how they fit. Very few folks will buy clothes without a demo these days
  16. The physics is uploaded with the mesh so unless you have the active mesh file (dae etc) you cannot "make" the physics. That is if I understand your question correctly.
  17. This is a VERY old thread but honestly folks, pay attention! ESPECIALLY IF IT IS AN EXPENSIVE ITEM. Look at the complete marketplace store to see what else is being sold. Check for a INWORLD store (not everyone has one but scammers almost never do). Look at the profile of the seller. Does it look like someone who is really IN SL or a flybynight? If they are in groups that are free you can join the group and see if they are still active in SL. I really can't imagine folks spending $40 US or more and NOT DOING THEIR HOMEWORK. Sorry, but I am really having a difficult time feeling sorry. Hopefylly some lessons have been learned.
  18. One last comment here (unless some good news shows up in the future). It has been a week and while "I" have added info to my support case, there has been NOTHING written from support. The ticket is still open and I am not closing it but since I only found 5 items --s upposedly returned but without any notice of that, I am going to assume that I am 295 items down. I found some old outfits yesterday that were minus the clothing so that could be some of the loss, or perhaps that was from another time. I DO very much appreciate the contact from part of the Lab crew, but -- as in the past -- when things are gone, they seem to just be gone. I at least have some vindication that they WERE LOST and I will be good with that.
  19. Finally got out of work clothes for a blog post.
  20. Good to know. Thanks. Mine only seems to die when I am in render mode playing with nodes for "a look" :D. I have been carefully saving before playing ^^. My drivers get updated automatically so that probably isn't it but may give it a try, but coping, coping, coping - LOL. New Blender coming out soon so maybe that will fix the issue since Creator Update isn't all that new.
  21. There are some on the marketplace but generally they are much more expensive than the typical mesh garment templates.
  22. Obviously I agree and love your little animated demo graphics :D. I was thinking this morning, should one WANT to make a skirt with the stripes all vertical (overlooking ALL the other things that need to happen of course), the easiest method would be to DRAW the stripes on (either gores or a full circle skirt) in your graphics program post process. IF one was using Cycles and wanted the subtle shading (yea subtle shading) then you could make your own graphic over the UV map for the skirt and import that as your image texture -- then rebake. Should I EVER want to make clothes (I do think about it but I seem to have a block on the rigging thing :D) that would be MY method. and to @Darla Fanbridge if you want to start at the beginning my going slow with lots of info that you may have missed along the way are here. I suggest starting at the beginning (they are listed like blog posts so the hardest and newest is at the top) with icons that have 123 -- not 456 and omg what happens when we get to 789? No clue. https://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html Also on Youtube in a playlist.
  23. Finishing up my Dockside set today over on LEA12, the sleepy little town of Terradale, I made some whiskey or wine barrels (take your pick) and a rowboat with sit animations for the newly created dock. So that section is finished and I am movin' on tomorrow. To where? Not sure yet. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA12/33/154/22
  24. Hence, unless something was VERY wrong and not the way it usually works, the OP was given --- well let's say an incorrect reason why those prims came back. ^^ A piece of land will ONLY hold what the land tab says it will hold. The owner may have returned items SO that he could rez the OMG 1000 prim construct, but I doubt seriously that had anything to do with the server.
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