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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I immediately looked at the DATE on this post only to see it was current. OMG. Most shoes nowadays need mesh feet. Finding shoes old enough NOT to use mesh feet is difficult and they are often sculps which are hard on the server and your avatar rendering cost (neither a good thing). The REAL question should be --- if you plan to stay around -- "do I want to buy mesh feet or just get a mesh body?" That answer would be "B" for a large majority of folks. If you are happy wearing boots all the time (pretty much the only thing that looks good on "classic" feet, then smile and be happy. If not then mesh feet or a mesh body should be in your future. I don't know of anyone who has regretted buying their (top three brands) mesh body.
  2. You can use them as "inspiration" and draw your own. Honestly it is very easy to tell which tattoo artists "draw" and which "download" so being in the former group is indeed a plus and will keep your count from being deleted :D. AND honestly, tattoos ARE art and with them comes a copyright, so do your own thing and enjoy the journey.
  3. Well just like some designers are going back to their inworld stores (from venues) and perhaps not putting everything on the Marketplace (I don't) I am guessing that LL doesn't want to anger the creators more than they are (mostly the Marketplace that gets worse each month for searchability) AND of course they just raised the cash out again so that some folks will be paying $125 instead of that $1 . I think that important demographic doesn't want to get hit again. You know if they actually fixed the Marketplace so it was more usable (Dakota said that was a three year project) THEN perhaps the creators would get on board with the fee increase. And that new premium perk of 90 day histories was more a slap in the face than a "gift". Really? That should have been across the board for everyone and I doubt it will sway many folks over to premium. Anyway it will be interesting to see what happens. Seems like a lot of decisions haven't been going all that well for The Lab lately. The land changes might help. The obvious thing to me would be VAR regions - more space with the same (ish) prims. That would be good for lots of folks and welcome. If Opensim can do it then LL should be able to :D. Of course that hurts mainland even more -- but I enjoy NOT having neighbors :D.
  4. I'm perfectly aware of that. I wasn't going to mention it here since there's no way to get it confirmed but I have been told several times by people who usually know what they are talking about that LL bought what was to become MP more as damage control than to add another revenue stream. Yep, I don't even think it was a secret. I didn't realize you weren't OLD until this comment LOL. And once the Linden Lab Marketplace took over the others it pretty much became mandatory to BE on the Marketplace.
  5. In theory according to some official Linden comment here in the past your keywords should be things like "skirt", "blue", "knit", "mini", not as Whirly says subjective adjectives. It is likely that someone flagged one particular item and if your other things have the same listing they might get flagged also. THAT being said, there was a post on the forums not long ago about someone who had virtually taken over the top spots in clothing and was NOT following the rules and still there long after folks had flagged (I went over and flagged too LOL as a mini skirt should not show up when you are looking for a sweater).
  6. No, it happened -- but not as universally as we were lead to believe. Even if a few institutions were still "supported" -- or let's say didn't have their support taken away from them, it seemed clear from the publicized change that education had lost its value as far as The Lab was concerned -- at least that is what it looked like from the outside. There could have been plenty of behind the scenes machinations that I am not privy too. Some people could have (and I suspect this is true from the little I remember of those times) been taking advantage of the system. I remember going to classes in shopping centers where you had to work your way through the mall in order to get to the class -- hence not what most of us would think of as an "educational sim". Some very well-meaning folks could have been tossed out along with some of the less altruistic. I was under the impression that ALL schools lost their special status until I found out that wasn't the case. I have no idea what criteria decided who paid less. I can only guess that those sims owned by actual brick and mortar real life institutions had an advantage when choices were made. I am just not sure -- on the whole -- if the change was in the best interest of SL in the long term. It was much easier to learn long ago as there were classes going on all the time and the events schedule was filled with listing with everything from "Learn how to dance" to "Intermediate Scripting". And learning took place more inworld than it does now here on the forums and through websites. Maybe I am just feeling nostalgic :D.
  7. Actually I know that is the perception (and I believed that true also) but we are not always told the truth. Either way, the PERCEPTION was that education no longer was that important with the Powers That Be and that most likely hurt as much as the extra money some sim owners were called on to add to their tier payment. No, I am not going to say who told me this (well, of COURSE I am not) but they definitely KNOW. Actually I guess I should have written that the educational discount didn't TOTALLY disappear. Obviously it did for some since you were one of them. No argument there.
  8. I think that is very true overall. I have a quarter sim store but I am H&G (house and garden) which doesn't send out demos via the Marketplace like so many stores do. If you have clothes or something similar there really is VERY little reason to have more than a token store. Honestly, today I tooks some stuff down at my shop to loosen up some prims so I could have a "home" again. Sometimes it gets boring standing around your building pad. So yes, likely that wasn't the best decision made long ago. Like many steps made, the general trend seems for The Lab to go for the short term solutions; they need more folks that see longer down the road methinks :D.
  9. Waaaaay back at Charolette's comment about vendors and a "new marketplace", I know that it says somewhere in the marketplace TOS (or used to) that you were not allowed to sell your goods for less inworld. It would be VERY simple for The Lab to make a NEW RULE LOL, so I don't think that will fly. I went searching today for a sweater (any price really) for an old and forgotten alt that just got the new free ebody avatar (another thread). I don't shop often and even less on the MP, but I was astounded at all the really really old and C***Y stuff that came up at the top of the search. Dumping everything over five years and making folks reupload if they wanted (well I have a few things that I have updated a few times that are that old) would definitely be a SERVICE. OR === here ya go, give premium folks the ability to search ONLY things put up in the last 3- 4 - 5 years LOL. THAT would be a perk.
  10. I didn't know that EITHER and while I have never been premium, I am patting myself on the back for my "independence". I have backups of all my files and lots of now slightly older stuff over in Opensim (hence backup) but damn that is nasty LOL.
  11. I really do miss all the classes, some at Universities and others not. In the old, OLD days, The Lab actually paid the teachers (I think it was 500 a class or hour and most classes were and hour, so ...). I had some great friends through the classes. And, actually while it 'seemed' like the discount disappeared I have it on VERY good authority (a school) that it did not. But things change. I have volunteered several times to teach classes (80 on my SL resume from LEARN AVATAR plus almost 20 years of real life stuff) but so far no takers (wink). Things change.
  12. Just so you know -- you ARE doing the correct thing :D. Ctrl+Alt+F1 is what you want. WHY it isn't working I have no clue. Edit: It apparently has something to do with the software you are using.
  13. A LOT of hunts don't allow affiliates and many only let folks in that make their own products. So "no resellers" is pretty much the rule on any hunt I have been in. Have no great ideas for you except to learn to make your own things -- and that is a journey in itself :D.
  14. Well four hours later (I cleaned out her 2010 inventory too LOL which was pretty easy - highlight and delete) this is how my dusty alt looks. She has new skin from 7DeadlyS[k]ins lucky board, new jeans from PREY (group gift), new earrings from PREY (SLO&F group gift) and an older free sweater from Coco (group gift). She also has some very nice new heels which are way too fancy for this outfit so she is barefoot. Total cost $1 for the body. Now these close do not CONFORM to the body all that much which is fine as she isn't into THAT much curviness (or I am not for her - who knows) but by using the alpha cuts and wearing clothes that cover you up a lot, it works. I DID try looking for some sort of sweater in tan but to no avail. I tried applying a skin via Omega and that didn't work, but that was my only test for Omega. Happily the turtleneck covers the head-body seam so that isn't an issue. I will keep watch for alternatives. Slink shoes fit so that isn't an issue. And I "might" know where some tennies are still available ^^. So I feel like a much better "mom" now and she is all updated.
  15. I went over to try this out as I am a curious gal. That is actually a very nice body. AND if you make a shape particularly FOR that body turning a lot of sliders down to 0 you have a "more normal" curvy shape as apposed to what it looked like when I put it on an average sized body. So this would work for lots of folks. There ARE some alpha cuts and while they are BIG ones they are certainly helpful. I got an old been in the closet for years (oh the inventory - cringe) alt and got her looking fairly good with the Wednesday dress (covers most of you which is the key) from Coco (free) and the free black ankle boots (she had those). With a little bit of work (and a choker as there is a neck seam with a classic head) someone could have a pretty nice looking free avatar. Actually a nice scarf would solve a lot of issue. This was a half an hour experiment so sure there are other alternatives and clothes that you can buy that would work fine. Just some extra shopping involved. More options in clothes WILL be an issue and most likely they will be an issue for some time; I found only NON ebody curvy items when I searched for that (mostly Tonic). There is no Omega applier as it is "built in" (pretty cool and apparently curvy was added as of yesterday. So it is possible but unlikely that Omega will work on the free version. If someone knows that would be a great tip. IF there is no Omega available (or installed in the free body) then getting a good skin match will be pretty impossible. But it is a VERY nice free body that doesn't need to be THAT curvy and the alpha slots are a big help if you don't want to spend all your time in your undies *wink*. The only problem I had was that the hud after a few tries wouldn't let me change the skin tone any longer. I got out a new body and that worked. So a little bit of "beta" going on still. Not unusual. So that was fun and I am smarter. Thanks.
  16. Yep, sorry 50. It is 0 on the Quick Preferences which is what "I" actually use
  17. That's a very nicely designed area. Not many smaller houses but definitely impressive with a 2 li to 1 prim general charge which seems very fair. Good tip. More tips please? LOL
  18. If you use the hover height in the Quick Preference bar it stays over logout and logins --- at least mine does. Have you checked to make sure that hover height of your SHAPE is at 0? It is at the very bottom of the BODY tab in the shape adjuster (Edit Shape). If this happened when you got a mesh body and you used the shape that came with the body, maybe there was a flaw in the shape. If so and the shape is mod you can fix that in the appearance tab = edit shape and SAVE and that should hold. I can't think of anything else. Clearing cache would have had nothing to do with this by the way :D. Good luck.
  19. In general lucky chairs (more popular in the past than now) and midnight boards and mini mania are filled with products from the store they are in. So if you have a hair store you might put one color in the prize giver, or an older hair that you want to retire. Even if you can find full perm items that you can legally pass along to folks, they most likely won't be that interested in the to play. Likely a futile exercise I think.
  20. The new versions of Blender from 2.78 on changed the way that the blur brush in particular worked. I do not make clothes but this has been well documented with clothes makers including a long term high profile designer friend of mine. The only fix that they had was to go BACK to their old version of Blender that WAS working. One designer is using both and switching back and forth. Blender wouldn't let me install and older version when I had a newer one, but I believe it will let you install and new one and KEEP the old. So your issue could easily be something related to that --- I know not. A thought in case the older stuff was made with an older version of Blender which seems very likely. Good luck.
  21. Glytchs are the new little creatures that you catch in the new game mentioned in the press release.
  22. While this is mostly a silly thread on a complex subject, I had a thought while tubbing. The cost of buying lindens is going up (again). This makes PREMIUM membership "worth more" even at the same rate because it will by like a savings account for people -- those who regularly buy lindens anyway. Pay by the quarter or the year (year is of course a better value) and get the added bonus of circumventing those money charges by using the stipend instead of purchasing. Need more money ---- make more premium alts. Put them in a group and have a 2048 mainland lot for free. This started out seriously and seems kind of funny now, but there are almost always ways to WORK THE SYSTEM if you look for them. And another more dire change to note --- the last few days the glytch sims (for that new game touted in the press release) have had HORRIBLE texture loading. Sometimes and on some sims the glytchs themselves never turn from gray. The LAND textures aren't loading. This morning I got five glytchs and was told to move on and the leaves on the trees were still gray. This is only on the glytch sims and was just now verified by a RL friend (same town, different ISP, different house, different computer (not as powerful as mine but he has never had issues before) and faster connection. IF this is testing for moving more to "the cloud" then I hope they get it worked out before packing the trucks.
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