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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. The notecard says (long notecard with lots of info): PI$$A PROGRESS shows you how much of the pizza you have completed. As you progress, the bar will fill in green. In total, one pizza takes 4 hours. Pizza only progresses if you are wearing the Pi$$a Pie HUD, standing within an oven's designated payout zone, and clicking the oven on the HUD. It doesn't tell you how much you get for a basic "cheese pizza" (you can add ingredients that you PAY for and get more money from the pizza oven when completed). I think the REALMS is a much better way to earn money LOL. I did NOT try of course, just curious.
  2. Not that "I" will ever be there but that's WAY better than "resetting". Alas though, since you can't block the hud LOL it doesn't sound like fun. Thanks for posting! And I guess that means someone has been to 100 plus :D. Amazing.
  3. Some, but not many skin makers include a standard texture skin along with appliers. THAT is what you actually need. If not, you can find a stylish collar (or maybe you are into that anyway and that would be handy LOL) to cover the seam. If you are happy with your current system head and skin, the your best bet is to color your body skin as close as you can get it to your head. You will NEVER be able to match perfectly. Hence a preponderance of mesh head LOL cause some of us really hate that seam. Even with the system and applier pack, you will likely have some sort of seam as legacy mesh (your head) and body meshes reflect light differently -- at least that is what seems to be happening. Good luck. Know that thousands of folks have tread in your steps :D.
  4. Nope, wrong group :D. You posted in the MACHINIMA forum which is for film makers and viewers. You want the MESH FORUM. Lots of folks there use AVASTAR, but not that many post often. There is also an Avastar inworld group which might be more helpful.
  5. I agree that the statement is vague :D. But as I understand it textures have moved "to the cloud" already. Of course things change along the way so who knows what will actually happen. I wouldn't put my SL life on hold waiting any more than I "waited" to buy a mesh body after Sansar was announced . Here is the original quote from the official blog post :
  6. Also note that depending on the amount you want to cash out ( it WAS $600 but not sure what it might be currently) you may need to go through a variety of steps to PROVE you are you. And, as I understand it you still need to BUY some Lindens before you can cash out Lindens.
  7. According to a friend who let her old $500 stipend account lapse and then reinstated, she now gets $300 instead of the $500. So if anyone REJOINS they get the current stipend; there is no "grandfathered" provision which seems only fair to me :D.
  8. Also note that The Lab has mentioned in recent official blog posts that there will be changes in the land use costs (or perhaps new ways to pay or buy or use land -- who knows?) coming along "soon". We don't know what SOON is of course
  9. Well the article (not pasting in as we aren't supposed to) said you could upload all your own content AND host it on their "cloud" (affiliate perhaps -- at least for now LOL). It appears to be (I cannot sign up since I don't have a company; I also haven't read the TOS) multi-purpose. It "seems" from the outside a bit like Hi Fidelity mixed in with that new Windows 10 ap where you can take their objects and play with them. Cartoony, but of course even in the alpha of HiFi there were avatars that looked pretty real -- so it also depends on the skills of the developer. This is KIND of what I suspected would happen when Yahoo bought Cloud Party, and it could have been the plan but just without deep enough pockets. I know not. I am WONDERING if Amazon also plans to host a 3D object sales platform along the line. Seems likely IF this works. And yes, it appears to be a web ap which is actually what a LOT of folks have been trying to get to work for a long time. I was also thinking in the tub that there MIGHT be opportunities for 3D content sales later on -- for original creators. The rules would be very different I expect from Second Life so far as complexity but the skillset would be the same. There is of course that "getting into bed" with Amazon issue. Many companies have opted in and regretted it later (yes, that is RL inside info :D).
  10. Amazon has unveiled its new VR creation platform. ^^ Personally I was hoping that Amazon Food Boxes (organic) might appear first. And yes Amazon IS taking over the world -- something that Walmart wanted to do but couldn't accomplish So how will this all impact Second Life? A thread for thoughts unless the search function missed the post. Then this can get added to the predecessor's. My thoughts: It seems likely that extra efforts will continue to move back to Second Life from Sansar. Second Life is working and still viable. Sansar possibly so still, but my money (and energy) would be on SL. It is difficult enough competing with Amazon when a company is ESTABLISHED, really hard when it is in beta. Even some of those enthusiastic about Sansar are rethinking. Sorry to see it happen actually, but we might end up with a very good, easy to use and smart product for the metaverse. Time will tell on that.
  11. I am with Skell on this so far as the Flickr thing (where you can actually BUY those views if you so desire BTW) and some of the blogger group rules. I won't play either. I am "still" in a few top name fashion groups but I am also "grandfathered" meaning that "of course the rules don't apply to me" LOL. Others, I just left. Still others I never reapplied as I didn't feel I was blogging their products enough, but I am still on the lists and still blogging occasionally. I still post more or less daily with multiple posts per day this time of year. And to the OP, there ARE I think still some fashion magazines that hold model contests where you send in a photo (often themed) and hope to be chosen for the article. Doing research on that would be helpful for sure. Also there ARE plenty of magazines that actually do USE models (not alts) as I have been in them and I also did photography for a couple magazines. Just saying. There is certainly a difference between fashion MAGAZINES and blogs, but quality photography is a first step. Practice Practice Practice.
  12. Delete it and empty your trash. BEFORE you empty your trash though look carefully and make sure there is nothing that you didn't put there :D. No one will "examine" your object. There are no "adware" and "viruses in SL per se but there are things that you do NOT want to open. Best to just dump it.
  13. I think you are correct about not many people in Rusty Cauldron. First there aren't that many playing (after a couple of hours). Second you have to be Premium to get in. Third you USED to need 10 Blues in order to get in (currently that has been disabled but not everyone knows that). I have two friends now with canons but not tons of Blues after buying. So you may be in the lead. Personally I would be really worried that the hud would just reset and that I would lose those 100 hard fought blues. ^^ And even my friends ( and me too) are wondering why we WANT those gems since we can't really do anything useful with them LOL. BUT I am happy to pass along that you can actually get those gems in the Rusty Cauldron as my friend didn't know that. Again, not sure they care at this point. The canons however are great. I watched over a shoulder --- won't ever get there LOL
  14. Yep, that's how it works. GET THE DEMO BEFORE BUYING.
  15. You can pick up a demo at the Belleza shop; that might be the best plan :D.
  16. Well there are still way more than three playing as I know three personally and see other folks out and about. But yes, not tons. I made my suggestions but well --- LOL. HOWEVER none of that has anything to do with the new SPEED which seems to be only on the glytch sims (at least of the places I have been running :D). A friend just wrote that yes, he had NEW SPEED also but that the glytchs were fairly stingy and angry (they were more peaceful most of the day. I am going to try a test taking off the hud and such now but I don't think that is it. Will report. AND there are some sims with glytchs that are horribly laggy and it isn't the people there. Maybe sim design, maybe server channel. Not techie enough to comment knowledgeably. Later note. Speed is back to normal now
  17. Remember that "we are making improvements" official blog post awhile back. It mentioned sharing Windlights among other things and something like "lighting speed" was mentioned. I don't remember the particulars and that isn't really supposed to be a QUOTE per se, but tonight over at the glytch sims running was about twice as fast as the norm. This on several sims when earlier (a couple of hours before) things were very normal. Indeed, running on the Realms is just the same so I am wondering if they are using the glytch sims to test. Anyway it was really fun running so fast. Likely not good for beginners, but still -- LOL. Fun. Just wanted to report. PS. Actually I didn't try taking off hud and weapon to see if they had made changes to those attachments that might have changed the speed. A test on the same sims sans hud and weapon would tell for sure but I am tired so not tonight. Anyone really interested can go over and try .
  18. There is no standard that I know of. Arranging your UV "neatly" with a bit of space between things is a good plan. If you are outsourcing then grouping the materials in a quadrant (or area) would likely be helpful. Certainly, straighten your edges so that your areas are either rectangular or actually portray the shap of the object (rather than just letting the UVmap defaults do things for you. You "might" (this is of course a choice) have separate materials for items that would likely have shine or 'bump' (like metal or stucco etc). OH, for goodness sakes (hopefully you already do this) make SURE your islands are turned in the correct direction to accept woodgrain and not have it 'against the grain' which would never happen in real life and really jars me LOL. I WOULD SUGGEST HOWEVER that you look into Blender Cycles Engine where you can make your own textures WITHIN Blender. I am not a great texture person either and with Cycles you can do quite gorgeous things. It takes awhile to get the hang of it of course. Tutorials (starting from the beginning so you would likely know a lot being said until you get to the Cycles part) are here. https://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html They are in reverse order like blog posts. Good luck and happy modeling.
  19. Not everything that looks pretty and has a big name actually works. Alas. You CAN however use the building you bought, turn it phantom and then put invisible prims "inside" the walls to act as the physics. Actually a fair amount of house makers still do this (again, alas). DO NOT LINK THEM Unfortunately you really can't test the physics all that well before it belongs to you. Good luck.
  20. This is often the step stumbled upon for new folks. When SOME of us where new there was much less to learn -- and still it was confusing, so hang in there. IF you have a mesh head and a mesh body, the only real way to get your total look compatible is to purchase a skin that will add that skin layer using an APPLIER to your head and body. That is the typical way of making an avatar these days. Depending on the body and head you may need to buy an OMEGA RELAY hud so that the skin applier can "talk to" the body and head. Yes, it is not simple. The good news is that you can get DEMOS for skins and try them on whatever parts you have purchased and then choose the one you like the best. The rule is ALWAY DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO - LOL. Once you find your look you can stay that way for a long while OR buy other skins, bodies and heads if you like to change things up often. If you have more questions just write the particulars here on this thread. Lots of helpful folks here.
  21. https://www.slartist.com/slartistuwa-amalgamation-of-objects_bd7a7f678.html
  22. That is how it works. Best to use when you are "finished" and not going to play any more. Of course you can "remove doubles", make your changes and then edge split again. I just did a quick test on a complex and fairly large object (2.5 x 3.5 meters) and using the edge split modifier on the complete object (all vertices) raised land impact from 3.464 yo 4.040 -- this just using the default uploads as I was simply looking for confirmation. For many things, as you say, it would not make much of a change -- especially on smallish items. I often use it on PARTS of an object (where needed) and not the whole thing :D. Sometimes (like on the head of a screw) there would be vertices that need to be smooth in one direction and flat in another, so for THAT it works perfectly -- and what it is mostly used for. But it is the middle of the night for me so don't take my words as fact :D. Your own experiments will tell you what you need to know! I am heading back to bed LOL.
  23. That is what the EDGE SPLIT modifier does that I mentioned at the beginning of this thread. One file. Very simple. At least that would be ONE way. It isn't completely clear to me what you are going for :D.
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