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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. There used to be a LOT of regional places "back in the day" but most are gone now. I did find this one as a possible starting place for you.
  2. Did you try the Edge Split modifier to see if that could fix your issues. I don't use the Boolean option (well almost never) but the Edge Split is a typical "next" modifier after smoothing and might fix your issues. Worth a try. Good luck.
  3. Honestly I think it all depends on your tastes. I suspect that when the new month starts there will be PLENTY of new releases on the Events Rounds :D. I only made one this year, very modern and minimalist and not what the OP wants, But some of my personal favorite trees have been "odd" LOL so what can I say.
  4. I haven't checked the median price of a 4096 on island land but just wanted to note that if you pay premium YEARLY is is only about $1.25 a month (current stipend). So still more but not that much more. :D.
  5. I wanted to add this screenshot from the Firestorm page on missing inventory because I just did this and it fixed my alts inventory. This is most likely not a solution for the OP but I didn't know how to do this (and had never had missing inventory in only one viewer before :D) so it may be something others don't know about. And I just found out (still sleepy I guess) that you can PASTE right into this pane and the uploader will up load AND put it in the forum post. So no real need to save screenshots and then upload (GOOD TO KNOW). Onward.
  6. There is a list of things you can check (Firestorm) here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory which I just pinned as I have an alt with some major problems and the inventory is THERE in the SL viewer and not in Firestorm (so checking to see if you inventory is actually still on the server via another viewer is a good first step. That being said most of the forum folks know that I have had continuing REAL inventory issues for-e-ver with them particularly bad this summer. I had exactly the same issue you are having. After many tries with support with them even logging in as me and testing things, nothing was fixed. I did get back ONE item that I had the exact name of when I put in a second ticket for that. So my personal advice would be to check in another viewer, then look though the things to do list (above and also info for the SL viewer in the wiki that Lindal mentioned). Personally, if that doesn't fix it, I doubt a support ticket will. They really did TRY to find all my missing stuff, but they couldn't get it back. As I said my problem this last time was EXACTLY what you describe. Sorry to report that. Redeliveries are good if you purchased things. Most of my stuff was blogger samples or items I had made (I could upload those again as needed).
  7. I pretty much live on my building pad these days but I have lived in various themed communities. Winterfell when it was going strong and another steampunk are now departed. I also lived in the Bayou for many months until it got so laggy I couldn't do anything, but loved it there. Many themed areas are also double prim lots which while not so important now, was definitely a bonus in the "prim" era. I also lived in role play sim for awhile and enjoyed the people watching since I am oh so not good at para. All in all I like themed communities for the consistency of the environment. My shop is on mainland but since it is about a quarter of a sim and I am bordered on a road and sea I live with the 'clutter' in exchange for the very reasonable rent LOL. Works fine for me. But yes, I like themed.
  8. Website Dashboard. Account Summary Linden Dollar Summary US Dollars >>> Process Credit If it is a large amount you may need to prove who you are to get money transferred.
  9. Yes, the mesh board is where you want to post. Also most people will not send you an email so expect to come back to the thread --- which is the whole point of the forum. Take screenshots WITHIN Sketchup so that folks will understand the problem. Note that if you didn't MAKE the file that it is against the Terms of Service to UPLOAD it. Also even with legitimate files which yours might be, there are MANY issues with sketchup so looking into Blender might be wise. That's all I got. Been a long day. And no, I know nothing about Sketchup and cannot help you. Most folks use Blender, Maya or 3D Max here.
  10. That is really good to know and I went and got that other (newer) version. It seems to have some issues at the neck though so a collar would be a must -- for my alt anyway. Even tried a shape that came with the regular body but still not as good as the curvy which is very close -- especially if you can get a good skin combo match. Both are very nice and usable bodies though for folks on a budget and very nice gifts!
  11. OK. This is getting very tiring and I see nothing else positive coming from it. If Linden Lab wants to hold elections then there will be elections. If not, the OP can rant forever on. Or perhaps get a landowner to donate some sims so that his version of what LEA should be can materialize. OR buy his own! I am guessing The Lab won't be banging on his door to offer up some more sims. Of course I could be completely wrong. I have no credibility after all. And with that I am leaving this thread. I am going to go MAKE SOME ART.
  12. I think it has always been two. It was two when I was there and still is; it could have been different in the beginning years :D.
  13. Edited for misspelling. You have a plan for getting now new committee members; I want to hear how you plan to make the LEA BETTER! If you can't make improvements (or even be assured that things can continue successfully as they have been for years) then I see no big benefit to anyone. As a side note, I can assure you that most people that joined the committee while I was there were not asked because of friendship. I knew NO ONE when I was asked. I knew no one that joined while I was there until after they joined and I met them at a meeting. All the nepotism you keep referring to is not really there --- at least it wasn't the three years that I was there and I doubt things have changed.
  14. A couple of corrections. Only two committee members are caretakers of the land; currently, the two that have been there the longest but that could be wholly coincidental. Linden Lab chooses the people that are the "land owners" of the 30 sims. Committee members are not allowed to apply to AIRS or use the sims for their own projects. Thus, not only do they give their time freely with no recompense, they cannot benefit from the endowment themselves.
  15. So what is your suggestion then? You want LEA disbanded so that NO ARTISTS get to build their full sim dreams and NO VISITORS get to see, explore and enjoy those sims? You want to take over the LEA when you have almost NO IDEA (obviously from your posts) how it actually works? I am having a difficult time figuring out a positive agenda to all your comments. Why don't you give us all YOUR PLAN in very minute detail? Be precise now, no big paintbrush strokes. I am guessing some of us would like to know it. And since "no Lindens come to the forums" but we all know that they do, maybe this is a way you can feel you can be heard. After all, you MUST have some great ideas for moving forward without the current committee members. Otherwise you would just be tearing down something that has been enjoyed by many many thousands of people over the years.
  16. Yes I remember one case where people kept the same sim as it was a huge build and an ongoing project with some RL tragedy in the mix, but there have been many creators that reapplied with NEW projects and were accepted again. :D.
  17. Actually you CAN reapply for a second term LOL. No guarantee that you will get in again of course, and you cannot STAY on the same sim. Artists (unless this has changed recently ) are not allowed to receive an AIRS grant more than two times in a row. And I am going off to do something FUN NOW.
  18. Agreed and agreed. I was never reimbursed from Linden Lab for any expenses when I ran the Machinima Open Studio Project for three years. All the goods were mine, purchased, or from blogger samples. There were certainly expenses. Since the sim was always in use, much like the Artist Sandbox, I felt that I was contributing to the good of the art community. Who knew I was not? And while not going into any details, there ARE (or WERE during my three years anyway) applications which fall short of any kind of interesting theme. So if the folks complaining are the ones without much vision -- or the ability to EXPRESS that vision so that others can understand what they want to do -- then yes, they will likely not be considered viable candidates. I can only speak to what "I" thought was a worthy proposal, not how others look at things, but for me it was all about the idea --- NOT the resume or even "the talent" which of course is a very objective thing. EDIT: and just to be clear on the land ownership issue as it got pretty messy in the thread. LAP and Patti "own" the sims on paper. In actuality they are the CARETAKERS of the sims and have to top level of land rights. They don't use the sims, they only pass them on to the AIRS artists each round. The artists are THEN the owners of the land and have the rights on their own. There are a few things they cannot do, but not many. AND another addition as I read along. There WERE tip jars on the AIRS sims at the beginning. They were abandoned and are not available for use by the participants now. This happened before I left so about two plus years ago. You can READ THE COVENANT in the land tab and see this. If there are tip jars still on LEA land or ANY ITEM BEING SOLD for more than $0, then that is wrong and should be reported. [If anyone feels the current committee members are ignoring them -- like the OP -- then feel free to send me a notecard with the name of the person braking the rules and the SLURL to the tip jar or objects for sale and I will happily pass the info along.] Artist CAN place a sign to their inworld gallery or other places that they sell there work. Again, this is public record and in the covenant as well as the rules recipients agree to when applying.
  19. I looked this up as I was one of the ones thinking "gigantic" not "tiny". And indeed while the dictionaries define it as very tiny, they also point to uses where in the context of the article it means very LARGE. So funny how language is :D. Smarter now.
  20. There were always 20 Artist in Residence sims and the CORE sims which host other events and the very popular Aritist's Sandbox. Really not much has changed from Round 2. Round 1 which I was in as an artist (won the spot on a button hitting contest) had some smaller plots but now all area all full sim grants.
  21. I was a member of the LEA Committee (an adviser) for three years. I am going to let you guys fight it out but I do want to clarify a few things. @Hunter Stern who said " I would contact Linden Research at their corporate address besides submitting a ticket on the matter. This is a sponspored program through Linden Research and clearly there is some financial incentive involved as well." There are absolutely NO financial incentives involved in being on the committee or board. There is plenty of work and meetings. And people on the board are NOT eligible for grants or use of the LEA sims. @janetosilio who said "Also, they aren’t really doing that great of a job promoting the LEA. The last thing I remember hearing about them was something like some sims were closing. I didn’t even know it was still a thing." Always be wary of things you "remember hearing" about. Many thousands of residents have visited this last round of installations. Many of the installations are listed in the Destination Guide. The next round of Artist in Residents grants are open for applications this month. http://lea-sl.org/form/lea-air-land-grant-application-round-fourteen Applications for core sims are always open in an ongoing process. There was a recent Designing Worlds show on some of the LEA artists this round. Some artists (as always) are FIRST TIME GRANTEES. To my knowledge no sims are closing. ********************************************* And so far a reporting to Linden Lab, members of Linden Lab (during my time on the committee) were welcome to attend any LEA committee meetings. I doubt that has changed. It is NOT a fun job. There is a LOT work involved. THERE IS NO MONETARY GAIN for the committee members.
  22. Just adding a note to this thread for others finding it. For those that do not know you can TEST the actual baked texture on your mesh withing Blender (rather than just looking at the render). Sometimes this is a handy thing to do. For me, it is always much darker than the actual texture appears inworld. That might be a setting that I don't know about (hints welcome on that) but you can see if anything is really wrong before uploading on the beta grid. Saves time.
  23. So while it doesn't appear that the OP WAS the same issue that is showing up (unexpectedly) these days. I just had another example of what I can only call a confused bake. In the render window this is lovely, and inworld the UVs are off. Last time the triangulate (thanks arton) modifier fixed it. Rebaking at the moment and hoping it will again. I could of course fix the baked texture in my graphics program, but so not sure why this is a new issue. There are NO modifiers used in this simple stone couch. Two materials, very low on verts. A mystery. PS. Triangulating DID fix it. I could use the previous untriangulated mesh OR the newly triangulated mesh with the new baked texture. So something is very wonky here. Note this is 2.78 which I have been using since it came out without these issues. A mystery.
  24. The best you can do as I understand it (and I have been in several conversations lately with folks wanting me to layout their sims for them) is to use the Share with Group function with both you and the owners in the group (maybe JUST the two of you but circumstances would change this of course). So look into that as it appears to be the best solution That would also work of course if the sim owners BOUGHT the items for their sim (which actually seems like a better idea) and let another person lay things out.
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