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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. When unpacking some new items just out at Cosmopolitan I see that the Seniha.Sweatershirt has an Ebody CURVY version. Haven't checked it out, but something for those of you that have the body might want too. Lots of versions of sexy and casual style. That's all I know :D.
  2. We don't often agree but I am with you on your comments. This line especially rang true (again). They made the Glytch game with high hopes (I am guessing) and the ability to offer it though citizens all over the grid (that hasn't happened as yet after two months of "coming soon").What we HAVE seen is a game that was too difficult at the beginning (thus losing TONS of folks), that had too high a threshold of "power ups" (they have lowered those temporarily now -- happily), and NOWHERE TO GO and NOTHING TO DO after you get the Glytch Gun. So my friend is standing around with 10 blue gems (since she was under the impression that the gun cost 25 and not 15) with absolutely nothing to spend them on and no reason to go on playing. The Lab (or at least those that make the plans) are very short-sighted. They really need some more folks with long term vision. Even the middle distance would be an improvement. I will say that in the instance of the Glytchs most all of my posts here on the forums have been addressed. I am hoping they figure out something to do to keep the game viable. I wrote MY ideas in a long post a week ago or so. That being said, we are still here. Not all that many folks jumped ship over Sansar. This is good.
  3. And reading the info again about what is LEGAL to upload might be good. Those "batman" figures and the like that you may have been buying are against the Terms Of Service :D. IF you make a whole new avatar character on your OWN, then that of course is OK on all fronts.
  4. As Alwin and ChinRey have stated, the decline (slow but steady over the last years) is NOT NEW NEWS. There are still lots of people here doing their thing, having fun, creating. Are creators working harder to make lindens? Likely many are. I see others producing what I call 'throw away' items, things that are nothing to write home about but fill up their stall at an event. THAT makes me sad, much more than the very slow decline. And aside from the not new short-sightedness of the folks that make the major decisions, MUCH IS BETTER than it has been in a decade. And so far as Sansar, while I don't care at all at the moment, it IS just beginning. The folks that were in SL three years in (and that isn't me) can attest to ALL the problems in SL then. Even I can remember how cumbersome (and not very pretty) things were a decade ago. So IMHO, the sky is NOT falling . PS. I have had my top-- by leaps and bounds -- grossing (and net) income EVER this month and the month is far from over. So some of us are doing well.
  5. Actually that IS your quote, but I copied from a quote of your quote LOL. Not going to make a new post to fix that. Not arguing that uploading at 2048 is a good thing to do as I said, but YOU SAID that you were not allowed to upload larger than a 1024 x 1024 and that is incorrect. Hence that had nothing to do with the problem the OP was having.
  6. I wanted to add a correction. You CAN upload a 2048x 2048 texture. I just tested that to see if it was still true. It has been true since WAY BACK when Kirsten's viewer was popular as I remember hearing about it then --- so long ago. The texture BECOMES a 1024 x 1024 texture. It should also be noted that it is WAY better to resize and sharpen your texture as a 1024 then letting the uploader do that for you :D. I also just uploaded a 1776 x 1776 texture with no issue. So not being a power of two wasn't the reason for the error message either. The 1776 texture was resized down to 1024 of course. This was using Firestorm. I haven't tested in the Linden viewer.
  7. I hardly ever have this issue (like once) and it wasn't on anything difficult or experimental. I am thinking perhaps it is a modifier that the uploader isn't happy with. And this DOES seem to be a new issue. Mine was much more subtle than yours. Hopefully if folks read this they will remember that TRIANGULATE MODIFIER "solve". The only reason I even got my item finished was because this had just been noted in a long post. Maybe @arton Rotaru remembers it as he had the fix. I am not good at tracking down old posts. Would be good to link it into this one though -- for others.
  8. Agreed but some designers just keep doing it. I actually (not clothes of course) do the full solidify thing (like on draped box or bowl of bread or whatever) and then go back and delete all the faces that will never show. That would work with clothes too I guess. I DO agree that sometimes "underneath" areas CAN be seen and it is disconcerting (especially when taking a blog photo) to see that "air" in there that isn't realistic at all. So a blend between full solidify with complete insides and almost no solidify (or extruding) is the most aesthetic method I think. But everyone gets to choose their methods LOL.
  9. You need to mark seams for your mesh so that you have an inside and and outside and you will have a thin "rim" between them. When you unwrap there will be a section that is the outside you see and one that you don't see (in the case of your shirt). ALSO, If your solidify is not thick enough you will still get the nasty triangles "poking through" visually and baking badly so make sure that there is enough thickness so that doesn't happen. It might take a couple of tries.
  10. Well I had NEVER had this issue until lately but I use Blender so that might have something to do with it. Folks that have been writing with issues have Blender and it appears to be a NEW issue for them. It isn't the 2.79 Blender problem (many there from reports) as I went back to using 2.78. I will just remember that if ODD things happen with the maps to do the Triangulate Modifier. Odd though that the finished triangulate modifier didn't work on the triangulated model ^^ . That was very much a surprise. Hopefully they will fix whatever is going wrong. MY issues have been on the beta grid since I always test there first.
  11. The other thing --- possibly more fun -- would be to buy GACHA clothing and resell in a gacha store mall. So you would buy the items (usually 50 to 75 lindens each) via a gacha machine (lots of events) and then you could resell at a higher prices to folks that wanted a certain color say and didn't want to gamble by playing a bunch of times. Lots of folks do this and have fun and even make some money. No issues with reselling then or original creator rules, as gachas are always transfer.
  12. There are actually many things wrong with 2.79 and lots of folks have gone back to 2.78 or earlier. Since I didn't KNOW yours was a 2.79 issue I didn't write but It sounds like it may have "just" been that. I went back to the previous version because many of my plugins wouldn't work in the newer version. There is a MAJOR issue with weight painting (which I don't do) that has been well-document. It is listed as a "improvement" in the official documentation but it messed up lots of works for creators here with many days of angst before they figured that it was the version and just uninstalled and started over. Just adding this here for folks that didn't read all that when 2.79 first came out. Since you cannot install and OLD version if you have a newer one installed, I suggest (for 2.79 or 2.80) that people install the newer version on a different path as some folks have done. Then it if doesn't work for what they need, they can just uninstall the new one. Much simpler. Glad you got it working for you. I didn't stick around in 2.79 to have many issue myself and I am glad that was my choice :D.
  13. You know I had NEVER had this issue before this last month or so right after another post your replied to. Mine wasn't near this bad, but while things looked perfect in Blender and were no different that what I normally make (nothing fancy at all) the textures were off somewhat. I remembered what you said and tried that and it sort of fixed it. I actually had to BAKE the triangulated model and use that on the UNtriangluated (original upload) one to get things to work. I am wondering if there has been some sort of change in the uploader. All very odd.
  14. I have made some videos that might help. Here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnUjXtZrc64laa7-1NUSY8pjXedwQj7kn And here is the episode that says it is on mapping :D. There are likely others in there that talk about mapping also. It is one of THE most important parts of Blender. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9z_zsC_uuw&index=5&t=3s&list=PLnUjXtZrc64laa7-1NUSY8pjXedwQj7kn These use the CYCLES baking engine but the mapping process is the same. Good luck.
  15. You need to mark your seams, apply rotation and scale and then unwrap. Also, you typically don't want to be baking onto a transparent texture plain OR if you do be sure and save your AO map (or full bake) as a RGB and not RGBA file when you save. That may not actually be your question but it is the thing most noticeable (to me anyway) that is a problem with your "map". It seems unlikely that you could make that very nice looking sweater and not know this, so likely I am missing something and time to go back to bed LOL.
  16. The problem is --- not everyone in a Linden home would consider snow in December "normal". Some folks are at the beach in bikinis. You can of course rent land in a snow sim for the winter or live on a 512 mainland plot with no tier and make it a skybox with snow theme. All is possible :D.
  17. You aren't doing anything wrong. That's the good news. Some designers have undies that go with their super short skirts. That's a good thing to watch for. If the panties (or bra) is very form fitting WITHOUT the tiny accents like the dots showing through or bows etc then they will often fit under a skirt. But yes, applier underwear is always good to have in your virtual closet.
  18. The support for Kittycats is very good -- even for the free kitties. Possibly a rollback duplicated your kitty? That's what it sounds like. If the UUID comes up in chat then likely support can track that down. They have MAJOR powers over the kitties that us common folks don't have :D. Good luck. Pearl is over 1000 days old now. I would really miss her if she got wonky (and they do sometimes -- but Pearl seems to be pretty smart *wink*). PS. There used to be a support room adjacent to the main Kittycats store. I suspect that is still the case although I haven't been there in a long while. So start there. I think you can probably contact a support person from that area; you used to be able to anyway.
  19. Yes, messy angled lines for sure and baking at 500 (or higher) doesn't help that. Unfortunately some creators don't bother to "fix" the issue in post-processing. Really ugly. Sorry to hear it isn't fixed yet. I am still in 2.78 since a bunch of plugin that I sometimes use no longer worked in 2.79. There were some other issues for me too but I don't remember now LOL. Hopefully 2.80 will work better for me.
  20. We are all pretty sure by now that you don't understand :D. The land is not free. It is as shown on the screenshot $195,000 lindens. It would ALSO cost you $195 US dollars PER MONTH to keep (tier). See below. Hopefully that makes sense now.
  21. There is currently no land for sale on the sim you want. So you cannot buy next door right now. You cannot "add your land" to someone else's group; you would need their permission to do so and the ability within their group. Also their land is inside a surround so even if you bought next door you wouldn't be able to see the parcel you admire. You could contact the person that owns the land or heads the group you like and see, but it doesn't look promising.
  22. I suggest that in general you get the lay of the land (not being silly) in SL first BEFORE jumping into land ownership. There are TONS of rentals out there and many of them empty so filling up rentals isn't easy and it takes skills to place houses, landscape, terraform and the like. Since your apparent inworld profile has you at a year and half (if that's you) then hopefully you have some of those skills already, but I have a friend who is eleven years here and still can't change clothes without a lot of help LOL so you just never know. A good first plan -- in my mind -- would be to check out what is currently available; carefully -- by going to many to most of the rental listing in search. This could easily take a whole day (I used to do it for fun when I wasn't so busy) but it very enlightening. Once you have an idea what is out there and how well it is renting, then you could make a plan how to make YOUR sim different and more attractive to those looking. A sim isn't cheap, it is a real life investment and I have come across a lot of folks that bought and never used simply because they didn't have the skills needed and tried to hire someone which didn't work :D. Sure others will have more ideas for you. Good luck.
  23. I see a problem with your logic there. Even if hosting glytches for search engine ranking was completely transparent and above board AND if the amount of boost was related to the traffic generated on your land by the hunters (hence no inflating with folks just standing there) --- HOW is this not really different from the camping of old? Land owners KNEW they were putting down camping pads (or cuter machines) to boost traffic and they also knew that their competitors were doing the same things. Even Calla who didn't have actual camping pads, had camp for hair stands (around 12-15 if I remember correctly), plus the lucky chairs (also a big traffic booster back then) AND trivia. Each of the people adding those incentives (and paying lindens out for the camping pads and tivia) KNEW that they are not the only people doing it. And still, camping was all over the grid. The knowledge that they were not the only ones getting a boost didn't seem to stop the phenomenon at all. I very clearly remember one camping place I used to frequent. It was a wedding event planner service run by two ladies. They had lots of camping for money (not items) chairs -- maybe 30 at one point. Obviously they were spending a TON of money on these. One day one of the partners was talking to the other and was SO VERY HAPPY because they had made it to number one in the search engine. For them, the whole camper hosting was just part of their individual SL "game within a game" experience. I really don't see how hosting glytches would be any different than that. True, camping and increased faux traffic was put to rest years ago, but it could be resurrected legally and in this small niche way. I am not saying that is the best plan, just saying it is possible. It has never actually been clear how the planned glytch hosting would work -- and since it hasn't happened in almost two month, it may never really happen anyway. FIRST there needs to be enough players to make a "need" and except for weekends (Sunday WAS pretty busy -- at least relatively) there just aren't many people playing.
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