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Why I Prefer Receiving My Purchases In Boxes Rather Than In Folders

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Right now with the conversion to Direct Delivery it appears that the Merchants are living through World War III.  If you are not aware of this just take a glance down the page at the Merchants Sub Forum.

Now I can't give you the documentation because I did not bookmark the info but one of the purported goals of Direct Delivery was to make the new user experience simpler by encouraging Merchants to use folders rather than boxes for selling their goods.  In others words, the new user was getting confused because they didn't know they would need to unpack their purchases and the problems with them needing to find a place to rez the boxes. The aim is to remove this confusion.

Personally I find this bogus and that actually in the long run is going to cause more inventory head aches for the end users.  And there is another solution.

When we purchase clothes, especially outfits, there can be many different parts.  Some of which need modifying by us to fit correctly.  And the exhortation is to make a back up copy in case it gets screwed up in the modifying.  Problem is that this doubles my inventory. My Martian Avatar is composed of  around twenty different items alone!  And actually I have two different ones.

If you have 200 outfits composed of 5 items each that is 1000 items in inventory.  If you make copies you now double that number to 2000.  So I prefer to keep my back up copies in the original box and only retrieve as needed.  It simply makes for better inventory management. It's easier to deal with 200 boxes versus 2000 items.

After I unpack and finish modding I move the unpacked bx into a folder I have simply labelled "unpacked boxes."  Periodically I move all these unpacked boxes into a prim I have made for storage purposes further reducing inventory bloat and clutter.  If all my purchases were received in a folder (pre-unpacked) it would be a huge mess keeping this organized.

Also, there already exists a solution for needing to find a place to rez a box as well as removing the new users confusion over unpacking boxes.  There are scripts that allow you to unpack a box when it is worn.  The customer receives a message to "touch the box to unpack."  As a safety measure an exhortation to not delete the box could be included. This to me appears to be a more practical solution.

What are your thoughts on this?  Should the Merchants continue to use boxes?  Or do you think converting to folders for delivery is a good idea? How would you prefer to receive your purchased goods?

I'm putting this here in GD because I think it will get more attention here though I wish there was a way to cross link it to the Merchants Sub Forum.





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I understand, and I do exactly same. My objects folder has several subfolders with, for example Clothes, where I have a box with boxed clothes for every 6 months. 

Actually I box everything except the stuff i use. (I don't need 10 different AOs if I only use only 1 lol)

Now only thing we can do is to make a new box and put a backup copy of every delivered folder. And box that all up haha

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Some of my sets have dozens of accessories, instructional pics, etc.  Customers sometimes lose them or can't see them.  But if they have kept the box, I can say, it is the 7th thing from the top, and they can just pull it out.

Also, if people want, say, an automatic kitchen update, they just keep their box rezzed somewhere so it can check for updates periodically.

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I'm selling my stuff boxed. I'd rather get everything boxed. The folders cause so much clutter and like some people said everyone could always grab a fresh copy from the box instead of breaking original items if they didn't bother to make a copy before. Educating the newbs is the best option i think, like when we start we get all those instructions about how to walk, how to fly, mouselook etc.

Opening boxes was never a problem for me 'cus I figured out I could just attach the box like a newb, open the box on edit mode on the contents tab. And then drag and drop the contents to my inventory (works to me if the items are COPY!), even if you can't rez on the land.

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I sell my things in boxes - well, one box, actually, I use exactly the same design for all items.  One thing that I find mildly annoying is when people use 'boxes' of several prims, like carrier bags with handles and bows on them.  All that means is that if, like me, most of the prims on my land are used up, sometimes I can't rez the ornate packaging to unpack the contents. 

So my tip is:  Creators, just put stuff in a one prim box.  In real life we're all being urged to cut down on packaging.  That would be a good idea in SL too, for different reasons.

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I, too, greatly prefer receiving items in boxes, especially when they consist of a large number of items which may or may not all be needed or used at once. "Builders packs" of textures or sculptmaps are a prime example of this; more often than not, I won't keep an entire 100-piece texture pack unpacked in my active inventory; instead, I'll keep the half-dozen or so that I'm actually using in builds, and pull additional ones out of the box as needed.

And when it comes to prim-based clothes and accessories (or entire avatars, for that matter) which have to be modified and tweaked to fit a particular body shape, I feel much happier knowing that the original box is there to unpack a new copy from if something goes wrong.

This whole thing is really starting to feel like yet another half-arsed "feature" that nobody asked for, nobody really wants, and doesn't work anyway... but LL is going to shove it down our throats anyway, by God!

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Even Genesis wrote:

I'm selling my stuff boxed. I'd rather get everything boxed. The folders cause so much clutter and like some people said everyone could always grab a fresh copy from the box instead of breaking original items if they didn't bother to make a copy before.
Educating the newbs is the best option i think, like when we start we get all those instructions about how to walk, how to fly, mouselook etc

Opening boxes was never a problem for me 'cus I figured out I could just attach the box like a newb, open the box on edit mode on the contents tab. And then drag and drop the contents to my inventory (works to me if the items are COPY!), even if you can't rez on the land.

Emphasis added by me.

Indeed! Instead of devising better systems for educating new people the CEO decides to make SL more "simple" and so the DD system is born; a one size fits all solution that frustrates merchants and older residents and has pretty much broken the Marketplace.

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Hi Perrie

I totally agree with you.

For some time now I've placed a simple hover text script in each sale box, telling customers how to unpack their items. It tells them to look for a folder with the object name in their inventory too.

Haven't had a single customer get back to me to say "You cheated me! All I got was a box!" ... yet... :D

Emma :) 

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I vote folders.

  1. Unboxing really does confuse newbies - and all those people who thing you need somewhere to rez the box before you can unpack it (hint: 'wear' the box, even in no-rez areas)
  2. Re-organising and boxing things is trivial for oldbies
  3. I probably don't want the original box anyway (eg; sorry but the actual object(s) I bought are going in category-specific boxes and the LMs, notecards, etc. that came with them are going in the trash)
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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

  1. and all those people who thing you need somewhere to rez the box before you can unpack it (hint: 'wear' the box, even in no-rez area.

Sidenote: Yes BUT that doesn't work with "no copy" items in contents.

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:
  1. I probably don't want the original box anyway (eg; sorry but the actual object(s) I bought are going in category-specific boxes and the LMs, notecards, etc. that came with them are going in the trash)

I always save a copy (of course if the items are copy LOL) of the original item, and I think that is a must (but as I have said for me it is unnecessary save all that original boxes in my inventory). Just my opinion :)




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Oh I don't really mind whether things are boxed or not, I just thought folders needed a bit of support :-)

But what "doesn't work" for 'no copy' items in a box?  You can still wear the item and should still be able to drag everything from contents to inventory ... unless things have changed again since I've bothered trying it.

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If I'm buying from MP, I'd rather receive boxes if the items are all copyable, for the reasons you and others state.  If I'm shopping inworld somewhere that has no convenient rez area, I'd rather recieve a folder.  What I'd be happiest with is a folder containing all of the items AND a boxed version that I can conveniently use for backup.

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Seven Overdrive wrote:

I prefer to receive my items in folders with a boxed backup included in the folder.  

Best idea so far IMO right there.


I still think there's a better one and I don't know why it wasn't thought of on implimentaion of the system.


Give customers the choice of box or folder when purchasing


Merchants can add a recommendation to buy in a box if they think it applies. Heh there could even be a checkbox in the upload area for it. If it put them in a standard marketplace box, merchants wouldn't even need to actually create the box. (although I know some companies like having things in a huge whirling box with a giant male prim that can be seen from outer space on the off chance someone else might see the add)

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i prefer folders.

im gonna convert it into folders anyway, the boxes is one of the main problems of the new users, they buy a product, find out how to wear them and they get dissapointed that its only a box that sticks to their hand. some pass some time until they got lucky and someone explain to them they they have to rez them on the floor, they try to do it in a no rez area and got more frustrated, the instruccions that the one who help them give to them doesnt work. they finally rez it, they click on it and nothing happens, they dont know that they have to select "open" and then, the things get copied back to the inventory where they finally can wear it.

it may be a hassle to experienced users to recieve it in folders, but the ones that need more help are the unexperienced. my vote is to help the ones that need it the most.


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Seven Overdrive wrote:

I prefer to receive my items in folders with a boxed backup included in the folder.  

hehe, this really is going the extra mile for customer service. 

Here are the reasons I support folders -

Because they make life easier. I don't like rezzing a box and copying items to inventory and then not knowing what to do with that box, to take it or to delete it  - too much thinking. Boxes clutter up my inventory.

When I rez a copy item there is always another copy in inventory. i never have to make a backup. But if I do edit clothing then it's always good practice to make a back up because many inworld vendors sell items as 'Buy Contents'. You never know where you made that purchase. Not all items are boxed.

Non-copy items leave you with an empty box that you need to delete anyway, unless you want multiple copies of the LM or notecard.

New Contents Tab - Unboxed items have contents and perms displayed in listing now. When deciding to purchase an item you can see the contents and permissions of your purchase under the Contents tab. This is a very useful new feature that you won't get with boxed items.

Merchants will find listing new items easier. All you have to do is drag your new creation into the Outbox and add a notecard and LM and send. No need to pack and name a box and make sure that it looks pretty etc.

Most Inworld vendors are set to 'Buy Contents' which go straight to a folder. Now the Marketplace is doing the same thing. And I prefer this. Customers who purchase from 'Buy Contents' vendors have probably never fretted about not receiving the box. What I hate are vendors that are set to 'Buy Copy' and ending up getting the vendor sign with the items in it. Why would you want it?

And I like the comment Dilbert made -

'Why not box the items your self and make copies your self.

Why leave it up to others to do your chores lol'



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Rya Nitely wrote:

Here are the reasons I support folders -

Because they make life easier. I don't like rezzing a box and copying items to inventory and then not knowing what to do with that box, to take it or to delete it  - too much thinking. 
Boxes clutter up my inventory.

When I rez a copy item there is always another copy in inventory. i never have to make a backup. But if I do edit clothing then it's always good practice to make a back up because many inworld vendors sell items as 'Buy Contents'. You never know where you made that purchase. Not all items are boxed.

Non-copy items leave you with an empty box that you need to delete anyway, unless you want multiple copies of the LM or notecard.

New Contents Tab - Unboxed items have contents and perms displayed in listing now. When deciding to purchase an item you can see the contents and permissions of your purchase under the Contents tab. This is a very useful new feature that you won't get with boxed items.

Merchants will find listing new items easier. All you have to do is drag your new creation into the Outbox and add a notecard and LM and send. No need to pack and name a box and make sure that it looks pretty etc.

Most Inworld vendors are set to 'Buy Contents' which go straight to a folder. Now the Marketplace is doing the same thing. And I prefer this. Customers who purchase from 'Buy Contents' vendors have probably never fretted about not receiving the box. What I hate are vendors that are set to 'Buy Copy' and ending up getting the vendor sign with the items in it. Why would you want it?


I hardly buy anything on the marketplace, I use MP to search and then when I find something I like I go the the in world shop to buy the item, at least 99% of the time. I have several reasons for this, but one of them is that in world you can often look in the box to see what the box exactly contains and see the permissions per article. This is really valuable information that was not available on the MP till now.

Since 80% of my customers have different shopping habits them me, they don't come in world to buy, but buy from the marketplace, I want to make this information availble to them on the marketplace. So mainly for this reason I unboxed almost all my merchandise. Like it or not, my stuff comes in folders now.


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Rya Nitely wrote:

Seven Overdrive wrote:

I prefer to receive my items in folders with a boxed backup included in the folder.  

hehe, this really is going the extra mile for customer service. 


Meh... It is just a preference to get a boxed copy in the folder of contents and not a requirement.  Nice perk when it happens though.  :smileyhappy:

Having gone through the process of helping new residents with unboxing things, it always seemed like an unnecessary step which often includes trying to find a place that even allowed them to rez the box.  Life would be much easier for them if they never had to unbox anything during their first hours in SL. 

I'm thrilled about this change even if some merchants may not be hehe.

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I did set all my kitchens so that the boxes they were in inworld gave the contents in a folder.  But I got tired of explaining to customers that there is no box, just the folder, and why.  So I set the boxes all back to sell copies of themselves.

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