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'Occupy' SL / Boycott all merchants

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People are getting fed-up with the Linden / Marketplace crowd refusing to act with integrity and take care of rip-offs and problems, and with the Linden Dictatorship in general.

I want people to show they still have a spine, and to start uniting in an indefinite protest against this overlord attitude until the Linden / marketplace crowd and in-world merchants drop the attitude and start acting with integrity.

I've been around for a long time, and this garbage never changes, and usually just gets worse; all the talk-talk-talk never changes it and I have had enough of it!  The only way to get these people to wake up is to start hitting them in the pocket !

How many times have people tried to submit a ticket - and IF they even succeed, they don't get even a reply or answer until the last minute or never at all, eh?

- Does anybody else out there have a spine???


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Excuse me, but i am an inworld merchant and go out of my way to look after any and all of any concerns my customers have even if it cost me money,so i and the other merchants in SL who act with integrity,don't appreciate you saying that about us,

If you did 'nt mean "all " merchants you should have said     some but not all

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Ouch! Underactive bowel issues?


Are you referring to just the way Linden people handle Marketplace complaints, or are you complaining about the merchants also?

In my own experience, I've bought a ton of stuff via Marketplace and only once have I been truly ripped off (and LL acted straightaway on my complaint, and removed that particular merchant). Anything that has failed to arrive in my inventory has been delivered after a friendly notecard.  And the stores I have purchased from inworld have never failed me at all. And the customer service I receive inworld is something I wish I received more of in real world.

You're obviously having a wholly different SLexperience to me, so if it makes you feel any better, you know what you have to do.

And my spine is fine.

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Buy stuff from merchants with good reviews (not just shill reviews).  Don't just buy the most expensive or the most cheap.

As far as boycotting/protesting LL goes...they were already inefficient and ineffective before they fired a third of their staff...somehow I don't think complaining is going to change that.

But do feel free to put in a support ticket. :P

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I, too, seem to have had a very different SL experience than you have so far. I've only encountered one merchant whom I truly felt treated me unfairly. I no longer buy from that merchant. End of story. I have no intention of boycotting all merchants. I think that's unfair to those who truly try to please their customers as much as possible. It's equally unfair to lump all merchants together as liars and cheats who have no integrity.

I suggest you choose some different merchants. Maybe try to stay off the marketplace; it's notoriously unreliable, though LL and/or the merchant will usually respond within a reasonable time period to address the issue. (In my experience, I've rarely had to wait more than a few hours for a replacement item, if what I purchased via marketplace wasn't delivered.)

Your approach is radical and unrealistic. I don't forsee people boycotting all merchants in SL because you think they should, or even because they feel cheated - more likely, they'll boycott the merchant or merchants they've been cheated by, rather than boycotting ALL merchants.

And yes, I have a perfectly good spine and I know how to use it. This just seems silly.

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Woowee...you probably just got yourself banned from every store/merchant that is involved in these forums :(

Yes, you have a legitimate rant with Linden Lab, a lot of the residents feel the same way, but you can't blame the merchants for the problems created by LL. 

If you're tired of it, there is only one course of action available to you...

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Yes, you have a legitimate rant with Linden Lab, a lot of the residents feel the same way, but you can't blame the merchants for the problems created by LL. 


Oh, she is but one of many who don't understand what creators control and what LL controls and what no one controls (like the alpha bug).


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NYMWASOB Koga wrote:


People are getting fed-up with the Linden / Marketplace crowd refusing to act with integrity and take care of rip-offs and problems, and with the Linden Dictatorship in general.


I want people to show they still have a spine, and to start uniting in an indefinite protest against this overlord attitude until the Linden / marketplace crowd and in-world merchants drop the attitude and start acting with integrity.


I've been around for a long time, and this garbage never changes, and usually just gets worse; all the talk-talk-talk never changes it and I have had enough of it!  The only way to get these people to wake up is to start hitting them in the pocket !

How many times have people tried to submit a ticket - and IF they even succeed, they don't get even a reply or answer until the last minute or never at all, eh?


- Does anybody else out there have a spine???


o.O see that big red X in the upper right hand corner both here and in world? Use it, please.

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Please don't compare the (relatively speaking) minor issues with LL, the marketplace and a handful of bad merchants with the important, historic and courageous RL movement to address excessive corporate greed, class divide and mass control of our media and governments by the corporate 1%. A movement which, incidentally, is not about anti-capitalism as many wrongly assume. Fighting against corporate greed, control and arrogance is not a fight against capitalism.

All the people spending their days at Wall Street, St Pauls's Cathedral and other locations around the world peacefully protesting have a spine. People who rant aimlessly on a forum have no spine.

The two are in no way linked. Your comparing chalk and cheese.

Mmm ... cheese!

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

I'm not (to adopt cockney rhyming slang) a merchant banker (or any other form of banker for that matter), but I think it disgusting (whether those folks have spines or not) that in London their entirely pointless encampment has forced St. Paul's cathedral to close its doors to the public.

It hasn't really forced the Cathedral to close it's doors though, has it? It's been an unfortunate victim of circumstance and they have made the decision to close the doors 'on health and safety grounds'. Remember, the Bishop of London told the police to leave the protestors alone and allow them to exercise their right to peacefully protest when they first started gathering and the police started to get heavy handed.

It's unfortunate that St Pauls' happens to be right next to the stock exchange. The protestors need to be careful not to cause unnecessary drama that diverts away from the real message. The police should be doing more to allow the people to exercise their right to protest peacefully.

To say it is 'pointless' though is unfair. Are all the people camping at Wall Street and other locations around the world to make their point peacefully pointless too?

I understand and agree with your concerns that the protest has inadvertently affected an institution that it is not directly protesting against but I hope you honestly don't think it is 'pointless' because, sadly, it's that sort of thinking that will mean nothing will ever change and 1% of the global population will always control the other 99% when they have never been elected to do so. (Mind you - the church and organised religion are also a separate but connected part of the problem, but don't let me get started on that! :smileysurprised: )

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That's incredibly offensive to all merchants who work very hard to make their customers lives a pleasure, under sometimes very trying situations. We already bear the frontline for any LL issues, and many of us go out of our way to make good on failed/slow deliveries, and even inworld customers who make mis-judgements due to lag.

Your solution is very short sighted. Good day to you, sir.

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NYMWASOB Koga wrote:


People are getting fed-up with the Linden / Marketplace crowd refusing to act with integrity and take care of rip-offs and problems, and with the Linden Dictatorship in general.


I want people to show they still have a spine, and to start uniting in an indefinite protest against this overlord attitude until the Linden / marketplace crowd and in-world merchants drop the attitude and start acting with integrity.


I've been around for a long time, and this garbage never changes, and usually just gets worse; all the talk-talk-talk never changes it and I have had enough of it!  The only way to get these people to wake up is to start hitting them in the pocket !

How many times have people tried to submit a ticket - and IF they even succeed, they don't get even a reply or answer until the last minute or never at all, eh?


- Does anybody else out there have a spine???


well there is only one thing left to do now...


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Sorry Ian I don't agree.

If the protesters had been allowed to campaign outside of the stock exchange as they wanted then there wouldn't be an issue, but it seems there is too much power within those particular walls.

Also, St. Paul's charges £14.50 to get in/. WWJS?

Edited: not a good idea to type round a particularly plump cat.

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Melita Magic wrote:

This emoticon selection doesn't even have a heart? (I really need to learn to use outside gifs.)

Here: > ♥ < Copy that to a text file Melita. Le Fora can be a heartless place at times :matte-motes-whistle: Especially when you are a hard working merchant and get SLagged off in world & out  :smileyvery-happy:

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As an in-world merchant I resent your implication that the merchants have anything to do with LL policies or attitude. Personally  I've never treated my customers with anything other than respect and dignity. I started SL in 2006  and I don't think I've ever been treated badly by a merchant, either. By all means, boycott SL altogether if it makes you feel better tho, this forum too, it certainly can benefit from one less troll.

On a side note ~ you do realize how futile it is to try to keep women in SL from buying shoes and / or hair, right? Fuh-GETaboutit.

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Tiffy Vella wrote:

That's incredibly offensive to all merchants who work very hard to make their customers lives a pleasure, under sometimes very trying situations. We already bear the frontline for any LL issues, and many of us go out of our way to make good on failed/slow deliveries, and even inworld customers who make mis-judgements due to lag.

Your solution is very short sighted. Good day to you, sir.

It is offensive! 

Tiffy, I checked your sig a few weeks ago, and I cannot wait to get some of your jewelry.  It's on my list, Tiffy!  Your creations looks just beautiful! 

MP is one of my favorite past times, even just to get "ideas" or set aside "ideas" for the future when I get money or gift monies, etc.  But, Tiffy's jewelry is definately high on my list and I can't wait to try a piece of her exquisite looking jewels. 


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NYMWASOB Koga wrote:


People are getting fed-up with the Linden / Marketplace crowd refusing to act with integrity and take care of rip-offs and problems, and with the Linden Dictatorship in general.


I want people to show they still have a spine, and to start uniting in an indefinite protest against this overlord attitude until the Linden / marketplace crowd and in-world merchants drop the attitude and start acting with integrity.


I've been around for a long time, and this garbage never changes, and usually just gets worse; all the talk-talk-talk never changes it and I have had enough of it!  The only way to get these people to wake up is to start hitting them in the pocket !

How many times have people tried to submit a ticket - and IF they even succeed, they don't get even a reply or answer until the last minute or never at all, eh?


- Does anybody else out there have a spine???


Your username doesn't tell me if you are a man or a woman, but that doesn't really matter all that much as to the point I'm going to make.

If you want to boycott greed, boycott all sports and movies.  These movie stars and ridiculously high paid athletes need to come down to earth and get with reality with these crazy gazillions of dollar figures a year they want for their contracts, etc.

I read an article the other day, which I totally agree with, it's the people in the higher income brackets who have irrational exuberance when it comes to "salaries".  The NBA (National Basketball Association) wants a 52% pay cut from the NBA players, and it's becoming a big showdown between the NBA and the players.  These athletes need to come down to earth with their demands for bazillion/gazillion dollar contracts; it's just absurd what some of these celebrities, athletes, and CEO's "want" as a salary.  Their salary demands are completely irrational and have gone up, up, and WAY UP, whilst the average salaries of most of the working class have stayed flat this past decade or so.

So, if you want to boycott, boycott sports, movies, any brand names where these high prices CEO's pocket billions.  Marketplace does not have merchants pocketing billions off of slave labor wages.  It is also the sports and the movies where most of the media manipulation is occurring; concerts perhaps, too.  So, in order to not be a hypocrite, you have to boycott sports.  And, if you are a guy who loves sports, too bad you must boycott sports in order to not be a hypocrite!  And, movies, too!  I could make this list longer for you, if you'd like.  hehehe

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