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RIP Ivy Deschanel from Sn@tch

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SL has lost another long-term resident who gave a lot back to the community in the form of her popular fishing outfits and lucky boards, not to mention her huge store.  She seemed like a really fun person through her posts and style.  I knew she had been fighting cancer and hadn't heard anything recently. 

The news was posted in the Second Lifers for Life Facebook group yesterday. 

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This is such sad news. Back in 2008 or so, I messaged her about something to do with a purchase and somewhere in the conversation mentioned I had a small jewelry store but was trying my hand at creating clothes. She spent quite a bit of time encouraging me and suggested software that would aid me in that goal. After that first conversation, we had a few more over the next couple of years.  She was so generous with her time and encouragement. RIP Ivey. You are missed!

Edited by Blush Bravin
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I noted the store was no longer around awhile ago.  I basically LIVED at Sn@tch in my newbie days. Ivy was always very generous. And I loved the Halloween builds that happened for so many years.


SL is almost 20 years old. That means that the youngest of the old time residents would now be almost 38 (not counting the teen grid here) so sadly we are bound to lose folks.  But we do have our good memories and that is a wonderful thing.  

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4 hours ago, Modulated said:

Another SL legend gone. May she rest in peace, my sincerest condolences to her friends and family.


The only thing that brings me some joy here is that Tess and Rob can now be together again, forever....  I too spent much noob time in Sn@tch.

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In remembrance of Ivey Deschanel. (Creator of Sn@tch)

Sn@tch was one of my favourite stores in SL. Was introduced to it when I was a noob and became a loyal customer throughout my SL rezz years. Ivey Deschanel was the founder and creator of all things Sn@tch. She also organised the annual Pulse Games on the Pulse sim which was next to the Sn@tch sim.

Her SL and RL partner Rob Hograth passed away in December of '22.

Ivey's clothes were unique yet practical for the alternative goth personality. Her sales were the best on the grid, as everything came with different colours. She kept her designs updated throughout the years, from system, to sculpty, to mesh and back to system (bom) again. Her skill of texturing was absolutely THE BEST and still, in my opinion no one has been able to match her texturing technique. I spoke with her often in IM from group chat. She was funny, intelligent and certainly creative. A kind wild spirit that thrived on being kind but knowing when to put boundaries in place. I'm fortunate I was able to know her in SL, some may say it isn't the same as knowing her in the physical world; however, the human spirit can transcend realms and Ivey's certainly did.


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  • 7 months later...

I have OH SO MANY pages with things form Sn@tch.  I was trying to find a post with one of the Halloween mystery events but Blogger wasn't helpful there.  I did find this screenshot which I thought was fun and memorable.   


Good times.



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