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23 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

If the main speaker is voice only (no "follow up" text) then those with hearing loss/deafness aren't going to hear everything said and likely miss something vital. Then they have to waste their time trying to find a transcript, putting them at a distinct disadvantage of not being able to keep up with the discussion and participate in it. If we can't keep up and can't participate there is no point in being there because we aren't getting the help we need.

Maybe you could put together a group who does sign-language...I think I've seen them at music events.  It would be great to have a pool to draw on for support groups.  I'd love to have a signer at my Mantra class to sign out all the lyrics.

So many beneficial changes related to all sorts of disadvantaged groups were caused by those who have the very same problem, and went to the trouble of changing it.

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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Peeve: Finding out that my boss has bee hives and has such good honey after all this time..

I got two jars yesterday and OMG is it so good..

It's  so much better than the honey we've been getting.. There is such a huge difference in taste.

Local honey is also good because it has local allergens in it, which helps your body adapt to them to decrease allergy symptoms.

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On 9/13/2023 at 11:47 AM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I assume the adult topic I bowed out of got closed?

It seemed like it was about to derail into the usual vitriol.  

Not a peeve: Glad I left when I did.


I was more peeved seeing some actually liking some of the dude's posts.  Certainly has affirmed my opinion of them.

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9 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's not a deliberate excluding, but rather a resource problem. In one group the leader had a device that translated her voice to text as she spoke in voice (I think the name of it is 'speak easy'), so when she's leading the group we do both see and hear her.  It's a bit confusing to use though and sort of detracts from her leadership.

But I have not heard of a device that will also automatically put into text what every other person in the group says in voice. People can, however, volunteer to type out the voice comments of others, as has happened. But it never was because some had difficulty hearing, so far, but rather because us oldbies tend not to like voice because we like how SL was from the beginning when we had no voice capability.

I do wish all groups could accommodate everyone, but sometimes that puts a strain on others in the group.

I imagine if there was a regular member in a group who had hearing loss that an effort would be made for the leader to use speak-easy and others might volunteer to type the voice comments of others.  I would not volunteer however as I couldn't keep track of my own thoughts then and what I need to say.

In my Heart Menders group I use text only, but that likely disadvantages those who are dyslexic and/or have vision problems. However, I don't feel I could guide as effectively in voice, and so I have to make a choice.

Peeve: I wish Silent did not feel so left out.

No real reason to go to all that trouble. I play Greedy with a group of friends each week and out of respect no one voices when he comes to join as he is deaf. It's not that hard to keep up with the conversation in text.  I imagine that there are more people that are hearing impaired than vision impaired in Second Life.  Since text is the norm in SL I don't see the harm in doing a support group/therapy in text only. Of course that would prevent people from just blabbering about whatever comes to mind.

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1 minute ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

No real reason to go to all that trouble. I play Greedy with a group of friends each week and out of respect no one voices when he comes to join as he is deaf. It's not that hard to keep up with the conversation in text.  I imagine that there are more people that are hearing impaired than vision impaired in Second Life.  Since text is the norm in SL I don't see the harm in doing a support group/therapy in text only. Of course that would prevent people from just blabbering about whatever comes to mind.

Having impaired sight is not the only problem that makes it hard for people to text. Someone might have dyslexia, dysgraphia, arthritis, a bad or broken arm, or bad eyesight without actually being blind. Given the ages of many people using SL, impaired vision, impaired hearing, and impaired manual dexterity are all probably relatively common.

Anyway, if a group leader can use both text and voice, such as cutting a pasting their opening statements, then reading them aloud, this is best.

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4 minutes ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

Of course that would prevent people from just blabbering about whatever comes to mind.

That's one of the many advantages of living without voice in SL. People babble a lot in voice.  They like to hear the sound of their voices and they say a lot of dumb things that would never come out if they had to take the time to write them. Typed chat gives you time to think twice before making a snappy comeback that you ought to regret later.  It also puts your words on record so they are hard to refute later.  You can't just claim "I never said that!"

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

That's one of the many advantages of living without voice in SL. People babble a lot in voice.  They like to hear the sound of their voices and they say a lot of dumb things that would never come out if they had to take the time to write them. Typed chat gives you time to think twice before making a snappy comeback that you ought to regret later.  It also puts your words on record so they are hard to refute later.  You can't just claim "I never said that!"

Having voice off also keeps one from hearing radio stream ads, inane babble, screaming children or barking dogs in the background, sound gestures, and people slapping each others bums.

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1 hour ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

I was more peeved seeing some actually liking some of the dude's posts.  Certainly has affirmed my opinion of them.

I wouldn't read too much into likes.  I use them to let people know I read their post or as acknowledgement that they answered a question.  Not every "like" is in support.

I didn't see any of what happened after I left the thread, though.  Maybe I missed something.

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1 hour ago, Sam Bellisserian said:
11 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's not a deliberate excluding, but rather a resource problem. In one group the leader had a device that translated her voice to text as she spoke in voice (I think the name of it is 'speak easy'), so when she's leading the group we do both see and hear her.  It's a bit confusing to use though and sort of detracts from her leadership.

But I have not heard of a device that will also automatically put into text what every other person in the group says in voice. People can, however, volunteer to type out the voice comments of others, as has happened. But it never was because some had difficulty hearing, so far, but rather because us oldbies tend not to like voice because we like how SL was from the beginning when we had no voice capability.

I do wish all groups could accommodate everyone, but sometimes that puts a strain on others in the group.

I imagine if there was a regular member in a group who had hearing loss that an effort would be made for the leader to use speak-easy and others might volunteer to type the voice comments of others.  I would not volunteer however as I couldn't keep track of my own thoughts then and what I need to say.

In my Heart Menders group I use text only, but that likely disadvantages those who are dyslexic and/or have vision problems. However, I don't feel I could guide as effectively in voice, and so I have to make a choice.

Peeve: I wish Silent did not feel so left out.


No real reason to go to all that trouble. I play Greedy with a group of friends each week and out of respect no one voices when he comes to join as he is deaf. It's not that hard to keep up with the conversation in text.  I imagine that there are more people that are hearing impaired than vision impaired in Second Life.  Since text is the norm in SL I don't see the harm in doing a support group/therapy in text only. Of course that would prevent people from just blabbering about whatever comes to mind.

In one of the groups I attend the leader is dyslexic...when she tries to read or type she does so very slowly and sometimes it's even garbled a bit. Dyslexia can make it difficult to even think right when using text.  And I have a friend who attends with arthritis so bad she couldn't type in the group without a lot of pain. So in this case, voice is a good option.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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41 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Peeve: Apparently I had missed a trainwreckalicious thread that was deleted and I have no idea what everyone's talking about.

Second peeve: rl and other adulting obligations.

If you remember previous threads about Plantation RP, you'll have an idea of how the thread went - except this one was worse.

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18 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

A friend asked if I would like some zucchini from her garden so, of course, I said "sure, bring me a couple" thinking I would toss them on a salad.  So why am I feeling more as if I am witnessing an alien invasion than dreaming of lunch??




At least they didn't give you eggplants!

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1 hour ago, Leora Greenwood said:

A friend asked if I would like some zucchini from her garden so, of course, I said "sure, bring me a couple" thinking I would toss them on a salad.  So why am I feeling more as if I am witnessing an alien invasion than dreaming of lunch??




Orchiectomy… sorry 🙈

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22 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Orchiectomy… sorry 🙈

Peeve: When I first saw a movie showing that surgery (I saw "Trans The Movie" with a group of Trans friends) it was very disturbing, but not nearly as disturbing as "raceplay" pr0n showing the same thing.

I'm Just saying.

But "orchio's" are not for the faint of heart. Or discussion of it.

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4 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

A friend asked if I would like some zucchini from her garden so, of course, I said "sure, bring me a couple" thinking I would toss them on a salad.  So why am I feeling more as if I am witnessing an alien invasion than dreaming of lunch??





Miracle-Gro overdose?

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Minor Peeve: black charcoal toothpaste

Major Peeve: Last week I was selling plasma for extra gas money when an alarm went off in the building. I got paid for my donation, but because they couldn't return my red blood cells when everyone had to exit the building, I'm now deferred until November to give plasma again. 😟

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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On 9/13/2023 at 12:53 PM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Peeve: knowing that certain topics are doomed from the moment the OP presses "submit"

Yes, it appears to be gone, not locked.

I wonder if that topic was or wasn't a deliberate attempt to start a "barroom brawl" though.  

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