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Peeve: Neighbors who do absolutely nothing about their escape artist chihuahuas, allow them to run loose and incessantly bark for hours on end, poop up my yard when I don't have a dog and then I get my ass jumped for trying to chase the damn dog off to its own home and shut up after the damn thing has woke me up every morning for weeks now an hour before my usual rise n stfu time.


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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

“When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.” (Attributed to Will Rogers? Seriously?)

I used to have that as my SL forum signature  years ago.. hehehehe

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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It might be a mistake, but it's 5 different body versions that were packed into the demo pack..

That much brain fart is gonna take a lot of beans.. hehehe

It's still possible though. The level of "brain fart" when you are rushing to get ready for an event in SL can be pretty high. Anyway, just need to remember Hanlon's Razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity", and let creators know if there is something wrong with their products so they have a chance to fix it. Unfortunately, I think that bad first impressions like this, getting a demo wrong, will turn customers away from a store altogether, and customers just won't bother reaching out to creators. And make a mistake in a full version of a product, you will get a bad review on the marketplace well before anyone tells you there is an issue.

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4 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

It's still possible though. The level of "brain fart" when you are rushing to get ready for an event in SL can be pretty high. Anyway, just need to remember Hanlon's Razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity", and let creators know if there is something wrong with their products so they have a chance to fix it. Unfortunately, I think that bad first impressions like this, getting a demo wrong, will turn customers away from a store altogether, and customers just won't bother reaching out to creators. And make a mistake in a full version of a product, you will get a bad review on the marketplace well before anyone tells you there is an issue.

It's the same rigging but just sized to cover each of the bodies.. If they were the same size with each one I would think yea a mistake, but this was rigged for one body and resized for the rest..

It's like having a kupra butt on each version..


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People who don't use turning indicators or use them incorrectly. I had some idiot cut in front of me and then a few moments later absolutely JAM the brakes to make his turn. Oh but he made sure to turn on the indicator after he almost brake checked me into the next universe so I guess that makes it okay!

Edited by Missy Starchild
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   Don't know if I had this happen before, but it certainly peeved me. Checked out the weekend sales and hit a demo button in a store, and instead of sending me a box to unpack it started spitting every rig at me separately for top and bottom for a bunch of bodies. Staph it! 

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So, occasionally, I'll see an advert for an item that uses a model with large breasts, and it'll look really good on them, and I'll think "I should get that because look at how lovely her large boobs look in it" . . . momentarily forgetting that 1) I don't have large boobs, and 2) I could easily GET large boobs if I wanted to, and don't need to buy a tank top or whatever to achieve the look.

Peeve: The power of advertising.

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Now I wonder if I have to toss in big boobs in my marketplace advertisements too.

Peeve: I never had such a slow week like this one ever: 0 (that is zero) sales.
Maybe people have spend too much on the shop and hop events.
Ah well.... the upside is, it can't get worse.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Small text improvements.
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8 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Now I wonder if I have to toss in big boobs in my marketplace advertisements too.

Peeve: I never had such a slow week like this one ever: 0 (that is zero) sales.
Maybe people have spend too much on the shop and hop events.
Ah well.... the upside is, it can't get worse.

The laugh was of course in response to your comment about boobs.

Shop and hop. Lots of events. And high summer? Might these explain the sales?


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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36 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, occasionally, I'll see an advert for an item that uses a model with large breasts, and it'll look really good on them, and I'll think "I should get that because look at how lovely her large boobs look in it" . . . momentarily forgetting that 1) I don't have large boobs, and 2) I could easily GET large boobs if I wanted to, and don't need to buy a tank top or whatever to achieve the look.

Peeve: The power of advertising.


16 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Now I wonder if I have to toss in big boobs in my marketplace advertisements too.

Peeve: I never had such a slow week like this one ever: 0 (that is zero) sales.
Maybe people have spend too much on the shop and hop events.
Ah well.... the upside is, it can't get worse.

Funny enough, all the boobvertising drives me *away* from products. So many times I see an outfit that includes Maitreya that I completely skip over because they've chosen to advertise it with one of those balloon chest mods or another. Yes, I said it. I've got em in RL, I'm allowed to clown on them here.

I've cut down on a lot of my shopping these days and restrict myself to stores that put out unique items, so no more basic PairofJeans#346 for me. Maybe others are limiting their spending, too. Or it's just a general summer slump.

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4 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Funny enough, all the boobvertising drives me *away* from products. So many times I see an outfit that includes Maitreya that I completely skip over because they've chosen to advertise it with one of those balloon chest mods or another. Yes, I said it. I've got em in RL, I'm allowed to clown on them here.

Yeah, I'd say that on the whole I'm far more likely to skip over an ad that uses an extreme Kupra-type model. Not out of "principle" or anything, but for the simple reason that it's not a look I like, and as a result I'm less likely to be attracted to the outfit, however nice it logically might look on someone with a different body or shape. If it's not eye-catching in a pleasing way (for me), then it's not going to catch my attention. That's one of the weaknesses of advertising, I guess.

9 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I've cut down on a lot of my shopping these days and restrict myself to stores that put out unique items, so no more basic PairofJeans#346 for me. Maybe others are limiting their spending, too. Or it's just a general summer slump.

I've heard rumblings from people that sales generally are down right now in SL. @Coffee Pancake has said that this is her experience right now as well. I don't have enough information to be sure if this is a general slump in the SL economy, or if it is just seasonal or contextual. Is it being reflected in the LindenX I wonder?

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've heard rumblings from people that sales generally are down right now in SL. @Coffee Pancake has said that this is her experience right now as well. I don't have enough information to be sure if this is a general slump in the SL economy, or if it is just seasonal or contextual. Is it being reflected in the LindenX I wonder?

Now that you mention it, I have been seeing some stores leaping into the weekend sales that don't normally participate. Not sure if it's just a result of good outreach by event organizers or if stores really are feeling the crunch.

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've heard rumblings from people that sales generally are down right now in SL. @Coffee Pancake has said that this is her experience right now as well. I don't have enough information to be sure if this is a general slump in the SL economy, or if it is just seasonal or contextual.

I haven't seen any change in my own MP sales that I would think of as statistically significant, but I'm not a major retailer either. I putter along and am happy with whatever sells. Right now, though, I suspect that SLB and the normal summer slump would account for whatever drop others may be seeing. The avid shoppers in my circle of friends are all comparing their SLB finds, not chattering much about MP. 

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I just watched a news article about cruise ship vacations being higher than they were pre-pandemic.  This is the first summer with no restrictions in place since 2019.  That may have a big impact on what people are spending their disposable income on and their time.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

You could try posting pics with big boobs and an intentionally "unattractive face" and see if anyone notices your face!

Love, I just need to wander around nearly any club in SL to test that theory.

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Love, I just need to wander around nearly any club in SL to test that theory.

 I did something like that, sort of. I made a 1950s photo series of a rather pretty pinup girl in beachwear posing sensually all over her Thunderbird making disturbingly distorted stank faces. Gave each photo a stock art-style name with a snarky twist "Stubborn Hot Pinup Woman Finally Listening When You Tell Her To Smile High Res Clipart #87124"

Peeve: Why don't I ever get inspired to do dumb stuff like this anymore?! I've gotten boring. Hmpf.

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

 I did something like that, sort of. I made a 1950s photo series of a rather pretty pinup girl in beachwear posing sensually all over her Thunderbird making disturbingly distorted stank faces. Gave each photo a stock art-style name with a snarky twist "Stubborn Hot Pinup Woman Finally Listening When You Tell Her To Smile High Res Clipart #87124"

Peeve: Why don't I ever get inspired to do dumb stuff like this anymore?! I've gotten boring. Hmpf.

I need to find these.

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

@Sid Nagy?


Inquiring minds (and boobs) want to know!

Don't ask me. I'm asexual, so it is more or less the same as asking the pope for comments. 😂

Edited by Sid Nagy
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