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3 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Yup. Of course "we" all knew it was toe-ing the line, but it WAS on the side of the posted rules, and various comments by LL. So, they are doing take backs. Their sandbox etc. But their actions are making it clear...

It'll be difficult for the folks who like the changes, so they can make 500 short quips to everyone, to have the forum be empty of regular posters to quip to. Be careful what you wish for THERE too...

The apparent glee of some posters about the newest forum changes is disturbing.  And a PEEVE.  

I think I'll be sticking to the picture threads from now on.  


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3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The apparent glee of some posters about the newest forum changes is disturbing.  And a PEEVE.  

I think I'll be sticking to the picture threads from now on.  


the ubiquitous ↑ THIS



except my laptop is still ify for photos so...



my timing really sucks on the returning here. I guess. Just "returning" maybe sucks, except I got a fancy bonus prize for doing so, so I can't peeve too much :)

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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:
11 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

It'll be difficult for the folks who like the changes, so they can make 500 short quips to everyone, to have the forum be empty of regular posters to quip to. Be careful what you wish for THERE too...

The apparent glee of some posters about the newest forum changes is disturbing.  And a PEEVE.  

I think I'll be sticking to the picture threads from now on.  

I'm not gleeful, just accepting.

I do feel slightly "attacked" by what Seicher wrote, though! At least Seicher doesn't name me, unlike the drama from Friday when others did.

We cool, I hope!


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13 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I wonder if they transferred accounts from SLU to over there? That might be why..

that would be interesting to know, because i would have one there too  if they did.. hehehehe


Nope, one has to make a new account and there is no need to use a SL avatar name if you don't want to.
I'm just Sid over there for instance. SLU was completely wrecked at a certain point, loading times of more than a few minutes per page or no show at all.

Cristiano never could get it floating again sufficiently, so he locked SLU down and started virtualverse.one, we all moved ourselves manually.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm not gleeful, just accepting.

I do feel slightly "attacked" by what Seicher wrote, though! At least Seicher doesn't name me, unlike the drama from Friday when others did.

We cool, I hope!


My comment was not about you at all.

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6 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Peeve and want: We need more response emoticons, we've said that for ever. Since many of us are slowly sinking to "just post a response ♥ and leave..." we need one that conveys thisgofuckyourself.gif.2b925b9d83ed7d847e71d9d318e7a6bd.gif

Fan? Follow? Fart on? 
I dun getit! 
 Did you know, that obscuring words to evade the filters is against the Forum Community Guidelines? 

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Peeve: So that grandfathered thread was closed huh?
May I suggest a new last name for the forum moderators:  Warden.

Have a nice one you all.
I'm out of this boot camp/ prison for now.
Overthinking what the .... I'm still doing here.



Edited by Sid Nagy
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3 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

And Seicher didn't name names. I'm not responsible for other people's interpretations.

Yep, I explicitly said, you didn't name me. Sorry I didn't say "didn't name anyone"!

Hopefully you also don't think I'm "gleeful" about all this, that would be incorrect!

* goes to unlock the revolving door so nobody gets stuck * Awkward!

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I am guessing that the thread's closure is an example of Patch's guidelines for the "discretionary" powers given to any mod or random Linden to moderate or close a thread even when it does follow the stated guidelines. The forum has gone from resident created drama, to Linden created drama. 😇

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2 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I am guessing that the thread's closure is an example of Patch's guidelines for the "discretionary" powers given to any mod or random Linden to moderate or close a thread even when it does follow the stated guidelines. The forum has gone from resident created drama, to Linden created drama. 😇

Well we're playing in their garden and we will keep on pissing in their pool I guess.

Peeve: That it's already past 5pm here and I haven't had my lunch yet.

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:


Necroed threads have been getting the lock regularly enough, thanks to complaints lodged before the recent changes. as noted above, the sort of thread tat was necroposted was already one that would have been locked under the present iteration of the forum.

So no, it was not "allowed".

This would be incorrect over the past year or so. Before that yes, necroed threads were being nuked regularly but then some of us kicked up a fuss about that and the Mod's stopped closing them simply because of them being old but would wait till they started going off topic before closing them.

Perhaps some didn't get the memo.

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Or plan B .. recognize customer demand.


There are only about a dozen people complaining about the new rules. How is that customer demand? Also, the forum isn't a feature that you are paying for.  They could just put everything in the wiki and call it a day.

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10 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Well, so am I Silent! The no-good so-and-so's went and locked the resurrected Off Topic thread.

Damn...that had a lot of potential for amusement. Shame on you, Mods...and we were even following the new guidelines.

Flounces out.

Unfortunately, I think the resurrected thread was a non-starter for lots of reasons. The mods have been closing really old threads for quite some time -- years, in fact -- even before the current set of new rules were instituted.

Perhaps more to the point though, to have permitted it would have essentially cancelled out the new guidelines entirely: there's a vast pool of old threads on nearly every conceivable topic that could have been similarly resurrected and grandfathered. It would have made a mockery of their attempts to tighten the ship here.

That said, it's possible that a new thread on the same theme might be acceptable. Derails of forum threads are at least implicitly "about SL"?

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On 9/24/2022 at 12:13 PM, Rolig Loon said:

I've been struggling to express why I am not as disturbed about the new forum rules as some people are. I think it's because I'm basically not a chatty person. It's why I avoid social media too. Unless I'm in a rare silly mood, I don't feel like small talk. I do enjoy deep, thoughtful conversation, so I will jump into some threads where Scylla or others have posed a provocative question (often after lurking for a bit). At the other extreme,  I walk away quickly when a thread turns into a cat fight. All in all, I guess that marks me as a non-GD forum person and explains why most of my post count over the years has been in other corners of the forums. 

That says two things to me. First,  that I and the many people I have come to know outside of the GD forum will probably shrug and continue as usual,  regardless of what happens here. Our SL forums will not die. Second, however, it says that I have been horribly callous about how much the GD forum means to many other people. For that,  I apologize. We each need our own comfortable corner to relax in, and this is home for many. Please don't give up on it. And don't fight it either. Reshape it in your own imaginative way. It will survive if you let it. 

I want to belatedly thank you for this post, Rolig, and most especially for the part I've bolded, and your acknowledgment that these changes are meaningful to many of us.

One might have thought this forum was large enough, and the tools at hand to customize our experience sufficiently powerful, to have permitted everyone, whatever their tastes, to have found what you call a "comfortable corner" here.

Apparently that is not the case.

And I do find that sad. But while there's an occasional note of triumphalism we could probably do without from a small handful of people, I'm not resentful, and I neither begrudge nor judge those who feel they are not going to be much impacted by the change, or even those who feel the GD will now be a better place.

Nor am I myself quite ready to walk away yet. And one of the reasons that I'm not is because I know that there will remain a group of people, such as yourself, who are interested in discussions, or even just in a bit of innocent "fun." Everyone here is pretty important to me, actually -- no less so than my friends in-world. And you're all worth more effort.

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There's one rather interesting observation that Maddy made to me in conversation in-world last night that I'll recount, and then I'm going to drop this subject.

While the GD is clearly losing people and becoming a fair degree less active, the opposite is true of the Adult subforum here, which has become much more active of late, and is hosting some really interesting discussions. And that's because, ironically, even as LL has tightened the screws on what is permitted in GD, they have actually substantially loosened the constraints that were once imposed on Adult conversations and pictures.

People will tend to migrate to places where there is more, rather than less, freedom to express themselves. Bizarrely, there is now less constraint in "Adult" than has been imposed here, and we're seeing the impact of that, I think.

I wonder if that is quite the effect that LL was hoping for . . .


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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AND because I'm a little concerned that this conversation may endanger this thread . . .


Everyone I know who has installed the new "enhanced performance" Firestorm has been talking about how great it is, and how it has improved their experience and FPS.

And, while I was blown away by the same improvements to the LL viewer, which have made a HUGE improvement when I use that viewer, I have not seen a parallel benefit from the new version of FS, which doesn't seem to be running much better for me.


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