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10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Ohhhhh, yes, there was that one, too. I think the one I was referring to was something "how are you feeling today?" by Beth? But yes, some good threads just bombed out of existence.

Yeah, same thread.  Like I said, holiday dread wasn't it's name but it was started by Beth on December 5, 2019 to be supportive because of the looming holiday.  I have an old person's memory and things like names of threads elude me.


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You know, the 'Ignore' function is rather lovely and ought to be employed a fair bit more often. It ought not to be looked at as anything other than a tool to save you a bit of hassle or irritation - no need to advertise when you're adding someone to it, nor how many you have added to it.

Just use it and move on.

There's an Eternal Peeve, by the by: People treating said function as something more than a simple tool.

Edited by Solar Legion
Minor spelling correction
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Windows has just confused me by presenting two different option screens, apparently at random, for adjusting text size.  One only allows fixed settings, another has a slide bar. They did this while the text was too small for comfort.  It was frustrating enough for me with only somewhat poor vision, but for someone with worse eyesight it might be impossible to navigate.  Even now I can't remember how I got to what I wanted, so whatever it was I set it to is now staying regardless.

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8 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

The only days I dread are my Dad's Birthday and the date of my dad's death. The worst two days of the year for me. 


8 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

My father died that year on December 29th.  Knew it was coming and nothing could be done.


We need a hug reaction on this forum.

My dad died 4 years ago, in July. His birthday was also in July. I won't say I dread those dates, but that whole month has a sort of looming-dark-cloud feeling over it for me now.

(hugs you both)

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How everything seems to burn out and need replacing at the same time.

So far had to replace my computer, the clothes dryer and big tv (loving my new 70 incher!), and now the washing machine has stopped agitating and the fridge leaks.


Edited by Jordan Whitt
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3 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

How everything seems to burn out and need replacing at the same time.

So far had to replace my computer, the clothes dryer and big tv (loving my new 70 incher!), and now the washing machine has stopped agitating and the fridge leaks.


I see the Official Forum Curse I applied is working. Excellllllllllllllllllllent....

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1 hour ago, Jordan Whitt said:

How everything seems to burn out and need replacing at the same time.

So far had to replace my computer, the clothes dryer and big tv (loving my new 70 incher!), and now the washing machine has stopped agitating and the fridge leaks.


You have clearly violated one of the basic rules for living in the modern world: "Be Kind To Machines".  Remember, they all belong to the same union. If you are unkind to one, you risk annoying others.  Develop a history of unkindness and the union will turn against you.  Members will go out on wildcat strikes or will simply refuse to work properly until you have paid an exorbitant "protection" fee to the legions of "repair" professionals who guard them.  We have long since passed the point where any of us can afford to ignore the basic rule. It's not simply that machines have feelings; they outnumber us.

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Just now, Rolig Loon said:

You have clearly violated one of the basic rules for living in the modern world: "Be Kind To Machines".  Remember, they all belong to the same union. If you are unkind to one, you risk annoying others. 

I am amazed when I see YouTube retro repair videos with true experts (!) who bash things, bonk thinks, tap on them not-so-gently to try and get them to work. Mostly vacuum tubes ("bulbs", whatever), and components where apparently, a "love tap" (tough love even) makes a difference. These same folks and many others don't seem to follow the old basic "ground yourself! ground the board!" before handling modern PCB's, either.

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1 hour ago, Jordan Whitt said:

How everything seems to burn out and need replacing at the same time.

So far had to replace my computer, the clothes dryer and big tv (loving my new 70 incher!), and now the washing machine has stopped agitating and the fridge leaks.


I bet all this has you very..agitated.


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13 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Exactly.  Nothing like a dumpster fire.  Just a respectable wastebasket job, enough to relieve the pressure without getting everyone else riled up. I'm introverted and repressed enough that I'd rather not be responsible for causing a nuclear meltdown.

You'll notice that I hardly every actually peeve here. That's either a sign that I really am seriously repressed or simply that I am too numb to recognize that there are things around me worth peeving about.  When I'm feeling borderline grumpy, it's surprisingly helpful to come here, read a few posts and think, "Good Lord!  I thought I was out of sorts.  Look at her..."  A thread like this can be like group therapy, even if you never open your mouth and share.  ;) 

I am, I think, about as peeve-able as you. Where we might differ is that I love to feign peeve-ment over things that are completely inconsequential. Many things that peeve other people actually amuse me. My Apple watch, Siri, and the "intelligent" voice assistant in my car have been endlessly amusing, as their artificial smarts reveal just how daunting a task even being stupid can be.

I was at Menards yesterday, buying lumber. The 2x4s were not marked in any way, and the cashier could not find their description in her "big black book". I was able to find the items via their webpage, so she could check me out. Having underestimated my needs, I was back later that day. I photographed the signs, with SKUs, over all the piles I picked from, so I could speed my subsequent checkout. The same cashier was on duty, and we had a good laugh over both the failings and wonders of technology.

Oh, I also bought her a chocolate bar, having heard her comment about wanting one to the customer ahead of me in line, who'd bought one from the impulse display I was standing beside. So much opportunity to rant, so much opportunity to make people smile. So much opportunity to do both simultaneously.

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Peeve: Creating one post on Facebook as "Public" privacy (so everyone could see my beautiful pie), but forgetting to change it back to "Friends" privacy for subsequent posts.  Then, needing to go back and edit a week's worth of posts. Because rando's comment "Hi how are you" on your post and you notice.

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21 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

At this point, Maddy, I am convinced your mind is your most attractive feature.


Because it's as weird as mine :)

I was pretty young when taught that weirdness is a virtue. Surprise and delight want novelty. Weirdness provides it.

The McMasters family motto is "People are weird"*


*And we are people.

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21 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

*steps smartly out of the line of fire between Scylla and Maddy, since "somebody" has just called Maddy's most attractive feature "gross"



Did anyone bring popcorn?

My childhood friends, upon introduction to our family banter, would often have that reaction. Most quickly figured it out and joined in. A few never recovered.

My local Ace Hardware store had, for years, been run by the same family, with very low turnover in the core staff. When I was an infant, my father would sometimes take me into the store and weigh me on the hardware scale, which was used to measure things like nails that were sold by the pound. He'd banter with the staff, who was soon teasing me over all many of things. I learned to tease them back. This has been going on for fifty years. I was heartbroken when the family sold the store and turned over virtually all of the staff.

I loved walking through the front door and yelling "Kevin? Jim" Anybody home?" As the student temp employees up front looked at me askance. Nothing made me happier than hearing a disembodied, familiar voice boom from some distant aisle...

"Maddy? What did you break now?"

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16 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:
16 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I cannot say what my pet peeve is atm.

Is ok to say you can't say what peeve you're thinking of in the pet peeve thread?

Some days I just feel grumpy.  It's sort of a general, unfocussed kind of peeve. Not the sort of peeve that makes me want to kick a stray cat, but the sort of general malaise that makes me roll my eyes and mutter quietly for no apparent reason. I'd feel dishonest if I had to put a tag on it so I can share it specifically as a Pet Peeve. My mom used to call it her "People are no damn good" feeling, but what she meant was that she was just out of sorts.  That's when it's handy to have a thread like this where you can drop in and tell a dozen of your closest anonymous Internet friends rather vaguely that the world is going to hell, and you'd like to borrow a handbasket.  No explanation needed.

Yeah you described it well. General malaise but not knowing why. I want to know!  Not knowing might be more of a peeve than the unknown peeve.

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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yeah you described it well. General malaise but not knowing why. I want to know!  Not knowing might be more of a peeve than the unknown peeve.

It's called "life".  The universe follows its own course, neither deliberately good or deliberately bad.  You either let it roll over you as it's rushing to go wherever it's headed, or you do as they say in the movies: "Don't ask questions.  Just take the money and run." In either case, there's little to be gained by overthinking life. 

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1 minute ago, Rolig Loon said:

It's called "life".  The universe follows its own course, neither deliberately good or deliberately bad.  You either let it roll over you as it's rushing to go wherever it's headed, or you do as they say in the movies: "Don't ask questions.  Just take the money and run." In either case, there's little to be gained by overthinking life. 

Yeah..how to think in "just the right amount".

As soon as I tried to take control of my dreams (as described on the other thread) and think too much about it I stopped remembering my dreams at all!    :(

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Way past a peeve and need to randomly vent to the Universe:
I just had a serious conversation with a person I care deeply about, but it is long distance and so my options are slim to none. This person has been a chain smoker for a very long time. There's no way they are gonna even try to quit. I understand that. Habits are hard. However, they also are refusing to get a very simple CT scan (non-invasive, gold-standard, insurance covered) screening. This is all kinds of stupid. And I'm helpless. I said all the things about "if not for you, for me? please?" I trotted out caring, logic, snippets from appropriate articles and crying my eyes out. Not a budge. They won't. Every day I listen to them cough.

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11 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Not sure, most of mine do, but when I see a wedding gown on Say Yes to the Dress that does, I'm like, "Now that's a cool idea!"

Peeve. Wedding dresses without hidden pockets.

You ladies have it rough in the clothing department, and that's just the start of it.

Guys have pockets. LOTS of LARGE pockets. Run out of pockets we can hang an entire survival kit off our belts if we're so inclined. Our "smart shoes" are not instruments of torture. Our haircuts cost a tenner at most and shaving it all off is completely socially acceptable.

On the flip-side you are undeniably cuter than we are and you DO get to carry around "purses" that would qualify as an "expedition backpack" for a guy. As an old DM I always believed that a lady's purse was like a dungeon.. the deeper into it you got the more likely it was that something horrible would emerge and eat your face.

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