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30 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

According to one pesticide and insecticide professional I chatted with a couple years ago, they often use a nicotine/tobacco spray on the perimeter of houses and commercial buildings to deter spiders and insects gaining entry.

Coincidentally, a friend in a different conversation yesterday suggested using Jeyes Fluid, which is apparently popular in the UK. I did a little Google research.  It sounds like household Agent Orange, killing 99.9% of all life it touches. She claims that it's great for sanitizing horse stalls -- not high on my list of jobs this weekend -- but you do have to hose the place down completely afterwards. Gets rid of the spiders too.

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43 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

According to one pesticide and insecticide professional I chatted with a couple years ago, they often use a nicotine/tobacco spray on the perimeter of houses and commercial buildings to deter spiders and insects gaining entry. A google search pointed out the spray mixture is as easy as taking a cup of cigarette butts and soaking them in warm water until it looks like a tea and then strain out the butts and put the mixture in a spray bottle for use outside at any potential entry points.




Great idea! Now we can have some use for the cigarette water that accumulates in the containers where my housemate smokes on our backyard patio.  😀

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15 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Coincidentally, a friend in a different conversation yesterday suggested using Jeyes Fluid, which is apparently popular in the UK. I did a little Google research.  It sounds like household Agent Orange, killing 99.9% of all life it touches. She claims that it's great for sanitizing horse stalls -- not high on my list of jobs this weekend -- but you do have to hose the place down completely afterwards. Gets rid of the spiders too.

Those poor horses!

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41 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Great idea! Now we can have some use for the cigarette water that accumulates in the containers where my housemate smokes on our backyard patio.  😀

Maybe just get locals to spit their "chew" there! 🙀

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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I'm pretty sure many people have mentioned these Peeves, but they've been bugging me more lately, especially after reading a thread by someone who's obviously the type that peeves me in these ways...

...friends who IM me the second I log in.
...friends who IM me, and then shut up and say nothing after I respond.
...friends who waste my time with meaningless exchanges like these:

"How r u"
"I'm fine, how are you?"
...long pause...
"So, what have you been up to?"
"Not much"

It can go on in this way. And on and on and on.

I am an introvert and don't often reach out to the people on my list. But when I do, by golly, I have an actual CONVERSATION. Please have the courtesy to do the same, or don't bother picking up the phone.

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12 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG - Something like that flying anywhere near me would probably freak the crap out of me.

Yah I move pretty fast when I hear them coming.


10 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I operate a no kill policy on bugs.  I have a bug jar. 

You are welcome to have my bee 😊 

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2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Coincidentally, a friend in a different conversation yesterday suggested using Jeyes Fluid, which is apparently popular in the UK. I did a little Google research.  It sounds like household Agent Orange, killing 99.9% of all life it touches. She claims that it's great for sanitizing horse stalls -- not high on my list of jobs this weekend -- but you do have to hose the place down completely afterwards. Gets rid of the spiders too.

I highly recommend phosgene gas. Gets rid of all pests, and has the additional benefit of ridding you of annoying neighbours too.


(Not directed at you, Rolig! I am just not a fan of highly toxic contributions to the ecosystem. )

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

(Not directed at you, Rolig! I am just not a fan of highly toxic contributions to the ecosystem. )

Oh, I wasn't recommending Jeyes Fluid, simply reporting that it had been recommended to me. Many years ago, when I lived in the Land Of Oversized Cornfields, I used to worry about farmers who oversprayed RoundUp so that you could smell it a mile away.  I hope I'm wrong, but Jeyes Fluid sounds like it's in that class of toxicity.  If so, there's another thing to add to my personal peeve list.

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So I went back to Maitreya, to be able to wear the things I had. That fit my style. Now there are a few stores I love that are dropping Maitreya, for Legacy and the other big bodies. I have a Legacy, but why drop one of the most supported bodies? It just seems ridiculous. I know it's their choice, but still. Why not drop a body that isn't doing so well in the sales? 

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31 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

So I went back to Maitreya, to be able to wear the things I had. That fit my style. Now there are a few stores I love that are dropping Maitreya, for Legacy and the other big bodies. I have a Legacy, but why drop one of the most supported bodies? It just seems ridiculous. I know it's their choice, but still. Why not drop a body that isn't doing so well in the sales? 

Really? People are dropping Maitreya? I haven't seen that, but I'll take your word for it. They're nuts if they are; it's still by FAR the most popular body.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Really? People are dropping Maitreya? I haven't seen that, but I'll take your word for it. They're nuts if they are; it's still by FAR the most popular body.

Yeah there are a few stores I have seen, that have entirely cut maitreya out of their body line up. 

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13 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Yeah there are a few stores I have seen, that have entirely cut maitreya out of their body line up. 

I logged in recently and saw a notice from a store that they were pulling Maitreya off their offerings. I don't think the makers of the body changed policies for those who make stuff for the body.

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Listening to "Hidden Brain" about how I.Q. tests have been misused in America, and also misinterpreted vs. the original intent of the test's creator. As a result:

- I apologize to all of you who have ever been judged as having "Low I.Q."

- To those of you who have been judged as having "High I.Q.": Haaa haaa haaaaaa!

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1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

So I went back to Maitreya, to be able to wear the things I had. That fit my style. Now there are a few stores I love that are dropping Maitreya, for Legacy and the other big bodies. I have a Legacy, but why drop one of the most supported bodies? It just seems ridiculous. I know it's their choice, but still. Why not drop a body that isn't doing so well in the sales? 

Well, they just lost one customer/prospective customer. Oh well. That's what happens when you shoot yourself in the foot.

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

According to one pesticide and insecticide professional I chatted with a couple years ago, they often use a nicotine/tobacco spray on the perimeter of houses and commercial buildings to deter spiders and insects gaining entry. A google search pointed out the spray mixture is as easy as taking a cup of cigarette butts and soaking them in warm water until it looks like a tea and then strain out the butts and put the mixture in a spray bottle for use outside at any potential entry points.




The only problem is, nobody smokes in our household.

The best thing that works against critters is food grade diatomaceous earth.. There is no way they can become immune to it.. it breaks down their exoskeleton and dries them out.. you can put it on wet but much better to put on dry.. it's safe for us , but HAVE to, I'm gonna stress, HAVE to wear a dust mask of some kind when applying it dry..

It takes out everything with an exoskeleton..

I found out about this from the Otrtho guy that we used to have.. It took a lot of asking different questions to finally get him to admit it but ya, he was using food grade diatomaceous earth for the recluses..

The bleach is something I use in the short term, but if I notice critters starting to build up population.. I break out the big guns..

food grade diatomaceous earth, is safe for us and we have it already in some of our food products..


Here, found a video on it. This is the shizzle for spiders though or anything else with an exoskelly..


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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Really? People are dropping Maitreya? I haven't seen that, but I'll take your word for it. They're nuts if they are; it's still by FAR the most popular body.

And there is this one store that has some Awesome Grungewear that isn't too revealing. But it's only for legacy. But yet they were rigging for Maitreya probably 2 outfits before that one. 

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32 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:


I'm quite sure you know this, but for those who don't -- "Hinterland Who's Who" was a staple of Canadian television for decades. My generation grew up on these, sandwiched between Mr. Dressup and The Friendly Giant. This is a beautiful parody that is also uncannily close to the style and language of the actual episodes.

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2 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

So I went back to Maitreya, to be able to wear the things I had. That fit my style. Now there are a few stores I love that are dropping Maitreya, for Legacy and the other big bodies. I have a Legacy, but why drop one of the most supported bodies? It just seems ridiculous. I know it's their choice, but still. Why not drop a body that isn't doing so well in the sales? 

Well, there is a well known group that offers support for the Lara body, I won't name it, sure you already know. I think the way those group mods act in there could have something to do with it. They are detrimental to the Maitreya brand and maybe this is a consequence of that in part.  (and yes I was banned for calling them out on their b.s. lol)

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Really? People are dropping Maitreya? I haven't seen that, but I'll take your word for it. They're nuts if they are; it's still by FAR the most popular body.

Two stores that I grabbed demos from at Tres Chic didn't include Maitreya.  I was more than a little surprised.

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