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Looking at the Science trend site it seems average intelligence actually goes up with age though it might be because the ones with lower IQ die younger, thereby pushing the averages up?



And for people between the ages of 45 and 54, the average IQ score goes up to 106 within the “normal or average intelligence” scale. But the highest average score for people under 64 is attained by those people between the ages of 55 and 64, which gets to 109 in the IQ scale....

.....Both age groups over 65 get a higher score. People between 65 and 69 have an average IQ score of 114, which puts them in the “superior intelligence” or “above average” end of the scale. But people between 70 and 74 who are tested for IQ get an even higher average score of 119, which puts them a mere 1 put short of getting into the “gifted” category, which means that they are still firmly within the “above average” or “superior intelligence” group together with their younger 65-69 years old counterparts.


Another factor to maybe consider is the difference between fluid and crystalized intelligence in where the latter increases with age as the fluid intelligence drops after adolescence:



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2 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

People that use the Pet Peeve thread to continue to "poke the bear" Just let it go. It makes you look petty.

Yet it seems the editing of past posts means someone hasn't let it go.  Hmm. 

1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

Peeve of the Day:

My spam filter gets a dozen or two of these every day. Is anyone really stupid enough to click on these things?

    Pour This Homemade Liquid In Your Ears To Stop Alzheimer's

    Harvard: Deadly Breakfast Habit Accelerates Dementia by 82%..

    Rub Your Teeth With This Leaf And Watch Them Instantly Whiten

    Pour listerine on your feet...

Don't leave me in suspense!  Listerine for ?

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2 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Julia, I'm not sure what your motives are but if you are determined to derail this thread I assure you the mods are watching closely. You won't get far with it. So let's please stop.

I guess I needed to edit my post to include the definition of adulting.  

Pet peeve...having to edit posts.


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14 minutes ago, JuliaFina said:

taking screen shots as well means someone is kinda crazy lol

And yet, after flouncing yesterday and swearing you would never come back to the forums, all the while loudly claiming you were run off the forum by everyone else, here you are again.

Just what SL needed. Another Emily. 🙄

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21 minutes ago, Dyna Mole said:

Please ..... let it go. 

   You're welcome! ^_^

   On topic - today's pet peeve: the site I used for streaming movies on my SL TV doesn't want to go into full-screen mode anymore. I tried a few other sites and they're having the same issues. Watching films with friends now is like watching a window in a window in a window, I'll tire my eyes with all this squinting! 

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2 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   You're welcome! ^_^

   On topic - today's pet peeve: the site I used for streaming movies on my SL TV doesn't want to go into full-screen mode anymore. I tried a few other sites and they're having the same issues. Watching films with friends now is like watching a window in a window in a window, I'll tire my eyes with all this squinting! 

Oh was that a song from frozen? I was trying to remember that earlier lol. Thx!

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5 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Overwhelmedness every time I first go to a major event.  It isn't just lag that made my visit to Fantasy Faire quite short; it's that feeling I get that there's just too much to see and do.  This will pass, I know, but it peeves me that I feel exhausted already.

Have you tried turning on the setting where only you is rendered? That's worked well for me before.

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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

It isn't lag that's the problem, and actually it wasn't that bad when I went.  It's just the hugeness of it. :/ 

What I've started to do with large fairs like that is look through the gallery first on the website.  TP into the region, turn on friends only then do an area search for the specific store I'm interested in seeing.  Grab a demo, leave.  Rinse and repeat for items you like.

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1 minute ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

It isn't lag that's the problem, and actually it wasn't that bad when I went.  It's just the hugeness of it. :/ 

I feel this - usually anytime Shop & Hop rolls around. Now that Seraphim has started listing individual store landmarks, I do feel a little better about going, but I still feel absolutely compelled to grab every freebie on every single sim, so just knowing I've got 13-16 of them to visit does my head in anyway!

I didn't even realize Fantasy Faire started. That's one of the ones I don't like to attend at all. I prefer the much smaller weekend RP sales and mayyyyybe We Love Roleplay if I see something I absolutely must demo/buy.

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