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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ev7031Rp8
  2. I just thought to look up the meaning of the sock puppet meme today. I was shocked at what it meant.
  3. I was hesitant about using voice in games for a long time but now it's pretty much all I do. Once I tried it I found it was so much easier to play the game. You don't have to stop playing to focus on typing. It did take several days to get used to it. Voice is awesome in sl too because even if the sim has voice turned off you can still voice in it by just opening up a private voice call. I tried going back to chat/text one day in sl because somebody in my house was sleeping and I was like, why did I do this for so long? It's so much harder. To me anyway.
  4. I was having all kinds of problems with my browser so I uninstalled and re-downloaded it and it was fixed. I prob broke it somehow. Sometimes things we think are not related are related. Like adding a new user or account to our computer will sometimes break things.
  5. I love finding the solution to problems like that. Sometimes I have a problem for months and find out it was all cause by one check box somewhere.
  6. Oh thanks for that. Good to know!
  7. There are other video sharing web sites that allow you to do that. I think YouTube does not offer something like that but some others do. Just google something like "web sites where you can charge money to see your video" and see what pops up.
  8. It looks amazing and so much wonderful detail. I would totally feel that environment by being there.
  9. Personal disputes should be taken to IM's not posted in forums imho. But I'm beating a dead horse now lol.
  10. As the mods posted several times "Just to reinforce (the) message, interpersonal disputes should not be conducted in these forums. Take it to IMs or something." That's the adult thing to do. Get in IM's and work it out like the mods suggested. Talking it out is always the best option. I had someone mad at me once and we talked it out and are now best friends!
  11. From the web site you linked: "Defamation is typically defined as a false statement someone makes about you, which they publish as a statement of fact, and which harms your personal and/or professional reputation or causes you other damages, including financial loss and emotional distress. Like posting someone did something which they did not do.
  12. Yes true. It's so sad what has happened to some young people bullied online. I think it's worse for some of the people with millions of followers. Those stories often end in a very bad way. I don't think young people can deal with the bullying like older people may be able to.
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